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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [21] 张国艳. Milp-Based Related-key rectangle attacks and Its Application to GIFT, Khudra, MIBS. The Computer Journal, 2019.
- [22] 张国艳. A distinguisher on PRESENT-like permutations with application to SPONGENT. SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences, 60, 2017.
- [23] 张国艳 , 王薇 , 王美琴 and 李艳斌. Cryptanalysis of round-reduced ASCON. SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences, 60, 2017.
- [24] 张国艳. Practical Threshold One Time Proxy Signature Scheme. 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2010, 275, 2010.
- [25] 张国艳. Cryptanalysis of JAMBU. FSE 2015, 264, 2015.
- [26] 徐秋亮 and 张国艳. A Secure Threshold Signature Scheme from Lattices. 2013 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2013, Accession number: 20141217490339, 2013.
- [27] 张国艳. Certificateless Encryption Scheme Secure in Standard Model. TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 14, 452, 2009.
- [28] 张国艳 and 秦静. Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme from Lattices. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 21, 483, 2015.
- [29] 张国艳. Attribute-Based Certificateless Cryptographic System. JCP, 9, 2014.
- [30] 张国艳 and 秦静. Lattice-based threshold cryptography and its applications in distributed cloud computing. Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking, 2015.
- [31] 张国艳. Improvement on a Fuzzy Identity-based Encrption Scheme. JCP, 2014.
- [32] 张国艳 and 徐秋亮. Secret Key Awareness Security Public Key Encryption Scheme. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 5, 49, 2011.
- [33] 张国艳. Fuzzy Certificateless Identity-Based Encryption Protocol From Lattice. Applied mechanics and materials, 380-384, 2262, 2013.
- [34] 张国艳. A General Construction for Multi-authority Attribute-Based Encryption. 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, AICI 2012, 1, 333, 2012.
- [35] 张国艳. Certificateless encryption scheme with non-black-box technology. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 454, 2010.
- [36] 张国艳. Certificateless Threshold Decryption Scheme Secure in the Standard Model. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 414, 2009.
- [37] 张国艳. Secret key-awareness secure in certificateless cryptography. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1, 633, 2012.
- [38] 张国艳. A Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption System Against Malicious KGC. Advanced Engineering Forum,
- [39] 张国艳 , 刘磊 and 刘洋. An Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme Secure against Malicious KGC. 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom-2012, 1, 1376, 2012.
- [40] 胡程瑜 and 张国艳. Nominative Proxy Ring Signature. 10th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing Technical Program, 1, 225, 2009.