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- [43] 张吉哲. Adhesive behavior and pavement performance of asphalt mixtures incorporating red mud as a filler .... Construction and Building Materials, 298, 2021.
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- [46] Yao, Kai. Modified Formula for Settlement of Reinforced Ground with Floating Soil-Cement Columns. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 49, 1370, 2021.
- [47] 梁明. Comparison of rheological properties and compatibility of asphalt modified with various polyethyl.... International Journal of Pavement engineering, 22, 11, 2021.
- [48] 张吉哲. Evaluation on the mechanical performance of recycled asphalt mixtures incorporated with high perc.... Construction and Building Materials, 269, 2021.
- [49] 梁明. Extruded Tire Crumb-Rubber Recycled Polyethylene Melt Blend as Asphalt Composite Additive for Enh.... Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32, 2020.
- [50] 张吉哲. Influence of different rejuvenating agents on rheological behavior and dynamic response of recycl.... Construction and Building Materials, 238, 2020.