Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
刘锐. Investigation of subsurface karst in an opencast mine in southwestern China via surface and cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography. Exploration Geophysics, 2024.
柳尚斌. 3D transient electromagnetics forward modeling using BEDS-FDTD and its stability verification. 地球物理学报, 66, 841-853, 2024.
杨洋. Denoising CSEM Data Using Least-Squares Method Based on Mixed Basis of Fourier Series and Legendre Polynomials. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 61, 1-12, 2024.
杨洋. Denoising land-based controlled-source electromagnetic data based on a same-site noise reference channel. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 235, 2285-2304, 2024.
周长宇. A novel envelope algorithm for estimating and evaluating noise effect in stationary controlled-source electromagnetic data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2023.
杨洋. Distributed wide field electromagnetic method based on high-order 2(n) sequence pseudo random signal. transactions of nonferrous metals society of china, 32, 1609-1622, 2023.
孙怀凤. Motion noise remove for secondary-field semi-airborne transient electromagnetic data. JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 202, 2023.
杨洋. Motion noise removal method of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic pure secondary field data based on least square inversion 基于最小二乘反演的半航空瞬变电磁纯二次场数据运动噪声去除方法. 地球物理学报, 65, 2351-2364, 2023.
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Research Projects
深埋隧道工程极端环境不良地质灾害源高精度探测与分析系统(子课题4), 2024-11-08-2029-12-31
深部地下与隧道工程不良地质智能透明探测关键技术与装备研发(子课题1), 2025-01-01-2027-12-31
基于高阶2n序列伪随机信号的正交场源电磁探测关键技术研究, 2024-08-23-2028-12-31
沉陷区地质治理全流程透彻感知与智能管控关键技术与装备研发-济南市, 2023-07-01-2025-07-31
煤矿隐蔽致灾水体“空天地巷”立体探测方法及应用-3, 2023-09-01-2026-09-01
西藏洛隆县热昌铜金矿普查无人机航磁测量资料处理, 2023-09-19-2024-01-31
分布式电磁法在柴达木盆地深层卤水矿勘查中的应用研究, 2023-08-21-2024-12-31
城市复杂环境下广域电磁探测研究, 2022-05-30-2025-06-30
Research Team
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