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A physics-informed convolutional neural network for the simulation and prediction of two-phase Darcy flows in heterogeneous porous media
Affiliation of Author(s):高等研究院、数学与交叉科学研究中心、非线性期望前沿科学研究中心
Journal:Journal of Computational Physics
All the Authors:Xia Yan,Piyang Liu,Kai Zhang,Renmin Han,Sheng Wang
First Author:Zhao Zhang
Document Code:66E8966BAE1C4290BD2994441AE968AC
Page Number:111919
Number of Words:6
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-03-01
Pre One:Ensemble Variational Bayesian Approximation for the Inversion and Uncertainty Quantification of Darcy Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Random Parameters
Next One:A physics-informed deep convolutional neural network for simulating and predicting transient Darcy flows in heterogeneous reservoirs without labeled data