Paper Publications
[201] houmeiyi and zouguibin. Multi-time scale optimal dispatch in ADN based on MILP. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2018.
[202] weixiuyan and zouguibin. A non-unit line protection scheme for MMC-based multi-terminal HVDC grid. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2019.
[203] zouguibin. Novel fault current-limiting scheme for MMC-based flexible HVDC system. 2018.
[204] zouguibin. 含逆变型分布式电源的配电网正序阻抗纵联保护. 《电力系统自动化》, 2017.
[205] zouguibin. 一种分区协调控制的有源配电网调压方法. 《中国电机工程学报》, 2017.
[206] gaohoulei and zouguibin. A Traveling-Wave-Based Fault Location Scheme for MMC-Based Multi-Terminal DC Grids. ENERGIES, 2018.
[207] gaohoulei and zouguibin. A fast protection scheme for VSC based multi-terminal DC grid. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2018.
[208] gaohoulei and zouguibin. Algorithm for ultra high speed travelling wave protection with accurate fault location. 2008.
[209] zouguibin and gaohoulei. Ultra-High-Speed Travelling Wave Protection Using Polarity Comparison Principle Based on Empirica.... Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.
[210] gaohoulei , zouguibin and 王栋. Travelling wave pilot protection for LCC-HVDC transmission lines based on electronic transformers.... International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 93, 283, 2017.
[211] zouguibin and gaohoulei. 提升分布式电源接纳能力的配电网一次设备改造. 《电力自动化设备》, 36, 102, 2016.
[212] zouguibin and gaohoulei. Comprehensive Evaluation of Impacts of Distributed Generation on Voltage and Line Loss in Distrib.... DRPT 2015, 2063, 2015.
[213] zouguibin and gaohoulei. principle and implementation of substation-area backup protection for digital substation. IET conference publication, 2014.
[214] zouguibin and gaohoulei. Calculation Method for One-section Lumped-circuit Model of Uniform Line. 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting, 2013.
[215] gaohoulei , zouguibin and 王栋. Ultra-high-speed travelling wave directional protection based on electronic transformers. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 11, 2065, 2017.
[216] zouguibin and gaohoulei. A fast busbar protection technique based on travelling wave . 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting, 2012.
[217] zouguibin , suihuibin and 张洁. A Fast Non-unit Line Protection Strategy for the MMC-based MTDC Grid. 2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), 2017.
[218] zouguibin , suihuibin and 李颖超. Faulty Section Location Scheme for Distribution Grid with Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generat.... 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017.
[219] zouguibin and 曾钰. 一种柔性直流配电网直流侧故障保护方法. 电力信息与通信技术, 2018.
[220] zouguibin , gaozhanjun , liuyingliang and 马跃洋. Analytic Approximation of Fault Current Contributed by DC Capacitors in VSC-HVDC Pole-to-pole Fau.... 2017 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 434, 2017.