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- [141] 姚占勇. Settlement evaluation of soft ground reinforced by deep mixed columns. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2016.
- [142] 姚占勇. 公路拓宽地基强夯振动传播规律研究. 科学技术与工程, 2015.
- [143] 姚占勇. 柱式桥台前坡改造数值分析与现场检测. 山东大学学报(工学版), 45, 2015.
- [144] 葛智 and 姚占勇. Mix Proportion Design and Mechanical Properties of Recycled PET Concrete. Journal of Testing and Evaluation(ASTM), 2015.
- [145] 姚占勇. Dynamic Compaction Vibration Propagation In Highway Foundation-Broaden. GeoHubei Internationai Conference——Sustainable Civil Infrastuctures:Innovative Technologies and Materials, 2014.
- [146] 商庆森 and 姚占勇. 碳纤维石墨导电沥青砂浆压敏性能研究. 《山东大学学报》, 43, 2013.
- [147] 姚占勇. 便携式落锤弯沉仪在花岗岩风化料路基检测中的应用. 《中外公路》, 33, 2013.
- [148] 商庆森 , 宋修广 and 姚占勇. Research of impact compaction technology on foundation and subgrade in Yellow River flooded area. Advanced Materials research, v 368-373, 1142, 2012.
- [149] 宋修广 , 商庆森 and 姚占勇. Test study of pore water pressure during dynamic compaction at the subgrade of highway in the Yel.... Advanced Materials research, v 374-377, 436, 2012.
- [150] 姚占勇. 路面结构平衡的破坏接近度分析. 《山东大学学报》, 42, 74, 2012.