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Research Projects

2020-03-22  Hits:

Affiliation of Participant(s):生命科学学院
Leading Scientist:zhangshuping
Supported by:中国建筑设计研究院—十二五国家科技计划
Nature of Project:纵向
Project level:National
Project Participants:wangyuzhi,zhangshuping,yueqinyan,wangrenqing,Min Yue,Li Qian,wangyutao,daijiulan,LIU Jian,hetongli
Project Number:kyxm-50176
Project Approval Number:2013BAJ10B0402
Date of Project Approval:2013-01-01
Date of Project Initiation:2013-01-01
Scheduled completion time:2016-12-31
Date of Project Completion:2016-12-31