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邮箱 : zhigang@sdu.edu.cn
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赵智刚,山东大学信息科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,入选山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”(2018.9-2023.9),山西平遥人。分别于2006年和2011年在山东大学和浙江大学获得理学学士学位和工学博士学位(导师:陈军教授),后赴德国柏林工业大学原子与分子物理研究所从事博士后研究(合作导师:Hans. J. Eichler)。从2012年11月到2018年10月在日本东京大学物性研究所担任特任研究员,合作导师为小林洋平(Yohei Kobayashi)教授。2019年8月至9月在日本东京大学物性研究所担任客座研究员。
① 百瓦级超快光纤激光光源及其非线性频率转换、非线性压缩技术等
② 高功率Yb:YAG晶体光纤和细棒超短脉冲激光光源
③ 高性能红光激光二极管泵浦翠绿宝石激光研究
④ 紫外光源开发(355nm、347nm、266nm、260nm、248nm、221nm、193nm)
⑤ 高次谐波(High Harmonics Generation)技术研究
⑥ 重复频率>MHz的真空紫外超快光源的研究与开发(10.5-10.8eV)
⑦ 高重频飞秒激光同步泵浦光学参量振荡器(1040nm、520nm、346nm泵浦)
目前,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等10余项国家级和省部级科研项目,已在 Journal of Lightwave Technology、Optics Letters、Optics Express、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics、IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics、Applied Physics Express等主流杂志发表学术论文60余篇,并多次在国际国内会议上做邀请报告。
[70]. Zhenshuai Wei, Fengtian Li, Shaojie Men, Lu Huang, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, and Zhaojun Liu, "Single-frequency continuous-wave solid-state 363.8-nm ultraviolet source generation by frequency tripling of a 1091-nm fiber laser", Optics & Laser Technology, (2025). (Accepted)
[69]. Tianxiang Cheng, Fengtian Li, Zhenhua cong, Zhaojun Liu, and Zhigang Zhao*, "All solid-state single-frequency DUV source at 248 nm", Optics Letters, (2025). (Accepted)
[68]. Zhenshuai Wei, Lu Huang, Shanshan Li, Xian Zhao, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, and Zhaojun Liu, "Over 300 mW Single-Frequency Distributed Bragg Reflector Fiber Laser at 2.04 μm Based on Tm:YAG/Ho:YAG Co-Derived Silica Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 43(2), 782-788, (2025).
[67]. Gang Zhao, Chen Li, Jun Meng, Gaoyou Liu, Zhigang Zhao, and Zhaojun Liu*, "Pump-enhanced, continuous-wave, narrow linewidth optical parametric oscillator at 2.9-3.6 μm based on a fan-out PPLN", Optics Communications, 577, 131473, (2025).
[66]. Shang Wang, Guanguang Gao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhaojun Liu**, Zhigang Zhao*, "Unveiling impacts of PMD on spectral modulations in PM-fiber-based ultrafast amplifiers", Chinese Optics Letters, 22(12), 121401, (2024).
[65]. Lu Huang, Xin Wu, Haiyan Li, Zhenshuai Wei, Zhigang Zhao, Xian Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, Zhaojun Liu, "Flexible Low-dose X-ray Detector Base on YAG Crystal-derived Scintillation Silicate Fiber Doped with Ce3+, Tb3+, and Gd3+", IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(22), 36723-36729, (2024).
[64]. Zhenshuai Wei, Haiyan Li, Lu Huang, Xiao Zhang, Shaojie Men, Xian Zhao, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, and Zhaojun Liu, "Efficient single-frequency Tm:YAG crystal-derived silica fiber laser at 1.7 μm", Optics Letters, 49(21), 6005-6008, (2024).
[63]. 杨钟海,张振,赵智刚*,苏良碧,刘兆军,"高功率连续光和波长可调谐的Er:CaF2激光器",中国激光,51(17),1701006,(2024).
[62]. Yunwei Zhang, Shang Wang, Yuyuan Fan, Junliang Liu*, Zengguang Qin, Zhigang Zhao, Zhaojun Liu, "High-Precision High-Stability Acousto-Optic Pulse Picking Driver with Direct Digital Synthesis Technique", Optics Letters, 49(17), 4895-4898, (2024).
[61]. Lu Huang, Xin Wu, Haiyan Li, Zhenshuai Wei, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, Zhaojun Liu, "Efficient ultraviolet laser generation at 294.5 nm by frequency-quadrupling LD-pumped actively Q-switched Nd:YAG/SrWO4 Raman laser", Applied Optics, 63(25), 6576-6580, (2024).
[60]. Yuto Fukushima, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Kenta Kuroda, Masayuki Ochi, Motoaki Hirayama, Ryo Mori, Hiroaki Tanaka, Ayumi Harasawa, Takushi Iimori, Zhigang Zhao, Shuntaro Tani, Koichiro Yaji, Shik Shin, Fumio Komori, Yohei Kobayashi, and Takeshi Kondo, "Spin-polarized saddle points in the topological surface states of elemental bismuth revealed by pump-probe spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy", Physical Review B. 110, L041401, (2024).
[59]. Zhenshuai Wei, Lu Huang, Haiyan Li, Xian Zhao, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, and Zhaojun Liu, "A high-efficiency single-frequency DBR fiber laser at 1091 nm utilizing silica fiber derived from Yb:YAG crystal", Optics Express, 32(9), 15370-15379 (2024).
[58]. Zhonghai Yang, Zhen Zhang, Zhenhua Cong, Peng Liu, Zhigang Zhao*, Liangbi Su, Zhaojun Liu, "Continuous-wave and Fe2+:ZnSe passively Q-switched mid-infrared lasers based on 2at.% Er3+:CaF2 crystal", Results in Optics, 15, 100650, (2024).
[57]. Shang Wang, Qikai Zhao, Guanguang Gao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhaojun Liu, Zhigang Zhao*, "Old wavelength, new performance: hectowatt 200-μJ-level femtosecond fiber CPA system at 1064 nm", IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42(5), 1659-1666, (2024).
[56]. Shixin Liu, Wanjing Peng*, Zilin Yan, Mingsen Ye, Hang Liu, yujun feng, Yinhong sun, Yi Ma, Zhigang Zhao, Qingsong Gao, Zhaojun Liu, and Chun Tang, "High fidelity amplification of radially-polarized laser in few-mode polarization-maintaining fiber amplifier", Optics Communications, 559, 130361, (2024).
[55]. Shixin Liu, Xinlei Shi, Hang Liu, Wanjing Peng, yujun feng, Yinhong sun, Yi Ma, Zhigang Zhao*, Qingsong Gao, Zhaojun Liu, and Chun Tang, "All-fiber hectowatt radially-polarized laser system", Optics Letters, 49(4), 891-894 (2024).
[54]. Zeqi Yang, Jun Meng, Gaoyou Liu, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Zhaojun Liu*, "Double-pass pumping KTA OPO based on unstable resonator with Gaussian reflectivity mirror", Infrared Physics and Technology, 136, 104933, (2024).
[53]. Zeqi Yang, Gaoyou Liu, Jun Meng, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, and Zhaojun Liu*, "Widely tunable NCPM-KTA OPO based on non-collinear phase-matching in a four-mirror ring cavity," Opt. Express 31, 37241-37249 (2023).
[52]. 刘世鑫,彭万敬*,冯昱俊,刘航,施鑫磊,孙殷宏,马毅,赵智刚,高清松,刘兆军,唐淳,"集成超表面模式转换的全光纤柱矢量MOPA激光器",强激光与粒子束,35(10),101003,(2023).
[51]. Zhenshuai Wei, Jizhe Luan, Lu Huang, Wei Zhao, Xian Zhao, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong*, and Zhaojun Liu, "Single-frequency fiber laser of 315 mW at 1940 nm based on a Tm:YAG/Ho:YAG-co-derived silica fiber", Optics Letters, 48(19), 5109-5112 (2023).
[50]. Shixin Liu, Hang Liu, Xuepeng Qi, Wanjing Peng, Yujun Feng, Li Chen, Zhengdong Li, Yinhong Sun, Yi Ma, Zhigang Zhao*, Qingsong Gao, Zhaojun Liu, and Chun Tang, "Coherent beam combining of cylindrical vector beams for power scaling", Optics Letters, 48(19), 5121-5124 (2023).
[49]. K. Kawaguchi, K. Kuroda*, Zhigang Zhao, S. Tani, A. Harasawa, Y. Fukushima, H. Tanaka, R. Noguchi, T. Limori, K. Yaji, M. Fujisawa, S. Shin, F. Komori, Y. Kobayashi, T. Kondo*, "Time-, Spin-, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with a 1-MHz 10.7-eV pulse laser", Review of Scientific Instrument, 94, 083902. (2023).
[48]. Lu Huang, Zhenshuai Wei, Jizhe Luan, Zhigang Zhao, Xian Zhao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhaojun Liu*, "Dual-core Ce:YAG-derived Silicate Scintillation Fiber for Real-time X-ray Detection", IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 41(20), 6577-6585, (2023).
[47]. Jun Meng, Chen Li, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Shang Wang, Gaoyou Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, "Beam quality improvement of the high-energy KTA-based OPO with a confocal unstable cavity with Gaussian reflectivity mirror", Chinese Optics Letters, 21(5), 051401(2023).
[46]. Zeqi Yang, Zhenhua Cong, Jun Meng, Shang Wang, Zhigang Zhao, Gaoyou Liu*, Zhaojun Liu, "Compact LD side-pumped Nd:YAG oscillator at 100 Hz without water-cooling", Optics Communications, 541, 129552 (2023).
[45]. Gang Zhao, Wei Tan, Gaoyou Liu*, Chen Li, Qiongyu Hu, Quanxin Guo, Zhigang Zhao, Zhaojun Liu, "1.8 W, high efficiency, pump-enhanced, narrow linewidth optical parametric oscillator at 3.8 µm" Opt. Express 31(7), 11156-11163 (2023).
[44]. Jingchong Wang, Chen Guan, Yang Liu, Zhenhua Cong, Shiwu Wang, Yi Nie, Zhigang Zhao*, Zhaojun Liu. "LD-pumped watt-level SESAM passively Q-switched Alexandrite laser", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 35(5), 265-268, (2023).
[43]. Bohan Liu, Shaojie Men*, Zhongjun Ding, Dewei Li, Zhigang Zhao, Jiahao He, Haochen Ju, Mengling Shen, Qiuyuan Yu, Zhaojun Liu, "Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging System with Liquid Lenses" Remote Sens. 15(3), 544, (2023)
[42]. Guanguang Gao, Shang Wang, Qikai Zhao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhaojun Liu, Zhigang Zhao*, "Consecutive 1015–1105-nm wavelength tunable "figure-of-9" mode-locked Yb:fiber oscillator" Optics Letters, 47(22), 5869-5872 (2022).
[41]. Gaoyou Liu, Zenan Zhang, Chunxiao Li, Jun Meng, Tao Li, Zhigang Zhao, Zhenhua Cong, Jiyong Yao*, Zhaojun Liu*, "Comparison of a high-power 3.75 µm BaGa4Se7 OPO based on a plane-parallel resonator and an unstable resonator with a Gaussian reflectivity mirror", Appl. Opt. 61(25), 7330-7335 (2022).
[40]. Guanguang Gao, Zhigang Zhao*, Zhenhua Cong, Qikai Zhao, Zhaojun Liu, "Experimental Investigation of Ultrafast Yb:fiber Oscillators Based on Several Dominant Mode Locking Methods", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 58(5), 1600311, (2022).
[39]. Jun Meng, Chen Li, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Shang Wang, Gaoyou Liu, Zhaojun Liu*, "Investigations on beam quality improvement of a NCPM-KTA based high energy optical parametric oscillator with unstable resonator with a Gaussian reflectivity mirror [Invited]", Chinese Optics Letters, 20(9), 091401, (2022).
[38]. Gang Yao, Zhigang Zhao, Zhaojun Liu, Xibao Gao, Zhenhua Cong*, "High repetition rate actively mode-locked Er:fiber laser with tunable pulse duration", Chinese Optics Letters, 20(7), 071402, (2022).
[37]. 赵智刚,玄洪文**,王景冲,丛振华,张行愚,小林洋平,刘兆军*,"真空紫外193nm波段固体激光器研究进展综述",光学学报,42(11),1134010,(2022). (Invited Paper)
[36]. 王景冲,关晨,刘兆军,丛振华,王世武,聂奕,刘杨,赵智刚*,"激光二极管泵浦的瓦级主动调Q翠绿宝石激光器",中国激光,49(13),1301001,(2022).
[35]. Shang Wang, Zhenhua Cong, Junliang Liu, Xingyu Zhang, Zhigang Zhao*, and Zhaojun Liu, "High-efficiency 940- and 969-nm brightness-maintaining wavelength-multiplexed LD-pumped 240-W thin-rod Yb:YAG amplifier" Optics Letters, 47(8), 2113-2116 (2022).
[34]. Qikai Zhao, GuanGuang Gao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhen Zhang, Gaoyou Liu, Zhaojun Liu, Xingyu Zhang, and Zhigang Zhao*, "High-repetition-rate, 50-µJ-level, 1064-nm, CPA laser system based on a single-stage double-pass Yb-doped rod-type fiber amplifier" Opt. Express 30(3), 3611-3619 (2022).
[33]. 邵贤斌,陈晓寒,丛振华,赵智刚,张行愚,赵显,谢永耀,赵微,刘俊都,刘兆军*,"915nm单频Nd:YAG晶体衍生光纤激光器",光学学报,41(22),2206001,(2021).
[32]. Zhao Z., Kobayashi Y., Jiang S*. (2021) Fiber Lasers. In: Sugioka K. (eds) Handbook of Laser Micro- and Nano-Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69537-2_57-1
[31]. 郑佳琪,丛振华,刘兆军,王上,赵智刚*,"高重复频率超短激光脉冲产生及频率变换技术发展趋势",中国激光,48(12),1201008,(2021). (山东大学专刊)
[30]. Yongyao Xie, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Xingyu Zhang, Xian Zhao, Wei Zhao, Xianbin Shao, Zhaojun Liu*, "Preparation of Er:YAG crystal-derived all-glass silica fibers for a 1550-nm single-frequency laser", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(41), 4769-4775, (2021).
[29]. 赵其锴,丛振华,刘兆军,张行愚,赵智刚*,"百微焦飞秒光纤啁啾脉冲放大激光系统",中国激光,48(7),0701001,(2021). (封面文章)
[28]. Xibao Gao, Zhigang Zhao*, Zhenhua Cong, Guanguang Gao, Aiguo Zhang, Honglong Guo, Gang Yao, and Zhaojun Liu, "Stable 5-GHz fundamental repetition rate passively SESAM mode-locked Er-doped silica fiber lasers," Opt. Express 29, 9021-9029 (2021)
[27]. Guanguang Gao, Zhigang Zhao*, Zhenhua Cong, Qikai Zhao, Zhaojun Liu*, "Widely wavelength-tunable mode locked Er-doped fiber oscillator from 1532 nm to 1594 nm with high signal-to-noise ratio", Optics & Laser Technology, 135, 106688, (2021).
[26]. 赵智刚,关晨,丛振华,张行愚,朱振,王世武,聂奕,刘杨,刘兆军。“翠绿宝石固体激光器研究进展(特邀)”,光子学报,49(11),1149006,(2020) (Invited Paper)
[25]. Yongyao Xie, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Zhaojun Liu, Xian Zhao, Zengguang Qin, Zhixu Jia, Guanshi Qin, Xianbin Shao, Xibao Gao, and Xingyu Zhang, "Linearly polarized single-frequency fiber laser based on the Yb:YAG-crystal derived silica fiber," Appl. Opt. 59, 9931-9936 (2020).
[24]. 关晨,丛振华,刘兆军*,张行愚,王世武,聂奕,赵智刚*。“LD泵浦翠绿宝石晶体实现760nm、10.5W激光输出”,中国激光,47(10),1015001,(2020)(快报)
[23]. Chen Guan, Zhaojun Liu, Zhenhua Cong, Shiwu Wang, Yi Nie, Lei Zhang, Zhen Zhu, Yunxuan Qi, Xingyu Zhang, and Zhigang Zhao*, "Alexandrite laser on-peak pumped by a frequency doubled Raman Yb-fiber laser at 589 nm," OSA Continuum 3, 1204-1210 (2020)
[22]. Xibao Gao, Zhenhua Cong, Zhigang Zhao, Guanshi Qin, Zhixu Jia, Yongyao Xie, Mingyuan Jiang, Xingyu Zhang, and Zhaojun Liu, "Single-Frequency kHz-Linewidth 1070 nm Laser Based on YbYAG Derived Silica Fiber", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(14), 895-898, (2020)
[21]. 赵智刚*,丛振华,刘兆军。“基于掺镱块材料的超短脉冲激光放大器综述 ”,激光与光电子学进展,57(7), 071605,(2020) (Invited Paper)
[20]. Zhigang Zhao*, Kenta Kuroda, Ayumi Harasawa, Takeshi Kondo, Shik Shin, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Monolithic LiF or MgF2 lens-window-prism device for coherent 10.7 eV beam source with 1 MHz repetition rate," Chin. Opt. Lett. 17, 051406- (2019)
[19]. Sha Wang, Zhigang Zhao*, Isao Ito, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Direct generation of femtosecond vortex beam from a Yb:KYW oscillator featuring a defect-spot mirror," OSA Continuum 2, 523-530 (2019)
[18]. Zhigang Zhao*, Chen Qu, Hironori Igarashi, Hongwen Xuan, Taisuke Miura, Shinji Ito, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Watt-level 193 nm source generation based on compact collinear cascaded sum frequency mixing configuration," Opt. Express 26, 19435-19444 (2018)
[17]. Zhigang Zhao*, Akira Ozawa, Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Efficient high harmonics generation by enhancement cavity driven with a post-compressed FCPA laser at 10 MHz," High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 6, e19 (2018) (Invited Paper)
[16]. Zhigang Zhao* and Yohei Kobayashi, "Realization of a mW-level 10.7-eV (λ=115.6 nm) laser by cascaded third harmonic generation of a Yb:fiber CPA laser at 1-MHz," Opt. Express 25, 13517-13526 (2017)
[15]. Sha Wang, Zhigang Zhao*, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Wavelength-spacing controllable, dual-wavelength synchronously mode locked Er:fiber laser oscillator based on dual-branch nonlinear polarization rotation technique," Opt. Express 24, 28228-28238 (2016)
[14]. Zhigang Zhao*, Yohei Kobayashi, "Ytterbium fiber-based, 270 fs, 100 W chirped pulse amplification laser system with 1 MHz repetition rate", Applied Physics Express, 9, 012701, (2016).
[13]. Hongwen Xuan, Zhigang Zhao, Hironori Igarashi, Shinji Ito, Kouji Kakizaki, and Yohei Kobayashi, "300-mW narrow-linewidth deep-ultraviolet light generation at 193 nm by frequency mixing between Yb-hybrid and Er-fiber lasers," Opt. Express 23, 10564-10572 (2015)
[12]. Akira Ozawa, Zhigang Zhao, Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami, and Yohei Kobayashi, "High average power coherent vuv generation at 10 MHz repetition frequency by intracavity high harmonic generation," Opt. Express 23, 15107-15118 (2015) (OSA Spotlight)
[11]. Zhigang Zhao*, Hongwen Xuan, Hironori Igarashi, Shinji Ito, Kouji Kakizaki, and Yohei Kobayashi, "Single frequency, 5 ns, 200 μJ, 1553 nm fiber laser using silica based Er-doped fiber," Opt. Express 23, 29764-29771 (2015)
[10]. Zhigang Zhao*, Sunqiang Pan, Zhen Xiang, Yantao Dong, Jianhong Ge, Chong Liu, and Jun Chen, "Influences of spherical aberration on resonator's stable zones and fundamental mode output power scaling of solid state laser oscillators," Opt. Express 20, 10605-10616 (2012)
[9]. Zhigang Zhao*, Yantao Dong, Sunqiang Pan, Chong Liu, Jun Chen, Lixin Tong, Qingsong Gao, and Chun Tang, "Performance of large aperture tapered fiber phase conjugate mirror with high pulse energy and 1-kHz repetition rate," Opt. Express 20, 1896-1902 (2012)
[8]. Zhigang Zhao*, Jun Chen, Chong Liu, Zhen Xiang, Lixian Huang, De Xu. "Detection of underwater no-reflection object using stimulated Brillouin scattering". Optical Engineering 49(3), 036001 (2010).
[7]. Zhigang Zhao, Yantao Dong, Chong Liu, Miao Hu, Zhen Xiang, Jianhong Ge, Jun Chen, "Diodes-Double-End-Pumped High Efficiency Continuous Wave 36 W TEM00 Mode Nd:GdVO4 Laser", Laser Physics, 19(11), 2073-2076, (2009).
[6]. Zhigang Zhao, Yantao Dong, Chong Liu, Miao Hu, Zhen Xiang, Jianhong Ge, Jun Chen, "A 15.1 W Continuous Wave TEM00 Mode Laser Using a YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Composite Crystal", Laser Physics, 19(11), 2029-2072, (2009).
[5]. 赵智刚,董延涛,潘孙强,葛剑虹,刘崇,陈军,童立新,崔玲玲,高清松,唐淳,"用于千赫兹高能量MOPA激光系统的大口径锥度光纤相位共轭镜特性研究",中国激光,38(4),0402007,(2011).
[4]. 赵智刚,董延涛,潘孙强,刘崇,项震,陈军,"50W量级双端泵浦Nd:YVO4基模激光振荡器",中国激光,38(9),0902001,(2011).
[3]. 赵智刚,董延涛,潘孙强,刘崇,葛剑虹,项震,陈军,毛谦敏,"激光二极管双端泵浦YVO4-Nd:YVO4-YVO4复合晶体的高功率高重频声光调Q基模固体激光器研究",中国激光,37(9),2409-2414,(2010).
[2]. 赵智刚,崔玲玲,童立新,高清松,唐淳,刘崇,陈军,"带固体相位共轭镜的全固态脉冲抽运高重复频率大能量单纵模MOPA激光器",中国激光,37(12),2949-2953,(2010).
[1]. 赵智刚,黄立贤,徐德,刘崇,陈军,项震,"基于受激布里渊散射的水中无反射物体探测",中国激光,36(6),1512-1516,(2009).