Yifei Philip Zhang
Personal Information:
  • Name (English):
    Yifei Philip Zhang
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Zhang Yifei
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Business Address:
    317 3-B T&R Hall, Software Campus, Shandong University, Jinan
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
    Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  • Status:
  • Academic Titles:
  • Other Post:
    IEEE Senior Member、山东省超材料与电磁调控重点实验室副主任
  • Alma Mater:
    University of Delaware
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Integrated Circuit Design;
Optical Engineering;
Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics;
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology;

Professor Yifei Zhang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Delaware, DE, US in 2016. From 2016 to 2018, he was a postdoc researcher at the School of Microelectronics, Shandong University. In Nov. 20118, he joined the School of Microelectronics first as an associated professor and was promoted to Qilu Professor in Jan. 2024, where he established the TeraMillie Laboratory for the circuits and devices at terahertz and millimeter wave frequencies. 

His research interests include terahertz and millimeter-wave electrical circuits and electronic devices, active and programmable metamaterials, microwave-photonic devices, high-frequency integration and packaging, electromagnetic biosensing, and their applications. Prof. zhhang is the senor member of IEEE, the editor-in-board for Frontiers in Photonics and the guest editor for several peer-refereed journals.He has authored and coauthored more than 60 international papers and held more than 10 patents. 

  • 2002-9 — 2006-7
    Beijing Institute of Technology
    Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • 2006-9 — 2009-1
    Beijing Institute of Technology
    Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
  • 2010-8 — 2016-5
    University of Delaware
    Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology

1. 薛莹. Metasurface-based sensor with terahertz molecular fingerprint enhancement in trace additives identification .Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics.2024,57 (23)

2. 李照琳. Tunable SIW-SSPP Hybrid Filter with Monolayer Graphene .2024

3. 陈凯. Chalcogenide phase-change material advances programmable terahertz metamaterials: a non-volatile perspective for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces .NANOPHOTONICS.2024

4. . Graphene-Tuned, Tightly Coupled Hybrid Plasmonic Meta-Atoms .Nanomaterials .2024,14 (8)

5. . Surface plasmon-cavity hybrid state and its graphene modulation at THz frequencies .NANOPHOTONICS.2024

6. . Broadband directional filter in multilayer liquid crystal polymer films at W-band .Frontiers in Photonics.2024 (5)

7. 凌昊天. Terahertz Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Electric-Field-Coupled Inductor-Capacitor Resonators on LCP Substrate .Crystals.2023 (2):283

8. . Toward High-Peak-to-Valley-Ratio Graphene Resonant Tunneling Diodes .Nano Letters.2023,23 (17):8132

9. . A Universal Approach to Determine the Atomic Layer Numbers in Two-Dimensional Materials Using Dark-Field Optical Contrast .Nano Letters.2023,23 (19):9170

10. 刘悦扬. Enhanced Optical Transmission through a Hybrid Bull's Eye Structure Integrated with a Silicon Hemisphere .NANOMATERIALS.2023,13 (13)

11. 张翼飞. Broadband SIW-to-Waveguide Transition in Multilayer LCP Substrates at W-Band .《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》.2017,27 (3):224

12. 王萌发. Frequency Division Multiplexer With Directional Filters in Multilayer LCP Films at - and -Band .《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》.2022,32 (11):1287

13. . Narrowband SIW-SSPP Hybrid Bandpass Filter With Compact Profile at Ka-BandNarrowband SIW-SSPP Hybrid Bandpass Filter With Compact Profile at Ka-Band .IEEE Access1.2023,11 :98305

14. 崔灿. Active and Programmable Metasurfaces with Semiconductor Materials and Devices .Crystals.2023 (2):279

15. . Polarization-selective modulation of meandered-line metamaterials with graphene surface plasmonics .Optics and Lasers in Engineering.2023 (169):107693

16. . Label-free diagnosis of ovarian cancer using spoof surface plasmon polariton resonant biosensor .SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2022 (2):130996

17. 史胜男. A Tunable Frequency Selective Rasorber with Broad Passband and Low Transmission Loss at X-Band .MATERIALS.2023 (17):5787

18. . Label-free distinguish proliferative and apoptotic responses of glioma cells with terahertz metamaterials .SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2023 (389):133887

19. . Label-Free Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer Using Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Resonant Biosensor .SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2022,352 (2):130996

20. 崔灿. Active and Programmable Metasurfaces with Semiconductor Materials and Devices .Crystals.2023 (2):279

21. . Label-free distinguish proliferative and apoptotic responses of glioma cells with terahertz metamaterials .SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2023 (389):133887

22. 史胜男. A Tunable Frequency Selective Rasorber with Broad Passband and Low Transmission Loss at X-Band .MATERIALS.2023 (17):5787

23. . Polarization-selective modulation of meandered-line metamaterials with graphene surface plasmonics .Optics and Lasers in Engineering.2023 (169):107693

24. . Narrowband SIW-SSPP hybrid Bandpass Filter with Compact Profile at Ka-band .IEEE ACCESS.2023 (11):98305

25. 杨家欣. Wearable, Biodegradable, and Antibacterial Multifunctional Ti3C2Tx MXene/Cellulose Paper for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Passive and Active Dual-Thermal Management .ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2023 (15)

26. 时彦朋. Enhanced THz Transmission by Bull’s Eye Structure Integrated with a Concentric Gold Hemisphere .Crystals.2022 (12)

27. 冯明明. Active metal-graphene hybrid terahertz surface plasmon polaritons .NANOPHOTONICS.2022,11 (14):3331-3338

28. 王萌发. Frequency Division Multiplexer With Directional Filters in Multilayer LCP Films at E- and W-Band .《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》.2022

29. 洪旺. Biodegradable, Flexible Transparent Ordered Ag NWs Micromesh Conductor for Electrical Heater and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applications .ACS Applied Electronic Materials.2022 (DOI:10.1021/acsaelm.2c01109)

30. 张翼飞. Tunable Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Monolithic Schottky Diodes .ACS Applied Electronic Materials.2019 (1):2124

31. 周泽鹏. Flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer Technologies from Microwave to Terahertz Frequencies .Molecules.2022,27 (4)

32. 凌昊天. Spoof surface plasmon polariton band-stop filter with single-loop split ring resonators .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING.2020,30 (8)

33. 时彦朋. Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles .ACS Omega.2020 (6):3000

34. 张翼飞. A unipolar nano-diode detector with improved performance using the high-k material SiNx .Semiconductor Science and Technology.2018,33 (11):114016

35. 王汉斌. Two-Terminal InGaAs Microwave Amplifier .MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS.2018 (8):1884

36. Mingming Feng , Baoqing Zhang , Haotian Ling , Zihao Zhang , Yiming Wang , Xijian Zhang , Pingrang Hua , Qingpu Wang , Aimin Song  and Yifei Zhang. Active metal-graphene hybrid terahertz surface plasmon polaritons .Nanophotonics.2022,11 (14):3331-3338

37. Zepeng Zhou , Wenqing Li , Jun Qian , Yifei Zhang  and etc.. Flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer Technologies from Microwave to Terahertz Frequencies (邀请) .Molecules.2022,27 (4):1336

38. 张翼飞. Label-free diagnosis of ovarian cancer using spoof surface plasmon polariton resonant biosensor .SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL.2022,352

39. 凌昊天 , P. Qian , B. Zhang , M. Feng , Y. Wang , X. Zhang , Q. Wang , Y. Zhang*  and A. Song*. Active terahertz metamaterials electrically modulated by InGaZnO Schottky diodes .Optical Materials Express.2021,11 (9):2966

40. 凌昊天 , B. Zhang , M. Feng , P. Qian , Y. Wang , Q. Wang , Y. Zhang*  and A. Song*. Multi frequency multi bit amplitude modulation of spoof surface plasmon polaritons by schottky diode bridged interdigital SRRs .Scientific Reports.2021 (11)

41. 李美坪 , Y. Shi* , X. Liu , J. Song , Y. Zhang* , X. Wang  and F. Yang. High-Q Fano Resonance in Subwavelength Stub-Wall-Coupled MDM Waveguide Structure and Its Terahertz Sensing Application .IEEE Access.2021,9 :123939

42. 花明 , Y. Sun , M. Li , Z. Liu , Y. Chen , Y. Shi , Y. Ning , Y. Zhang , F. Yang  and X. Wang. Electromagnetically induced transparency analog in terahertz hybrid metal–dielectric metamaterials .AIP Advances.2021,11 (6)

43. L. Wang , Z. Gao , Z. Hou , J. Song , X. Liu , Y. Zhang , X. Wang , F. Yang  and Y. Shi. Active Modulation of an All-Dielectric Metasurface Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Terahertz .ACS Omega.2021,6 (6):4480

44. 郭庆磊 , Z. Wei , C. Jiang , H. Zhao , Y. Zhang , G. Wang , D. Chen , Z. Di  and Y. Mei. Semidry release of nanomembranes for tubular origami .APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Journal.2020,117 (11)

45. 凌昊天 , Y. Zhang* , P. Qian , P. Chen , Y. Shi , Y. Wang , Q. Xin , S. Huan , Q. Wang  and A. Song*. Spoof surface plasmon polariton band-stop filter with single-loop split ring resonators .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING.2020,30 (8)

46. 刘笑宇 , Y. Zhang , H. Feng , Y. Ning , Y. Shi , X. Wang  and F. Yang. Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles .ACS Omega.2020,5 (6):3000

47. X. Liu , Y. Zhang ,  H. Feng ,  Y. Ning  and  Y. Shi*. Manipulating optical absorption of indium selenide using plasmonic nanoparticles .ACS Omega.2020,5 (6):3000-3005

48. H. Ling , Y. Zhang* ,  P. Qian ,  P. Chen , Y. Wang ,  Q. Xin ,  S. Huan ,  Q. Wang  and  A. Song*. Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Band-Stop Filter with Single-Loop Split Ring Resonators .Int. J. RF Microw. C. Eng..2020,doi10.1002/mmce.22267

49. Y. Zhang , H. Ling ,  P. Chen ,  P. Qian ,  Y. Shi ,  Y. Wang ,  H. Feng ,  Q. Xin ,  Q. Wang* ,  S. Shi ,  X. Pan ,  X. Sheng  and  and A. Song*. Tunable Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Monolithic Schottky Diode .ACS Appl. Electro. Mater..2019,1 (10):2124-2129

50. X. Zhang , W. Cai ,  J. Zhang ,  J. Brownless ,  J. Wilson ,  Y. Zhang  and  and A. Song*. Solution-Processed TiO2-Based Schottky Diode with a Large Barrier Height .IEEE Electron Device Lett..2019,40 (9):1378-1381

51. Y. Wang , J. Zhang ,  G. Liang ,  Y. Shi ,  Y. Zhang ,  Z. R. Kudrynskyi ,  Z. D. Kovalyuk ,  A. Patane ,  Q. Xin*  and  and A. Song*. Schottky-barrier thin-film transistors based on HfO2-capped InSe .Appl. Phys. Lett..2019,115 (33502)

52. L. Zhang , H. Zhou ,  J. Zhang ,  Q. Wang ,  Y. Zhang*  and  and A. Song*. Unipolar nano-diode detector with improved performance using high-k material SiNx .Semicond. Sci. Technol..2018,33 (114016)

53. H. Wang , Y. Zhang* ,  Y. Shi ,  H. Ling ,  Q. Wang ,  F. Liu ,  F. Yang ,  K. Xu ,  Q. Xin  and  and A. Song*. Two-terminal InGaAs microwave amplifier .Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett..2018,60 (8):1884-1888

54. Y. Zhang , R. D. Martin ,  S. Shi ,  A. A. Wright ,  P. Yao ,  K. Shreve ,  D. Mackrides ,  C. Harrity  and  and D. W. Prather. 95-GHz front-end receiving multichip module on multilayer LCP substrate for passive millimeter-wave imaging .IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol..2018,8 (12):2180-2189

55. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  A. A. Wright ,  P. Yao ,  R. D. Martin ,  K. Shreve ,  C. Harrity  and  and D. W. Prather. Packaging of high-gain multichip module in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band .IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol..2017,7 (10):1655-1662

56. Y. Zhang , F. Wang ,  S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin ,  P. Yao  and  and D. W. Prather. Ultra-wideband microstrip line-to-microstrip line transition in multilayer LCP substrate at millimeter-wave frequencies .IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett..2017,27 (10):873-875

57. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin ,  P. Yao ,  F. Wang  and  and D. W. Prather. Ultra-wideband vialess microstrip line-to stripline transition in multilayer LCP substrate for E- and W-band applications .IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett..2017,27 (12):1101-1103

58. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin  and  and D. W. Prather. Broadband SIW-to-waveguide transition in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band .IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett..2017,27 (3):224-226

59. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin  and  and D. W. Prather. Slot-coupled directional filters in multilayer LCP substrates at 95 GHz .IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn..2017,65 (2):476-483

60. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin  and  and D. W. Prather. High-gain linearly tapered antipodal slot antenna on LCP substrate at E- and W-bands .IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett..2016,15 :1357-1360

61. Y. Zhang , J. Bai ,  S. Shi  and  and D. W. Prather. Ka-band phased patch array antenna integrated with a PET-controlled phase shifter .Int. J. RF Microw. C. Eng..2016,26 (3):199-208

62. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin  and  and D. W. Prather. Substrate integrated waveguide filter on LCP substrate at 94 GHz .Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett..2016,58 (3):577-580

63. S. Shi , J. Bai ,  R. Nelson ,  C. Schuetz , P. Yao ,  G. Schneider ,  Y. Zhang  and  and D. W. Prather. Ultrawideband optically fed tightly coupled phased array .J. Light. Technol..2015,33 (23):4781-4790

64. Y. Zhang , S. Shi ,  R. D. Martin  and  and D. W. Prather. Ultra-wideband CBCPW to stripline vertical transition in multilayer LCP substrates .Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett..2015,57 (6):1481-1484

65. J. Bai , S. Shi ,  G. Schneider ,  J. Wilson ,  Y. Zhang ,  W. Pan  and  and D. Prather. Optically driven ultrawideband phased array with an optical interleaving feed network .IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett..2014,13 :47-50

66. S. Shi , J. Bai ,  G. J. Schneider ,  Y. Zhang ,  R. Nelson ,  J. Wilson ,  D. W. Grund ,  C. Schuetz  and  and D. W. Prather. Conformal wideband optically addressed transmitting phased array with photonic receiver .J. Light. Technol..2014,32 (20):3468-3477

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