IEEE Senior Member、山东省超材料与电磁调控重点实验室副主任
张翼飞,山东大学集成电路学院教授、博士生导师,入选国家高层次青年人才、山东省重点扶持区域紧缺人才、山东大学杰出中青年学者、齐鲁青年学者、未来计划青年学者等人才项目,任山东省超材料与电磁调控重点实验室副主任、山东大学纳电子工程技术研究中心副主任、山东省电子学会半导体器件与集成电路专委会秘书长等职务。其主要研究兴趣为面向6G通信、高分辨雷达等先进无线电系统的太赫兹集成电路和电磁技术,迄今为止在相关领域发表高水平国际论文60余篇,包括IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn.、Nanophotonics、Sens. Actuators B Chem.等;授权国际PCT/美国/中国专利10余项;主持科技部国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、山东省重大项目等项目/课题10余项。他是IEEE高级会员、Optica(原OSA)和ACS会员,诸多知名国际期刊的审稿人,Frontier in Photonics编委,Photonics、Crystals等国际期刊的客座编辑。
山东大学  ,集成电路学院 ,教授
山东大学  ,集成电路学院/微电子学院 ,副教授
山东大学  ,微电子学院 ,副研究员
University of Delaware  ,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,Ph.D. (电磁场与光学)
北京理工大学  ,信息与电子学院 ,硕士(电磁场与微波工程)
北京理工大学  ,信息与电子学院 ,学士(徐特立实验班)
类别 | 专业 | 简介 | 人数 | 年份 |
硕士生招生 |
集成电路科学与工程,集成电路工程 |
3 |
2025 |
博士生招生 |
集成电路科学与工程,集成电路工程 |
2 |
2025 |
本科生课程名称 | 学期 | 学分 | 课程号 |
高频集成电路网络与现代测量技术 |
秋学期 |
2.0 |
0230077 |
高频电子线路 |
春学期 |
2.0 |
sd04031000 |
高频电子线路实验 |
春学期 |
1.5 |
sd04031190 |
微电子前沿技术导论 |
秋学期 |
sd04030480 |
名称 | 简介 |
基于薄膜材料的动态超材料和表面等离激元芯片及其前沿应用 |
基于二维材料石墨烯、氧化物半导体和相变材料薄膜研究超表面和人工表面等离激元的动态可编程调控,并开发其在无线系统、生物传感和量子等领域的应用 |
新型毫米波多层电路、器件与SoP集成 |
基于LCP介质薄膜研究多层电路器件、天线及其SoP级集成技术 |
铌酸锂电光调制器及芯片集成 |
基于LiNBO3体材料和薄膜材料开发毫米波和太赫兹频段的电光调制器及其集成封装技术 |
毫米波和太赫兹成像/雷达/通信系统 |
基于上述的电路和电磁器件,研究新一代成像、通信和雷达系统 |
项目名称 | 项目周期 |
SiC基GaN功能融合射频无源芯片关键技术研究 |
2024/05/19,2026/12/31 |
基于柔性薄膜的6G太赫兹芯片与三维电路集成的研究 |
2024/01/01,2026/12/31 |
基于薄膜IGZO和LCP的共形太赫兹智能超表面的研究 |
2023/08/24,2027/12/31 |
毫米波与太赫兹测试仪器核心芯片研制与应用示范 |
2023/02/01,2025/12/31 |
电磁功能材料与超材料创新团队 |
2023/01/01,2025/12/31 |
表面等离激元与腔的强相互作用与物态调控 |
2022/12/01,2027/11/30 |
基于LiTaO3材料的太赫兹传感器研究 |
2022/04/15,2024/04/20 |
毫米波建材检测技术的研究 |
2022/05/17,2023/07/31 |
太赫兹量子波成像技术智能安检系统的产业化应用 |
2019/01/06,2021/12/31 |
基于紧耦合阵列和自开关二极管的超宽带太赫兹接收模块 |
2018/06/01,2021/06/30 |
基于微腔结构的可调控太赫兹生化传感器的研究 |
2018/01/01,2021/12/31 |
无标记高通量模式识别流式细胞仪研制 |
2019/11/21,2021/12/31 |
III-V 族半导体三维异质纳米线的原位构筑与红外探测应用 |
2017/07/01,2021/06/30 |
面向5G的七通路毫米波频分复用器的研制 |
2017/08/17,2020/12/31 |
获奖时间 | 奖项名称 |
2024 |
山东大学齐鲁青年学者 |
2019 |
山东大学青年学者未来计划 |
【1】薛莹.Metasurface-based sensor with terahertz molecular fingerprint enhancement in trace additives identification. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 57,2024.
【2】李照琳.Tunable SIW-SSPP Hybrid Filter with Monolayer Graphene,2024.
【3】陈凯.Chalcogenide phase-change material advances programmable terahertz metamaterials: a non-volatile perspective for reconfigurable intelligent surfacesNANOPHOTONICS,2024.
【4】.Graphene-Tuned, Tightly Coupled Hybrid Plasmonic Meta-Atoms. Nanomaterials , 14,2024.
【5】.Surface plasmon-cavity hybrid state and its graphene modulation at THz frequenciesNANOPHOTONICS,2024.
【6】.Broadband directional filter in multilayer liquid crystal polymer films at W-bandFrontiers in Photonics,2024.
【7】凌昊天.Terahertz Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Electric-Field-Coupled Inductor-Capacitor Resonators on LCP SubstrateCrystals:283,2023.
【8】.Toward High-Peak-to-Valley-Ratio Graphene Resonant Tunneling Diodes. Nano Letters, 23:8132,2023.
【9】.A Universal Approach to Determine the Atomic Layer Numbers in Two-Dimensional Materials Using Dark-Field Optical Contrast. Nano Letters, 23:9170,2023.
【10】刘悦扬.Enhanced Optical Transmission through a Hybrid Bull's Eye Structure Integrated with a Silicon Hemisphere. NANOMATERIALS, 13,2023.
【11】张翼飞.Broadband SIW-to-Waveguide Transition in Multilayer LCP Substrates at W-Band. 《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》, 27:224,2017.
【12】王萌发.Frequency Division Multiplexer With Directional Filters in Multilayer LCP Films at - and -Band. 《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》, 32:1287,2022.
【13】.Narrowband SIW-SSPP Hybrid Bandpass Filter With Compact Profile at Ka-BandNarrowband SIW-SSPP Hybrid Bandpass Filter With Compact Profile at Ka-Band. IEEE Access1, 11:98305,2023.
【14】崔灿.Active and Programmable Metasurfaces with Semiconductor Materials and DevicesCrystals:279,2023.
【15】.Polarization-selective modulation of meandered-line metamaterials with graphene surface plasmonicsOptics and Lasers in Engineering:107693,2023.
【16】.Label-free diagnosis of ovarian cancer using spoof surface plasmon polariton resonant biosensorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL:130996,2022.
【17】史胜男.A Tunable Frequency Selective Rasorber with Broad Passband and Low Transmission Loss at X-BandMATERIALS:5787,2023.
【18】.Label-free distinguish proliferative and apoptotic responses of glioma cells with terahertz metamaterialsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL:133887,2023.
【19】.Label-Free Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer Using Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Resonant Biosensor. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 352:130996,2022.
【20】崔灿.Active and Programmable Metasurfaces with Semiconductor Materials and DevicesCrystals:279,2023.
【21】.Label-free distinguish proliferative and apoptotic responses of glioma cells with terahertz metamaterialsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL:133887,2023.
【22】史胜男.A Tunable Frequency Selective Rasorber with Broad Passband and Low Transmission Loss at X-BandMATERIALS:5787,2023.
【23】.Polarization-selective modulation of meandered-line metamaterials with graphene surface plasmonicsOptics and Lasers in Engineering:107693,2023.
【24】.Narrowband SIW-SSPP hybrid Bandpass Filter with Compact Profile at Ka-bandIEEE ACCESS:98305,2023.
【25】杨家欣.Wearable, Biodegradable, and Antibacterial Multifunctional Ti3C2Tx MXene/Cellulose Paper for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Passive and Active Dual-Thermal ManagementACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2023.
【26】时彦朋.Enhanced THz Transmission by Bull’s Eye Structure Integrated with a Concentric Gold HemisphereCrystals,2022.
【27】冯明明.Active metal-graphene hybrid terahertz surface plasmon polaritons. NANOPHOTONICS, 11:3331-3338,2022.
【28】王萌发.Frequency Division Multiplexer With Directional Filters in Multilayer LCP Films at E- and W-Band《IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS》,2022.
【29】洪旺.Biodegradable, Flexible Transparent Ordered Ag NWs Micromesh Conductor for Electrical Heater and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding ApplicationsACS Applied Electronic Materials,2022.
【30】张翼飞.Tunable Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Monolithic Schottky DiodesACS Applied Electronic Materials:2124,2019.
【31】周泽鹏.Flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer Technologies from Microwave to Terahertz Frequencies. Molecules, 27,2022.
【32】凌昊天.Spoof surface plasmon polariton band-stop filter with single-loop split ring resonators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING, 30,2020.
【33】时彦朋.Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic NanoparticlesACS Omega:3000,2020.
【34】张翼飞.A unipolar nano-diode detector with improved performance using the high-k material SiNx. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 33:114016,2018.
【35】王汉斌.Two-Terminal InGaAs Microwave AmplifierMICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS:1884,2018.
【36】Mingming Feng, Baoqing Zhang, Haotian Ling, Zihao Zhang, Yiming Wang, Xijian Zhang, Pingrang Hua, Qingpu Wang, Aimin Song and Yifei Zhang.Active metal-graphene hybrid terahertz surface plasmon polaritons. Nanophotonics, 11:3331-3338,2022.
【37】Zepeng Zhou, Wenqing Li, Jun Qian, Yifei Zhang and etc..Flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer Technologies from Microwave to Terahertz Frequencies (邀请). Molecules, 27:1336,2022.
【38】张翼飞.Label-free diagnosis of ovarian cancer using spoof surface plasmon polariton resonant biosensor. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 352,2022.
【39】凌昊天, P. Qian, B. Zhang, M. Feng, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang* and A. Song*.Active terahertz metamaterials electrically modulated by InGaZnO Schottky diodes. Optical Materials Express, 11:2966,2021.
【40】凌昊天, B. Zhang, M. Feng, P. Qian, Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang* and A. Song*.Multi frequency multi bit amplitude modulation of spoof surface plasmon polaritons by schottky diode bridged interdigital SRRsScientific Reports,2021.
【41】李美坪, Y. Shi*, X. Liu, J. Song, Y. Zhang*, X. Wang and F. Yang.High-Q Fano Resonance in Subwavelength Stub-Wall-Coupled MDM Waveguide Structure and Its Terahertz Sensing Application. IEEE Access, 9:123939,2021.
【42】花明, Y. Sun, M. Li, Z. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Shi, Y. Ning, Y. Zhang, F. Yang and X. Wang.Electromagnetically induced transparency analog in terahertz hybrid metal–dielectric metamaterials. AIP Advances, 11,2021.
【43】L. Wang, Z. Gao, Z. Hou, J. Song, X. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, F. Yang and Y. Shi.Active Modulation of an All-Dielectric Metasurface Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Terahertz. ACS Omega, 6:4480,2021.
【44】郭庆磊, Z. Wei, C. Jiang, H. Zhao, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, D. Chen, Z. Di and Y. Mei.Semidry release of nanomembranes for tubular origami. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Journal, 117,2020.
【45】凌昊天, Y. Zhang*, P. Qian, P. Chen, Y. Shi, Y. Wang, Q. Xin, S. Huan, Q. Wang and A. Song*.Spoof surface plasmon polariton band-stop filter with single-loop split ring resonators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING, 30,2020.
【46】刘笑宇, Y. Zhang, H. Feng, Y. Ning, Y. Shi, X. Wang and F. Yang.Manipulating Optical Absorption of Indium Selenide Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 5:3000,2020.
【47】X. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Feng, Y. Ning and Y. Shi*.Manipulating optical absorption of indium selenide using plasmonic nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 5:3000-3005,2020.
【48】H. Ling, Y. Zhang*, P. Qian, P. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Xin, S. Huan, Q. Wang and A. Song*.Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Band-Stop Filter with Single-Loop Split Ring Resonators. Int. J. RF Microw. C. Eng., doi10.1002/mmce.22267,2020.
【49】Y. Zhang, H. Ling, P. Chen, P. Qian, Y. Shi, Y. Wang, H. Feng, Q. Xin, Q. Wang*, S. Shi, X. Pan, X. Sheng and and A. Song*.Tunable Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Monolithic Schottky Diode. ACS Appl. Electro. Mater., 1:2124-2129,2019.
【50】X. Zhang, W. Cai, J. Zhang, J. Brownless, J. Wilson, Y. Zhang and and A. Song*.Solution-Processed TiO2-Based Schottky Diode with a Large Barrier Height. IEEE Electron Device Lett., 40:1378-1381,2019.
【51】Y. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Liang, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, A. Patane, Q. Xin* and and A. Song*.Schottky-barrier thin-film transistors based on HfO2-capped InSe. Appl. Phys. Lett., 115,2019.
【52】L. Zhang, H. Zhou, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang* and and A. Song*.Unipolar nano-diode detector with improved performance using high-k material SiNx. Semicond. Sci. Technol., 33,2018.
【53】H. Wang, Y. Zhang*, Y. Shi, H. Ling, Q. Wang, F. Liu, F. Yang, K. Xu, Q. Xin and and A. Song*.Two-terminal InGaAs microwave amplifier. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 60:1884-1888,2018.
【54】Y. Zhang, R. D. Martin, S. Shi, A. A. Wright, P. Yao, K. Shreve, D. Mackrides, C. Harrity and and D. W. Prather.95-GHz front-end receiving multichip module on multilayer LCP substrate for passive millimeter-wave imaging. IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., 8:2180-2189,2018.
【55】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, A. A. Wright, P. Yao, R. D. Martin, K. Shreve, C. Harrity and and D. W. Prather.Packaging of high-gain multichip module in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band. IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., 7:1655-1662,2017.
【56】Y. Zhang, F. Wang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, P. Yao and and D. W. Prather.Ultra-wideband microstrip line-to-microstrip line transition in multilayer LCP substrate at millimeter-wave frequencies. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27:873-875,2017.
【57】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin, P. Yao, F. Wang and and D. W. Prather.Ultra-wideband vialess microstrip line-to stripline transition in multilayer LCP substrate for E- and W-band applications. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27:1101-1103,2017.
【58】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin and and D. W. Prather.Broadband SIW-to-waveguide transition in multilayer LCP substrates at W-band. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., 27:224-226,2017.
【59】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin and and D. W. Prather.Slot-coupled directional filters in multilayer LCP substrates at 95 GHz. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 65:476-483,2017.
【60】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin and and D. W. Prather.High-gain linearly tapered antipodal slot antenna on LCP substrate at E- and W-bands. IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 15:1357-1360,2016.
【61】Y. Zhang, J. Bai, S. Shi and and D. W. Prather.Ka-band phased patch array antenna integrated with a PET-controlled phase shifter. Int. J. RF Microw. C. Eng., 26:199-208,2016.
【62】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin and and D. W. Prather.Substrate integrated waveguide filter on LCP substrate at 94 GHz. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 58:577-580,2016.
【63】S. Shi, J. Bai, R. Nelson, C. Schuetz, P. Yao, G. Schneider, Y. Zhang and and D. W. Prather.Ultrawideband optically fed tightly coupled phased array. J. Light. Technol., 33:4781-4790,2015.
【64】Y. Zhang, S. Shi, R. D. Martin and and D. W. Prather.Ultra-wideband CBCPW to stripline vertical transition in multilayer LCP substrates. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 57:1481-1484,2015.
【65】J. Bai, S. Shi, G. Schneider, J. Wilson, Y. Zhang, W. Pan and and D. Prather.Optically driven ultrawideband phased array with an optical interleaving feed network. IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 13:47-50,2014.
【66】S. Shi, J. Bai, G. J. Schneider, Y. Zhang, R. Nelson, J. Wilson, D. W. Grund, C. Schuetz and and D. W. Prather.Conformal wideband optically addressed transmitting phased array with photonic receiver. J. Light. Technol., 32:3468-3477,2014.
专利名称 | 简介 | 日期 |
评估胶质瘤术后疗效的太赫兹超材料生物传感器及应用 |
2024/10/25 |
一种基于多层电路定向滤波器的频分复用器及其工作方法 |
2024/03/29 |
一种使用暗场光学成像技术判别二维材料层数的方法 |
2023/10/31 |
一种基于周期性结构的人工表面等离激元的微流控检测芯片结构及其制备、检测方法 |
2022/11/08 |
一种基于电容性超材料结构的人工表面等离激元的微流控检测芯片结构及其制备、检测方法 |
2022/05/27 |
一种基于IGZO肖特基二极管动态调控超材料的方法 |
2021/01/08 |
著作名称 | 简介 | 日期 |
半导体光物理过程 |
2021/01/01 |