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Affiliation of Participant(s):机械工程学院

Leading Scientist:GE PEI QI

Supported by:济南市高校院所自主创新计划

Nature of Project:纵向

Project level:地(市、州)级

Project Participants:GE PEI QI,Zhu Zhenjie,zhanglei,biwenbo,yangchunfeng

Project Number:kyxm-28394

Date of Project Approval:2009-01-01

Scheduled completion time:2012-12-31

Date of Project Completion:2012-12-31

Date of Project Initiation:2009-01-01

Project Approval Number:200906031

Pre One:磨削淬硬新技术数值模拟与实验研究

Next One:大尺寸KDP晶体固结磨料线锯精密锯切关键技术研究