1. 超快光纤激光技术
2. 单频光纤激光技术
1. Nonlinear Optical Saturable Absorption Properties of 2D VP Nanosheets and Application as SA in a Passively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 Laser. Materials, 17, 2024.
2. High energy and high repetition rate QCW-LD end-pumped electro-optical Q-switched Yb:YAG laser. Optics Continuum, 3, 778-784, 2024.
3. A 172 mJ, high-energy picosecond 355 nm ultraviolet laser system at 100 Hz. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 12, 1-8, 2024.
4. Creation of memory–memory entanglement in a metropolitan quantum network. Nature, 629, 579–585, 2024.
5. 面向室外应用的重复频率锁定皮秒脉冲光纤激光器. 中国激光, 51, 0201002: 1-9, 2024.
6. 基于超稳腔PDH稳频的280mHz线宽DBR光纤激光器. 中国激光, 48, 0501014: 1-9, 2021.
7. Narrow-bandwidth actively Q-switched all-fiber laser by suppressing ASE gain self-saturation. Optics Express, 27, 27345-27353, 2019.
1. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2025/01/01-2027/12/31, 在研
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2025/01/01-2028/12/31, 在研