Professor Yifei Zhang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Delaware, DE, US in 2016. From 2016 to 2018, he was a postdoc researcher at the School of Microelectronics, Shandong University. In Nov. 20118, he joined the School of Microelectronics first as an associated professor and was promoted to Qilu Professor in Jan. 2024, where he established the TeraMillie Laboratory for the circuits and devices at terahertz and millimeter wave frequencies.
His research interests include terahertz and millimeter-wave electrical circuits and electronic devices, active and programmable metamaterials, microwave-photonic devices, high-frequency integration and packaging, electromagnetic biosensing, and their applications. Prof. zhhang is the senor member of IEEE, the editor-in-board for Frontiers in Photonics and the guest editor for several peer-refereed journals.He has authored and coauthored more than 60 international papers and held more than 10 patents.
1. SiC基GaN功能融合射频无源芯片关键技术研究, 2024/05/19-2026/12/31
2. 基于柔性薄膜的6G太赫兹芯片与三维电路集成的研究, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31
3. 基于薄膜IGZO和LCP的共形太赫兹智能超表面的研究, 2023/08/24-2027/12/31
4. 毫米波与太赫兹测试仪器核心芯片研制与应用示范, 2023/02/01-2025/12/31
5. 电磁功能材料与超材料创新团队 , 2023/01/01-2025/12/31
6. 表面等离激元与腔的强相互作用与物态调控, 2022/12/01-2027/11/30
7. 基于LiTaO3材料的太赫兹传感器研究, 2022/04/15-2024/04/20
8. 毫米波建材检测技术的研究, 2022/05/17-2023/07/31
9. 太赫兹量子波成像技术智能安检系统的产业化应用, 2019/01/06-2021/12/31
10. 基于紧耦合阵列和自开关二极管的超宽带太赫兹接收模块, 2018/06/01-2021/06/30
11. 基于微腔结构的可调控太赫兹生化传感器的研究, 2018/01/01-2021/12/31
12. 无标记高通量模式识别流式细胞仪研制, 2019/11/21-2021/12/31