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- [41] 张承慧 , 李珂 and 张奇. Nonlinear predictive high order sliding mode control for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16, 402, 2016.
- [42] 李珂 , 张奇 and 张承慧. 基于非线性扰动观测器的永磁同步电机单环预测控制. 《中国电机工程学报》, 2018.
- [43] 商云龙 , 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 段彬 and 张承慧. Multi-Cell-to-Multi-Cell Equalizers Based on Matrix and Half-Bridge LC Converters for Series-Connected Battery Strings. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019.
- [44] 商云龙 , 张奇 , 崔纳新 and 张承慧. 基于AIC 准则的锂电池变阶RC 等效电路模型研究. 电工技术学报, 2015.
- [45] 商云龙 , 张承慧 , 崔纳新 and 张奇. 基于模糊神经网络优化EKF 的锂离子电池SOC 估计. 控制理论与应用, 2016.
- [46] 商云龙 , 崔纳新 , 张奇 and 张承慧. A Sine-Wave Heating Circuit for Automotive Battery Self-Heating at Subzero Temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
- [47] 商云龙 , 张奇 , 崔纳新 and 张承慧. A cell-to-cell equalizer based on three-resonant-state switched-capacitor converters for series-connected battery strings. ENERGIES , 2017.
- [48] 李珂 , 张奇 , 张承慧 and 刘旭东. 基于非线性扰动观测器的永磁同步电机单环预测控制. 中国电机工程学报, 2018.
- [49] 崔纳新 , 张奇 , 张承慧 and 商云龙. A Battery Equalizer with Zero-Current Switching and Zero-Voltage Gap Among Cells Based on Three-Resonant-State LC Converters. 2017 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC), 1647, 2017.
- [50] 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 李岩 and 张承慧. A fractional-order KiBaM of lithium-ion batteries with capacity nonlinearity. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 4995, 2017.
- [51] 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 邢国靖 and 张承慧. Relevance between fractional-order hybrid model and unified equivalent circuit model of electric vehicle power battery. SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences, 61, 2018.
- [52] 商云龙 , 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 段彬 and 张承慧. A Optimized Mesh-Structured Switched-Capacitor Equalizer for Lithium-Ion Battery Strings. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION, 5, 252, 2019.
- [53] 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 张承慧 and 商云龙. A Cell-to-Cell Equalizer Based on Three-Resonant-State Switched-Capacitor Converters for Series-Connected Battery Strings. Energies, 10, 2017.
- [54] 张奇 , 崔纳新 , 李珂 and 张承慧. Co-simulation of hnergy Management Strategy for Hybrid hlectric Vehicle in AVL InMotion. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 4932, 2017.
- [55] 张奇. 基于V模式的dSPACE 电机控制器开发. 实验室研究与探索, 33, 141, 2014.
- [56] 张奇 , 张承慧 , 李珂 and 邢国靖. 基于平衡点计算的感应电机端口受控哈密顿控制策略. 山东大学学报(工学版), 45, 70, 2015.
- [57] 张奇 and 张承慧. 大型仪器设备在科研及教学中的共享应用机制. 山东大学学报(工学版), 46, 74, 2016.
- [58] 张奇 , 李珂 , 张承慧 and 邢国靖. 电动汽车用永磁同步电机特性试验设计与研究. 实验室研究与探索, 34, 47, 2015.
- [59] 张奇 , 李珂 , 邢国靖 and 张承慧. 纯电动汽车动力系统匹配优化与再生制动策略. 《系统仿真学报》, 28, 600, 2016.
- [60] 张承慧 , 张奇 and 崔纳新. 基于AIC准则的锂离子电池变阶RC等效电路模型研究. 电工技术学报, 30, 55, 2015.