所属院部: 数学学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Zheng Xiangcheng
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    University of South Carolina
  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师

       郑祥成,山东大学研究员、博士生导师。2016年本科毕业于中国石油大学(华东),2020年博士毕业于University of South Carolina数学系,导师为王宏教授,2021年进入北京大学数学科学学院从事博士后研究,导师为张平文院士和张磊教授,2022年入职山东大学数学学院。主要从事非线性和非局部问题的分析与计算等方面研究,近年在Science5SIAM期刊Sci. China Math.CMAMEJCPIMAJNAIP等权威期刊发表论文篇,担任SISCSIMAJCP、中国科学:数学50种期刊的审稿人。

      主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国博士后国际交流引进项目和中国博士后科学基金等,以主要完成人获山东省自然科学二等奖一项,任第一届不确定性系统分析与仿真专业委员会委员,入选中国工业与应用数学学会“青年人才托举工程”、山东省“泰山学者”青年专家、山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”,获北京大学优秀博士后奖、University of South Carolina科研突破奖等。


  • 2012-9 — 2016-6
  • 2016-8 — 2020-12
    University of South Carolina
  • 2022-12-至今
  • 2021-01 — 2022-12





1.  Yiqun Li , Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Addressing complex boundary conditions of miscible flow and transport in two and three dimensions with application to optimal control.  SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,  2025. 

2.  Yue Luo , Lei Zhang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Accelerated high-index saddle dynamics method for searching high-index saddle points.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  102,  31, 2025. 

3.  Lei Zhang , Pingwen Zhang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Understanding high-index saddle dynamics via numerical analysis.  Commun. Math. Sci.,  23,  541--560, 2025. 

4.  Wenlin Qiu , Xiangcheng Zheng , Xiao Xu  and Hong Wang. Numerical approximation and analysis for partial integro-differential equation of hyperbolic type.  J. Integral Equ. Appl.,  36,  471--492, 2024. 

5.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Yiqun Li  and Wenlin Qiu. Local modification of subdiffusion by initial Fickian diffusion: Multiscale modeling, analysis and computation.  Multiscale Modeling & Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal,  22,  1534--1557, 2024. 

6.  Xiao Ye , Xiangcheng Zheng , Jun Liu  and Yue Liu. Numerical analysis for optimal quadratic spline collocation method in two space dimensions with application to nonlinear time-fractional diffusion equation.  Advances in Computational Mathematics,  50,  21, 2024. 

7.  Wenlin Qiu , Yiqun Li  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Numerical analysis of nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equations for viscoelastic rods and plates.  Calcolo,  61,  50, 2024. 

8.  Xu Guo , Qianhui Lin , Xiangcheng Zheng , Shuo Wang , Qiao Li  and Chao Shi. Protect native fish in China's Yellow River.  Science,  383,  598--598, 2024. 

9.  Yiqun Li , Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Analysis and simulation of optimal control for a two-time-scale fractional advection-diffusion-reaction equation with space-time dependent order and coefficients.  Multiscale Modeling & Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal,  21,  1690--1716, 2023. 

10.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Zhiwei Yang , Wuchen Li  and Hong Wang. A time-fractional mean field control modeling subdiffusive advective transport.  SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,  45,  B884--B905, 2023. 

11.  Yiqun Li , Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Analysis of a fractional viscoelastic Euler-Bernoulli beam and identification of its piecewise continuous polynomial order.  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,  26,  2337--2360, 2023. 

12.  Yiqun Li , Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. A viscoelastic Timoshenko beam model: regularity and numerical approximation.  Journal of Scientifc Computing,  95,  57, 2023. 

13.  Hongfei Fu , Bingyin Zhang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. An analysis framework of high-order two-grid difference method with application in nonlinear time-fractional biharmonic problems.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  96,  54, 2023. 

14.  Lei Zhang , Pingwen Zhang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Discretization and index-robust error analysis for constrained high-index saddle dynamics on high-dimensional sphere.  Science China Mathematics,  66,  2347--2360, 2023. 

15.  Lei Zhang , Pingwen Zhang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Error estimates for Euler discretization of high-index saddle dynamics.  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  60,  2925--2944, 2022. 

16.  Yue Luo , Xiangcheng Zheng , Xiangle Cheng  and Lei Zhang. Convergence analysis for discrete high-index saddle dynamics.  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  60,  2731--2750, 2022. 

17.  Xiangcheng Zheng. Approximate inversion for Abel integral operators of variable exponent and applications to fractional Cauchy problems.  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,  25,  1585--1603, 2022. 

18.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. A time-stepping finite element method to a time-fractional partial differential equation of a hidden-memory space-time variable order.  Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis,  55,  652--670, 2022. 

19.  Bing Yu , Xiangcheng Zheng , Pingwen Zhang  and Lei Zhang. Computing solution landscape of nonlinear space-fractional problems via fast approximation algorithm.  Journal of Computational Physics,  468,  111513, 2022. 

20.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Yiqun Li  and Hong Wang. A viscoelastic Timoshenko beam: model development, analysis and investigation.  Journal of Mathematical Physics,  63,  061509, 2022. 

21.  Jinhong Jia , Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Numerical analysis of a fast finite element method for a hidden-memory variable-order time-fractional diffusion equation.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  91,  54, 2022. 

22.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Discretization and analysis of an optimal control of a variable-order fractional diffusion equation with pointwise constraints.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  91,  56, 2022. 

23.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Analysis and discretization of a variable-order time-fractional wave partial differential equation.  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,  104,  106047, 2022. 

24.  Huan Liu , Xiangcheng Zheng , Hongfei Fu  and Hong Wang. Error estimate of finite element approximation for two-sided space-fractional evolution equation with variable coefficient.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  90,  15, 2021. 

25.  Jinhong Jia , Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Analysis and fast approximation of a spatially-dependent distributed-order space-fractional diffusion equation.  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,  24,  1477--1506, 2021. 

26.  Jinhong Jia , Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Numerical discretization and fast approximation of a variably distributed-order fractional wave equation.  ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,  55,  2211--2232, 2021. 

27.  Huan Liu , Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hongfei Fu. Analysis of a multi-term variable-order time-fractional diffusion equation and its Galerkin finite element approximation.  Journal of Computational Mathematics,  40,  818--838, 2021. 

28.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. A hidden-memory variable-order fractional optimal control model: analysis and approximation.  SIAM Journal on Conntrol and Optimization,  59,  1851--1880, 2021. 

29.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Analysis and numerical approximation to time-fractional diffusion equation with a general time-dependent variable order.  Nonlinear Dynamics,  104,  4203--4219, 2021. 

30.  Huan Liu , Xiangcheng Zheng , Chuanjun Chen  and Hong Wang. A characteristic finite element method for the time-fractional mobile/immobile advection diffusion model.  Advances in Computational Mathematics,  47,  41, 2021. 

31.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. A time-fractional partial differential equation with a space-time dependent hidden-memory variable order: analysis and approximation.  BIT Numerical Mathematics,  61,  1453--1481, 2021. 

32.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Optimal-order error estimates of finite element approximations to variable-order time-fractional diffusion equations without regularity assumptions of the true solutions.  IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,  41,  1522--1545, 2021. 

33.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Yiqun Li , Jin Cheng  and Hong Wang. Inverting the variable fractional order in a variable-order space-fractional diffusion equation with variable diffusivity: analysis and simulation.  Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems,  29,  219--231, 2021. 

34.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Vincent Ervin  and Hong Wang. Optimal Petrov-Galerkin spectral approximation method for the fractional diffusion, advection, reaction equation on a bounded interval.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  86,  29, 2021. 

35.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. An error estimate of a numerical approximation to a hidden-memory variable-order space-time fractional diffusion equation.  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  58,  2492--2514, 2020. 

36.  Zhiwei Yang , Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. A variably distributed-order time-fractional diffusion equation: analysis and approximation.  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,  367,  113118, 2020. 

37.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. Wellposedness and regularity of a variable-order space-time fractional diffusion equation.  Analysis and Applications,  18,  615--638, 2020. 

38.  Xiangcheng Zheng  and Hong Wang. An optimal-order numerical approximation to variable-order space-fractional diffusion equations on uniform or graded meshes.  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  58,  330--352, 2020. 

39.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Jin Cheng  and Hong Wang. Uniqueness of determining the variable fractional order in variable-order time-fractional diffusion equations.  Inverse Problems,  35,  125002, 2019. 

40.  Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. A modified time-fractional diffusion equation and its finite difference method: regularity and error analysis.  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,  22,  1014--1038, 2019. 

41.  Xiangcheng Zheng , Huan Liu , Hong Wang  and Hongfei Fu. An efficient finite volume method for the nonlinear distributed-order space-fractional diffusion equations in three space dimensions.  Journal of Scientific Computing,  80,  1395--1418, 2019. 

42.  Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Analysis and numerical solution of a nonlinear variable-order fractional differential equation.  Advances in Computational Mathematics,  45,  2647--2675, 2019. 

43.  Hong Wang  and Xiangcheng Zheng. Wellposedness and regularity of the variable-order time-fractional diffusion equations.  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  475,  1778--1802, 2019. 

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