Date of Employment:2022-07-05

Administrative Position:博士后



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Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:山东大学


简介主要从事抗菌水凝胶材料在牙周抗菌方面上的应用,以及水下粘结和界面作用机理方面上的研究,近五年,相关成果共发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者(含共同)发表在Advanced Science, Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、Advanced Materials Technologies等国际期刊上的SCI论文11篇,授权发明专利5项。研究兴趣水凝胶抗菌材料红外光热响应聚合物水下粘结及界面作用机理发表学术期刊论文 (*通讯作者,#共同作者)[1] Yonggan Yan, Jun Huang*, Xiaoyong Qiu, et al. A strong underwater adhesive that totally cured in water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022: 133460. [2] Lingling Shang#, Yonggan Yan#, Zhao Li, Hong Liu*, Shaohua Ge*, Baojin Ma* “Hydro-sensitive, in situ Ultrafast Physical Self-gelatinizing, and Red Blood Cells Strengthened Hemostatic Adhesive Powder with Antibiosis and Immunoregulation for Wound Repair” Advanced Science, 2023,e2306528-e2306528. Online:[3] Yonggan Yan, Yanping Shi, Chenghu Liu, Jinlong Shao, Nengzhe Sun, Baojin Ma, Yuan Li, Jun Huang*, and Shaohua Ge*, Cartilage-inspired inhomogenous salt-hydrogel for hydrated drag-reducing and strain sensing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(41) 48632–48644[4] Yonggan Yan, Jun Huang*, Xiaoyong Qiu, et al. An ultra-stretchable glycerol-ionic hybrid hydrogel with reversible gelid adhesion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 582: 187-200.[5] Yonggan Yan, Jiuyu Cui, Xiaoyong Qiu, et al. Towards Large‐Scale Fabrication of Self‐Healable Functional Hydrogel Coatings for Anti‐Fog/Frost Surfaces and Flexible Sensors. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021: 2001267.[6] Yonggan Yan, Shulei Xu, Huanxi Liu, et al. A multi-functional reversible hydrogel adhesive. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 593, 124622.[7] Yonggan Yan, Luxing Wei, et al. A Dual-Responsive, Freezing-Tolerant Hydrogel Sensor and Related Thermal-and Strain-Sensitive Mechanisms. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3(3): 1479-1487.[8] Yonggan Yan, Yeyu Zhao, Luxing Wei, Limin Zhang, Jiuyu Cui, Xiaoyong Qiu, and Jun Huang*, Load-Dependent Behavior and Underneath Mechanism of Hydrogel Friction, ACS Applied Polymer Materials,2024,1.1 已接收,[9] Xin Cui#, Yonggan Yan#, Jun Huang*, et al. A Substrate-Independent Isocyanate-Modified Polydimethylsiloxane Coating Harvesting Mechanical Durability, Self-Healing Ability and Low Surface Energy with Anti-Corrosion/Biofouling Potential. Applied Surface Science, 2021: 152186.[10] Yiming Zhao#, Yonggan Yan#, Xin Cui, et al. A Conductive, Self-Healing Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent Water-Retention and Thermal Stability by Introducing Ethylene Glycol as a Crystallization Inhibitor. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 607: 125443.[11] Xiaoyong Qiu#, Yonggan Yan#, Guimin Zhang, et al. Investigation of the time-dependent friction behavior of polyacrylamide hydrogels. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 659: 130753.[12] Jun Huang*, Yonggan Yan, Lei Xie, et al. Probing the Self-Assembly and Nonlinear Friction Behavior of Confined Gold Nano-Particles. Langmuir, 2019 35(48), 15701-15709.[13] Qing Yu, Yonggan Yan, Qianyu Liang, Jianhua Li, Bing Wang, Baojin Ma, Alberto Bianco*, Shaohua Ge*, Jinlong Shao*. A multifunctional chitosan-based hydrogel with self-healing, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory effects as wound dressing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 231: 123149[14] Shulei Xu, Yonggan Yan, Yiming Zhao, et al. Spinnable adhesive functional-hydrogel fibers for sensing and perception applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9(16): 5554-5564.[15] Jiuyu Cui, Jun Huang*, Yonggan Yan, Wenqian Chen, Jie Wen, Xunwei Wu, Jikai Liu, Hanlian Liu*, Chuanzhen Huang. Ferroferric Oxide Loaded Near-Infrared Triggered Photothermal Microneedle Patch for Controlled Drug Release[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022,...

  • 2017.9 -- 2022.6
    山东大学 , 机械工程  , Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • 2013.9 -- 2017.6
    天津工业大学 , 机械工程  , Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
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