Paper Publications
[121] lixuezhi , zhaojian and 王美美. Utility of co-expressed alkali-tolerant endoglucanase and xylanase in ameliorating wheat straw ch.... Cellulose, 24, 2299, 2017.
[122] lixuezhi , zhaojian and 卢宪芹. Adsorption and mechanism of cellulase enzymes onto lignin isolated from corn stover pretreated wi.... Biotechnology for biofuels, 9, 118, 2016.
[123] Lushan Wang , zhaojian and Yinbo Qu. Purification and characterization of a novel cellobiohydrolase (PdCel6A) from Penicillium decumbe.... Biosource Technology, 2011.
[124] lixuezhi , zhaojian and 卢宪芹. Studying Nonproductive Adsorption Ability and Binding Approach of Cellobiohydrolase to Lignin dur.... energy & fuels, 31, 14393, 2017.
[125] lixuezhi , zhaojian and 卢宪芹. Temperature and pH influence adsorption of cellobiohydrolase onto lignin by changing the protein .... Bioresource technology, 245, 819, 2017.
[126] zhaojian , Guodong LIU , Yinbo Qu and 杜健. Differential reinforcement of enzymatic hydrolysis by adding chemicals and accessory proteins to .... BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 41, 1153, 2018.
[127] lixuezhi , zhaojian , Guodong LIU , gaobaoyu , Yinbo Qu and 杜健. The cellulose binding region in Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I has a higher capacity in i.... Bioresource technology, 266, 19, 2018.
[128] Guodong LIU , zhaojian , lixuezhi , Yinbo Qu and 杜健. Identifying and overcoming the effect of mass transfer limitation on decreased yield in enzymatic.... Bioresource technology, 229, 88, 2017.
[129] shenyu , zhaojian , baoxiaoming , Yinbo Qu and Xu Fang. Status and Prospect of Lignocellulosic Bioethanol Production in China. Bioresource technology, 101, 4814, 2010.
[130] lixuezhi , zhaojian and 叶延欣. Production and Characteristics of a Novel Xylose- and Alkali-tolerant GH 43 beta-xylosidase from .... scientific reports, 7, 2017.
[131] Guodong LIU , zhaojian and Yinbo Qu. 纤维素乙醇产业化的技术突破点之一——原料和预处理工艺特异性的高效纤维降解复合酶系就地生产. 高科技与产业化, 2018.
[132] zhaojian and qinyuqi. The Different Roles of Penicillium oxalicum LaeA in the Production of Extracellular Cellulase and.... Front in Microbiol., 7, 2091, 2016.
[133] zhaojian and Yinbo Qu. 木质纤维素资源生物精炼技术研究进展. 《生命科学》, 26, 489, 2014.
[134] zhaojian , Yinbo Qu and qinyuqi. Promotion of extracellular lignocellulolytic enzymes production by restraining the intracellular .... Bioresource technology, 137, 33, 2013.
[135] zhaojian and lixuezhi. 木聚糖酶预处理对麦草化学浆漂白废水污染负荷的影响. 《中国造纸学报》, 23, 26, 2008.
[136] zhaojian , Guodong LIU and Yinbo Qu. 纤维素乙醇工业化的必由之路——组合生物精炼. 生物产业技术, 2018.
[137] Yinbo Qu and zhaojian. A novel alkaline laccase produced by Monilia sp. M5-3 and its potential in dye decolorization and.... Journal of biotechnology, supplement 1, 310, 2008.
[138] lixuezhi and zhaojian. Application of enzymes in producing bleached pulp from wheat straw. Bioresource technology, v 97, 1470, 2006.
[139] lixuezhi and zhaojian. Xylanase Treatment Suppresses Light- and Heat-Induced Yellowing of Pulp. scientific reports, 6, 38374, 2016.
[140] lixuezhi and zhaojian. 碱性果胶酯裂解酶的异源表达与性质研究. 中国食品科学, 14, 34, 2014.