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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:Monash University, Australia
- [21] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo and Qi Zhao. Temperature variability and hospitalization for cardiac arrhythmia in Brazil: A nationwide case-crossover study during 2000−2015. Environmental Pollution, 246, 2019.
- [22] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo and Qi Zhao. The association between heatwaves and risk of hospitalization in Brazil: A nationwide time series study between 2000 and 2015. PLoS Medicine, 16, 2019.
- [23] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo and Qi Zhao. Assessment of intra-seasonal variation in hospitalization associated with heat exposure in Brazil. JAMA Network Open, 2, 2019.
- [24] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo and Qi Zhao. Geographic, demographic and temporal variations in the association between heat exposure and hospitalization in Brazil: A nationwide study between 2000 and 2015. Environmental Health Perspectives, 127, 2019.
- [25] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo and Qi Zhao. Spatiotemporal and demographic variation in the association between temperature variability and hospitalizations in Brazil during 2000–2015: A nationwide time-series study. Environment International, 120, 2018.
- [26] Yuming Guo , Wenyi Zhang and Qi Zhao. Modeling the present and future incidence of pediatric hand, foot, and mouth disease associated with ambient temperature in mainland China. Environmental Health Perspectives, 126, 2018.
- [27] Yuming Guo , Yuhong Zhang , Yi Zhao and Qi Zhao. Impact of ambient temperature on clinical visits for cardio-respiratory diseases in rural villages in northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 612, 2018.
- [28] Yuming Guo , Zhihai Han , Qi Zhao and Yongming Zhang. Are hospital emergency department visits due to dog bites associated with ambient temperature? A time-series study in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 598, 2017.
- [29] Yuming Guo , Yongming Zhang and Qi Zhao. Ambient temperature and emergency department visits: Time-series analysis in 12 Chinese cities. Environmental Pollution, 224, 2017.
- [30] Shanshan Li , Yuming Guo , Qi Zhao and Rongbin Xu. Association between heat exposure and hospitalization for diabetes in Brazil during 2000-2015: A nationwide case-crossover study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 127, 2016.