Affiliation of Author(s):School of Control Science and Engineering
Teaching and Research Group:Injection theory and application laboratry
Journal:Applied Thermal Engineering
Place of Publication:United Kingdom
Key Words:Two-stage ejector; Entrainment ratio; Subzero refrigeration; CFD
Abstract:The supersonic ejector-diffuser systems are usually used for cooling by utilizing low-grade thermal energy, but few can be used in subzero refrigeration applications. In this paper, a methodology was proposed and applied to design a two-stage ejector for subzero refrigeration. The two-stage ejector, using R134a as the working fluid, was operated at 63–74 C generator temperature and 24℃ to 0℃ evaporator temperature.
All the Authors:Zhao Hongxia,张海伦,王辰
First Author:张瀚瑞
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Lei Wang
First-Level Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
Document Type:J
ISSN No.:1359-4311
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2016-07-17
Included Journals:SCI