
康翠洁  教授  博导   E-mailcjkang@sdu.edu.cn


   2004年毕业于山东大学,获动物学专业博士学位,后留校任教,历任讲师、副教授和教授。2010.11-2011.11国家公派赴美国密苏里大学访学,2007.03-2007.08 韩国延世大学医学院访学。现任山东动物学会书记,常务理事,生物学杂志编委。实验室长期招收硕士、博士、博士后人员,待遇从优,欢迎联系。


1. 动物先天免疫信号转导途径与分子机理

2. 动物免疫相关活性物质的应用开发

3. 无脊椎动物先天免疫效应基因功能研究


主持课题  (2011-)

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:泛素化ECSIT介导的WSSV极早期基因转录的机制及功能保守性分析,2024.01-2027.12,在研,主持

2.山东省自然科学基金面上项目:对虾中一种 alarmin 蛋白在抗病毒免疫中的功能鉴定与机制分析,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持

3.国家重点研发计划子课题: 日本囊对虾抗病关键基因功能鉴定与调控机制研究,2018.12-2022.12结题,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2-Cys 过氧化物还原酶在对虾抗病毒免疫反应中的分子机理研究,2016.01-2019.12,结题,主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: ECSITSyntenin 基因在对虾先天免疫与发育信号途径中的作用与功能分析,2013.01-2016.12,结题,主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目: 对虾免疫相关基因在生殖系统中的表达与功能分析,2009.01-2011.12,结题,主持。

7. 山东大学自主创新基金: 海洋生物来源免疫相关活性物质的功能与应用开发, 2012.01-2014.12,已结题,主持

8. 山东省优秀中青年奖励基金;对虾生殖系统中免疫相关基因的克隆与功能研究,2009.01-2011.12,已结题,主持。


研究成果  2013—至今)     * 通讯作者


1. Ran XQ, Gao L, Yan M, Kang CJ*. Peroxiredoxin 4 Interacts With Domeless and Participates in Antibacterial Immune Response Through the JAK/STAT Pathway. Front Immunol. 2022 May 26;13:907183.

2. Ding D, Sun XJ, Yan M, Chen Q, Gao L, Kang CJ*.The ECSIT Mediated Toll3-Dorsal-ALFs Pathway Inhibits Bacterial Amplification in Kuruma Shrimp. Front Immunol. 2022 Jan 31;13:807326.

3. Guo NN, Sun XJ, Xie YK, Yang GW, Kang CJ*. Cloning and functional characterization of thioredoxin gene from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Mar;86:429-435.  

4.  Liu ZQ, Liu Y, Gu Y, Gao LL, Li A, Liu DW*, Kang CJ*, Pang QX*, Wang XQ, Han Q, Yu HR. Met-enkephalin inhibits ROS production through Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the ZF4 cells of zebrash. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 May;88432-88440

5. Xia WL, Kang LH, Liu CB, Kang CJ*. Death associated protein 1 (DAP 1)positively regulates virus replication and apoptosis of hemocytes in shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017Apr;63:304-313.  

6Xie YK, Ding D, Wang HM, Kang CJ*. A homologue gene of β-catenin participatesin the development of shrimps and immune response to bacteria and viruses. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2015 Nov;47(1):147-156.

7Liu Q, Chen XW, Che CJ, Ding D, Kang CJ*. Syntenin is involved in the bacteria clearance response of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2015 Jun;44(2):453-461.

8Shi XZ1, Kang CJ1, Wang SJ, Zhong X, Beerntsen BT, Yu XQ. Functions of Armigeres subalbatus C-type lectins in innate immunity. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;52:102-114.

9Ding D, Chen XW, Kang LH, Jiang HS, Kang CJ*. Role of evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways (ECSIT) in the antibacterial immunity of Marsupenaeus japonicus. Dev Comp Immunol. 2014 Oct;46(2): 246-254.

10Chen XW, Kang LH, Ding D, Liu Q, Wang JX, Kang CJ*. Characterization of a 2-Cys peroxiredoxin IV in Marsupenaeus japonicus (kuruma shrimp) and its role in the anti-viral immunity. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013 Dec;35(6):1848-1857.



1. TLK蛋白及其在虾蟹类抗病毒品系育种中的应用,2021专利号:ZL201811584949.5

2. 一种具有抗病毒活性的对虾蛋白及其应用,2015 专利号:ZL201310376612.6

3. 具有抑菌和抗癌作用的小肽A及其应用,2011 专利号:ZL200910018759.1

4. 具有抑菌和抗癌作用的小肽B及其应用,   2011  专利号:ZL200910018758.7

5. 具有抑菌和抗癌作用的小肽C及其应用, 2011   专利号:ZL200910018757.2

6. 具有抑菌和抗癌作用的小肽D及其应用, 2011   专利号:ZL200910018756.8


1. 王金星, 赵小凡, 康翠洁. 对虾抗细菌与抗病毒的先天免疫防御机理. 2011. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学奖,一等奖)

  • 1999-9 — 2004-9
  • 1994-9 — 1998-7
  • 2004-8 — 至今
  • 1998-9 — 1999-7

(1) 康翠洁.软体动物教学与社会实践项目的设计与实施.生物学杂志.2021,38 (1):111-113

(2) 康翠洁.生物科学之病毒学学术沙龙概述.2022,39 (03):6-11

(3) 康翠洁.生物科学之病毒学学术沙龙概述.生物学杂志.2022 (39(03)):6

(4) 王童.多功能的胞内衔接蛋白syntenin.中国生物化学于分子生物学学报.2013,29 (12):1097-1105

(5) 冉小芹.Peroxiredoxin 4 Interacts With Domeless and Participates in Antibacterial Immune Response Through the JAK/STAT Pathway.Frontiers in Immunology.2022,13 :907183

(6) 康翠洁.Peroxiredoxin4 interacts with Domeless and participates in antibacterial immune response through JAK/STAT pathway.Frontiers in Immunology (907183)

(7) 康翠洁.The design and performance of the molllusk teaching and a scientific investigation practise project.生物学杂志.2021,38 (2021.01):111

(8) dingding.The ECSIT Mediated Toll3-Dorsal-ALFs Pathway Inhibits Bacterial Amplification in Kuruma Shrimp.Frontiers in Immunology.2022,13

(9) 陈琪.Advancements in the study of the classification and immune function of shrimp hemocytes.中国生物工程杂志.2021 (01):53

(10) 康翠洁.Characterization of a 2-Cys peroxiredoxin IV in Marsup enaeus japonic us (kuruma shrimp) and its role in the anti-viral immunity.fish & shellfish immunology.2013,35 (6):1848

(11) 康翠洁.Role of evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways (ECSIT) in the antibacterial immunity of Marsupenaeus japonicus..Dev Comp Immunol.2014

(12) 康翠洁.A homologue gene of β-catenin participates in the development of shrimps and immune response to bacteria and viruses.Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015,47 (1):141

(13) 康翠洁.Syntenin is involved in the bacteria clearance response of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus).Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015

(14) 康翠洁.多功能的胞内衔接蛋白 syntenin.中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2013,29 (12):1097

(15) 王金星. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the Ch-penaeidin, an antimicrobial peptide from Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Fish & Shellfish Iimmunology.2004,16 (2):513

(16) 王金星.Characterization and expression of a new subfamily member of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides (penaeidin 5) from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Mol Immunol.2007,44 (7):1535

(17) 康翠洁.Cloning and functional characterization of thioredoxin gene from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2018

(18) Liu, Ziqiang.Met-enkephalin inhibits ROS production through Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in the ZF4 cells of zebrafish.fish & shellfish immunology.2019,88 :432

(19) 夏文丽.Death associated protein 1 (DAP 1) positively regulates virus replication and apoptosis of hemocytes in shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2017, 63 :304

(20) 石秀贞.Functions of Armigeres subalbatus C-type lectins in innate immunity..Insect Bochemistry and Molecular Biology.2014,52 :102

(21) 康翠洁.Characterization of a 2-Cys peroxiredoxin IV in Marsup enaeus japonic us (kuruma shrimp) and its role in the anti-viral immunity.fish & shellfish immunology.2013,35 (6):1848

(22) 王金星. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the Ch-penaeidin, an antimicrobial peptide from Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Fish & Shellfish Iimmunology.2004,16 (2):513

(23) 康翠洁.Role of evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways (ECSIT) in the antibacterial immunity of Marsupenaeus japonicus..Dev Comp Immunol.2014

(24) 康翠洁.A homologue gene of β-catenin participates in the development of shrimps and immune response to bacteria and viruses.Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015,47 (1):141

(25) 康翠洁.Syntenin is involved in the bacteria clearance response of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus).Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015

(26) 康翠洁.多功能的胞内衔接蛋白 syntenin .中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2013,29 (12)

(27) 王金星.Characterization and expression of a new subfamily member of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides (penaeidin 5) from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Mol Immunol.2007,44 (7):1535

(28) 王金星.High level expression, purification, and characterization of the shrimp antimicrobial peptide, Ch-penaeidin, in Pichia pastoris..Protein Expression and Purification.2005,39 (2):144

(29) 赵小凡.Molecular cloning and expression patterns of the molt-regulating transcription factor HHR3 from Helicoverpa armigera.Insect Molecular Biology.2004,13 (4):407

(30) 郭宁宁.Cloning and functional characterization of thioredoxin gene from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2019,86 :429

(31) 王金星.Molecular cloning and characterization of Fc-TSP from the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis..Molecular Immunology.2006,43 (8):1201

(32) 康翠洁.Cloning and functional characterization of thioredoxin gene from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2018

(33) 石秀贞. Functions of Armigeres subalbatus C-type lectins in innate immunity..Insect Bochemistry and Molecular Biology.2014,52 :102

(34) 王金星.Characterization and expression of a new subfamily member of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides (penaeidin 5) from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Mol Immunol.2007,44 (7):1535

(35) 王金星.High level expression, purification, and characterization of the shrimp antimicrobial peptide, Ch-penaeidin, in Pichia pastoris..Protein Expression and Purification.2005,39 (2):144

(36) 赵小凡.Molecular cloning and expression patterns of the molt-regulating transcription factor HHR3 from Helicoverpa armigera.Insect Molecular Biology.2004,13 (4):407

(37) 王金星.Molecular cloning and characterization of Fc-TSP from the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis..Molecular Immunology.2006,43 (8):1201

(38) 石秀贞. Functions of Armigeres subalbatus C-type lectins in innate immunity..Insect Bochemistry and Molecular Biology.2014,52 :102

(39) 王金星.Molecular cloning and characterization of Fc-TSP from the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis..Molecular Immunology.2006,43 (8):1201

(40) 王金星.High level expression, purification, and characterization of the shrimp antimicrobial peptide, Ch-penaeidin, in Pichia pastoris..Protein Expression and Purification.2005,39 (2):144

(41) 王金星.Characterization and expression of a new subfamily member of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides (penaeidin 5) from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Mol Immunol.2007,44 (7):1535

(42) 夏文丽.Death associated protein 1 (DAP 1) positively regulates virus replication and apoptosis of hemocytes in shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2017, 63 :304

(43) 赵小凡.Molecular cloning and expression patterns of the molt-regulating transcription factor HHR3 from Helicoverpa armigera.Insect Molecular Biology.2004,13 (4):407

(44) 王金星. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the Ch-penaeidin, an antimicrobial peptide from Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis. .Fish & Shellfish Iimmunology.2004,16 (2):513

(45) 康翠洁.A homologue gene of β-catenin participates in the development of shrimps and immune response to bacteria and viruses.Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015,47 (1):141

(46) 康翠洁.Syntenin is involved in the bacteria clearance response of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus).Fish Shellfish Immunol..2015

(47) 康翠洁.Role of evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll pathways (ECSIT) in the antibacterial immunity of Marsupenaeus japonicus..Dev Comp Immunol.2014

(48) 康翠洁.多功能的胞内衔接蛋白 syntenin .中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2013,29 (12)

(49) 康翠洁.Characterization of a 2-Cys peroxiredoxin IV in Marsup enaeus japonic us (kuruma shrimp) and its role in the anti-viral immunity.fish & shellfish immunology.2013,35 (6):1848

(50) 康翠洁.Cloning and functional characterization of thioredoxin gene from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus.fish & shellfish immunology.2018

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