Paper Publications
[61] 辛雪. Self-sensing behavior and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes/epoxy resin composite for asp.... CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 257, 2020.
[62] 周冲. Evaluation of dynamic compaction to improve saturated foundation based on the fluid-solid coupled.... COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS Journal, 125, 2020.
[63] 梁明. Utilization of wax residue as compatibilizer for asphalt with ground tire rubber/recycled polyeth.... CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 230, 2020.
[64] 梁明. Rheological properties, microstructure and aging resistance of asphalt modified with CNTs/PE comp.... CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2020.
[65] 辛雪. Rheological properties, microstructure and aging resistance of asphalt modified with CNTs/PE comp.... CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 262, 2020.
[66] 蒋红光. 细粒土路基平衡密度状态分析. 《中国公路学报》, 33, 94, 2020.
[67] 姚占勇. 橡胶气囊在地基强夯加固中的隔振效果及参数优化. 《建筑科学与工程学报(原邮发:152-47)》, 2020.
[68] 周冲. Evaluation on Improvement Zone of Foundation after Dynamic Compaction. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 11, 2021.
[69] yaozhanyong. 基于帽盖模型的强夯地基应力-应变特征与有效加固范围分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 37, 969, 2018.
[70] 张晓萌. Tensile Piezoresistive Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate/Carbon Black Composite. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30, 2018.
[71] jianghongguang and yaozhanyong. 考虑持水能力的黄泛区高液限黏土路用压实标准. 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》, 46, 154, 2019.
[72] yaozhanyong. 强夯加固公路路基的工后沉降分析. 《公路交通科技》, 2016.
[73] yaozhanyong and 张晓萌. Tensile piezoresistive behavior of polyethylene terephthalate/carbon black composite. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29, 2018.
[74] ceshi , yaozhanyong , jianghongguang , Liang Ming and 张吉哲. Environmental aspects and pavement properties of red mud waste as the replacement of mineral fill.... Construction and Building Materials, 40, 605, 2018.
[75] yaozhanyong and jianghongguang. Stress-strain characteristics and effective range of improvement under dynamic compaction based o.... Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 22, 969, 2018.
[76] yaozhanyong and ceshi. Integrated utilization of recycled crumb rubber and polyethylene for enhancing the performance of.... Construction and Building Materials, 36, 217, 2018.
[77] jianghongguang , ceshi , Liang Ming and yaozhanyong. Experimental assessment on engineering properties of aged bitumen incorporating a developed rejuv.... Construction and Building Materials, 39, 2019, 2018.
[78] Liang Ming , ceshi , jianghongguang and yaozhanyong. Extruded tyre crumb rubber-recycled polyethylene melt blend as an asphalt composite additive for .... JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGENEERING, 2019.
[79] ceshi , jianghongguang , Liang Ming , yaozhanyong and 张吉哲. Experimental assessment of reclaimed bitumen and RAP asphalt mixtures incorporating a developed r.... Construction and Building Materials, 2019.
[80] ceshi , jianghongguang , Liang Ming , yaozhanyong and 张吉哲. Effect of different viscous rejuvenators on chemical and mechanical behavior of aged and recovere.... Construction and Building Materials, 2019.