  • 教师拼音名称:
    Niu Shengli
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  • 博士生导师
  • 硕士生导师

牛胜利,中共党员,工学博士、教授、博士生导师,2002年9月进入山东大学能源与动力工程学院学习,先后取得热能与动力工程专业工学学士及热能工程专业工学博士学位,2011年8月留校工作以后,先后担任讲师、副教授及教授,并认定为硕士生及博士生导师。负责本科生“工程燃烧学”、“热能与动力工程测试技术”以及研究生“能源与动力生产的流程模拟”等课程讲授。主要从事生物质能开发与利用、燃烧与污染物控制、多能互补系统优化、热电联产系统节能等领域研究,主持国家重点研发计划(课题负责人)、国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省重大科技创新工程项目(任务负责人)、中国博士后科学基金特别资助、山东省重点研发计划、山东省自然科学基金、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金、深圳市科技计划项目、山东大学交叉学科培育项目等课题,发表论文90余篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者在Energy Conversion and Management、Bioresource Technology、Energy、Renewable Energy、Fuel、Applied Energy、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Cleaner Production、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Journal等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇。任多个国家级及省部级项目、人才及科技奖励的评审专家,担任多个高校的职称晋升、研究生导师认定以及学位论文的评审专家,担任国内外多个科技期刊的审稿人入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单山东大学青年学者未来计划,曾获教育部高等学校能源动力类专业百篇优秀毕业论文指导教师、山东省高等学校科学技术奖励、山东省优秀博士学位论文、教育部博士研究生学术新人奖、山东大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖、山东大学研究生校长奖学金、山东大学优秀班主任等奖励。自2012以来,共指导研究生11人次获得山东大学研究生国家奖学金(截止2023年)。

  • 2006-9 — 2011-6
  • 2002-9 — 2006-7
  • 2020-9-至今
  • 2014-9 — 2020-8
  • 2011-9 — 2013-9
  • 2011-8 — 2014-8






1.  刘思彤 , 厉志鹏  and 牛胜利*(*通讯作者,下同). Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil through transesterification catalyzed by the strontium-zinc bifunctional oxides.  Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,  200,  109777, 2024. 

2.  朱婕 , 林彤  and 牛胜利*. Synthesis of HNTs-Ca/Zn catalyst for biodiesel production from acidulated palm oil: Optimized by GA-BP.  Industrial Crops and Products,  213,  118450, 2024. 

3.  朱婕 , 曲同鑫  and 牛胜利*. Preparation and characterization of a novel bifunctional heterogeneous Sr-La/wollastonite catalyst for biodiesel production.  Materials Today Sustainability,  26,  100716, 2024. 

4.  刘济森 , 林彤  and 牛胜利*. Transesterification of acidic palm oil using solid waste CaO as abifunctional catalyst.  Fuel,  362,  130913, 2024. 

5.  李颖 , 唐新程  and 牛胜利*. Synthesis of the zirconium dioxide activated carbon-based heterogeneous acid catalyst to catalyze esterification for biodiesel production with molecular simulation.  Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,  13,  15799-15814, 2023. 

6.  张玉娇  and 牛胜利*. One-step conversion of acidified oil to biodiesel by novel bifunctional SrZr1-xFexO3 catalyst.  Renewable Energy,  217,  119139, 2023. 

7.  刘思彤 , 周文波  and 牛胜利*. Insight into blast furnace dust for selective catalytic reduction of NOx: An experimental and DFT study.  Fuel,  344,  128006, 2023. 

8.  刘思彤  and 牛胜利*. An investigation on microscopic and mechanical properties of polyethylene/boron nitride graphene nanocomposites by DFT calculations.  Computational Materials Science,  228,  2023. 

9.  祝超  and 牛胜利*. 内螺纹管中超临界水的传热数值模拟.  热能动力工程,  38,  96-106, 2023. 

10.  张玉娇  and 牛胜利*. Preparation of SrZrAl multiple oxide catalyst for produce biodiesel from acidified palm oil.  Renewable Energy,  207,  116, 2023. 

11.  李颖  and 牛胜利*. Role of oxygen vacancy on activity of Fe-doped SrTiO3 perovskite bifunctional catalysts for biodiesel production.  Renewable Energy,  199,  1258, 2022. 

12.  李朝阳  and 牛胜利*. Solid fuel production from co-hydrothermal carbonization of polyvinyl chloride and corncob: Higher dechlorination efficiency and process water recycling.  Science of the total Environment,  843,  157082, 2022. 

13.  李朝阳  and 牛胜利*. Thermogravimetric analysis on the characteristics of oxy-fuel co-combustion of sub-bituminous coal and semi-coke.  Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,  50,  937, 2022. 

14.  周文波  and 牛胜利*. γ-Fe2O3抗As2O3中毒能力的分子模拟.  中国环境科学,  42,  3600-3609, 2022. 

15.  刘思彤  and 牛胜利*. Mechanism of formaldehyde oxidation catalyzed by doped graphene single atom catalysts: Density functional theory study.  MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,  528,  2022. 

16.  刘思彤  and 牛胜利*. α-Fe2O3(001)及其掺杂表面吸附As2O3机制的密度泛函理论.  哈尔滨工业大学学报,  54,  20, 2022. 

17.  郝雅楠  and 牛胜利*. Zn改性Sr/γ-Al2O3 表面吸附甲醇活化羟基的分子模拟.  农业工程学报,  38,  253, 2022. 

18.  王俊  and 牛胜利*. 660 MW煤粉锅炉掺烧生物质数值模拟.  洁净煤技术,  28,  143-151, 2022. 

19.  李树琛  and 牛胜利*. Investigation on co-combustion characteristics of oily sludge and ginkgo leaves through thermogravimetric analysis coupled with artificial neural network.  SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,  65,  261, 2022. 

20.  李颖  and 牛胜利*. Mesoporous SrTiO3 perovskite as a heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production: Experimental and DFT studies.  Renewable Energy,  184,  164, 2022. 

21.  周文波  and 牛胜利*. γ-Fe2O3表面HCl 对汞的吸附和氧化机理研究.  燃料化学学报,  49,  1716, 2021. 

22.  陈邱谆. Insight into the promotion mechanism of activated carbon on the monolithic honeycomb red mud catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO x.  15,  2021. 

23.  李颖  and 牛胜利*. 生物质气再燃脱除流化床N2O的机理研究.  燃料化学学报,  49,  1435, 2021. 

24.  宁一麟  and 牛胜利*. Sono-modified halloysite nanotube with NaAlO2 as novel heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production: Optimization via GA_BP neural network.  Renewable Energy,  175,  391, 2021. 

25.  张玉娇  and 牛胜利*. Synthesis of the SrO-CaO-Al2O3 trimetallic oxide catalyst for transesterification to produce biodiesel.  Renewable Energy,  168,  981, 2021. 

26.  厉志鹏  and 牛胜利*. Investigation into influences of methanol pre-adsorption on CaO(100) surface in transesterification for biodiesel production with molecular simulation.  APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,  609,  117908, 2021. 

27.  吕泽康  and 牛胜利*. Theoretical insights into the poisoning effect of Na and K on alpha-Fe2O3 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3.  Applied catalysis A : General,  610,  117968, 2021. 

28.  陈邱谆. Insight into the promotion mechanism of activated carbon on the monolithic honeycomb red mud catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx.  Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,  15,  2020. 

29.  宁一麟  and 牛胜利*. Catalytic capability of phosphotungstic acid supported on bamboo activated carbon in esterification for biodiesel production with density functional theory.  Biomass & Bioenergy,  143,  2020. 

30.  周文波  and 牛胜利*. 钛改性对γ-Fe2O3选择催化还原脱硝性能强化机制的分子模拟研究.  燃料化学学报,  48,  1224, 2020. 

31.  曲同鑫  and 牛胜利*. Preparation of calcium modified Zn-Ce/Al2O3 heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production through transesterification of palm oil with methanol optimized by response surface methodology.  Fuel,  284,  118986, 2020. 

32.  厉志鹏  and 牛胜利*. 掺杂改性对钙铝基复合物酯交换催化剂吸附性能影响的分子模拟.  化工学报,  71,  3625-3632, 2020. 

33.  巩志强. Insights into modified red mud for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx: Activation mechanism of targeted leaching.  J. Hazardous Mater. ,  394,  2020. 

34.  李希铭  and 牛胜利*. 基于颗粒动力学理论的搅拌器中固液流动的数值模拟.  过程工程学报,  20,  265, 2020. 

35.  林彤 , 赵爽  and 牛胜利*. Halloysite nanotube functionalized with La-Ca bimetallic oxides as novel transesterification catalyst for biodiesel production with molecular simulation.  Energy Conversion and Management,  220,  113138, 2020. 

36.  李颖  and 牛胜利*. 生物质再燃异相还原NO的分子模拟.  燃料化学学报,  48,  689-696, 2020. 

37.  曲同鑫  and 牛胜利*. Wollastonite decorated with calcium oxide as heterogeneous transesterification catalyst for biodiesel production: Optimized by response surface methodology.  Renewable Energy,  159,  873-884, 2020. 

38.  吕泽康  and 牛胜利*. A density functional theory study on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 reactivity of alpha-Fe2O3 (001) catalyst doped by Mn, Ti, Cr and Ni.  Fuel,  267,  2020. 

39.  牛胜利*  and 张翔宇. Dolomite incorporated with cerium to enhance the stability in catalyzing transesterification for biodiesel production.  Renewable Energy,  154,  107-116, 2020. 

40.  巩志强. Facile synthesis of porous alpha-Fe2O3 nanostructures from MIL-100(Fe) via sacrificial templating method, as efficient catalysts for NH3-SCR reaction.  Materials Research Bulletin,  123,  2020. 

41.  厉志鹏  and 牛胜利*. Sr掺杂对CaO(100)表面吸附甲醇影响的分子模拟.  燃料化学学报,  48,  172-178, 2020. 

42.  张玉娇  and 牛胜利*. Catalytic performance of NaAlO2/γ-Al2O3 as heterogeneous nanocatalyst for biodiesel production: Optimization using response surface methodology.  Energy Conversion and Management,  203,  112263, 2020. 

43.  赵爽  and 牛胜利*. Experimental investigation on biodiesel production through transesterification promoted by the La-dolomite catalyst.  Fuel,  257,  116092, 2019. 

44.  吕泽康  and 牛胜利*. 生物质锅炉氯腐蚀的密度泛函理论研究.  化工学报,  70,  4370-4376, 2019. 

45.  唐新程  and 牛胜利*. Synthesis of sulfonated catalyst from bituminous coal to catalyze esterification for biodiesel production with promoted mechanism analysis.  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,  77,  432, 2019. 

46.  宁一麟  and 牛胜利*. Characterization of Dolomite Promoted by NaAlO2 and Application as Catalyst in Transesterification by Response Surface Methodology.  ChemistrySelect,  33,  9849-9856, 2019. 

47.  徐丽婷 , 牛胜利 , 胡利华 , 路春美* , 张亢 , 张起  and 巩志强. TiO2负载型Fe0.8Mg0.2Oz催化剂NH3-SCR脱硝特性.  燃烧科学与技术,  29,  309-316, 2019. 

48.  牛胜利*. Apparent kinetic and thermodynamic calculation for thermal degradation of stearic acid and its esterification derivants through thermogravimetric analysis.  Renewable Energy,  133,  373, 2019. 

49.  唐新程  and 牛胜利*. Preparation of carbon-based solid acid with large surface area to catalyze esterification for biodiesel production.  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,  69,  187-195, 2018. 

50.  牛胜利*. Investigation on thermal degradation properties of oleic acid and its methyl and ethyl esters through TG-FTIR.  Energy Conversion and Management,  149,  495-504, 2018. 

51.  牛胜利*. Synthesis of 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid functionalized carbon catalyst through diazonium salt reduction for biodiesel production.  ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,  173,  753, 2018. 

52.  Liting Xu , Shengli Niu , Dong Wang , Chunmei Lu* , Qi Zhang , Kang Zhang  and Jing Li. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 over titanium modified FexMgyOz catalysts: Performance and characterization.  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,  63,  391, 2018. 

53.  Liting Xu , Shengli Niu , Chunmei Lu* , Qi Zhang  and Jing Li. Influence of calcination temperature on Fe0.8Mg0.2Oz catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3.  Fuel,  219,  248, 2018. 

54.  于贺伟  and 牛胜利*. Microwave-assisted preparation of coal-based heterogeneous acid catalyst and its catalytic performance in esterification.  Journal of Cleaner Production,  183,  67, 2018. 

55.  牛胜利*. Esterification of oleic acid to produce biodiesel catalyzed by sulfonated activated carbon from bamboo.  Energy Conversion and Management,  163,  59, 2018. 

56.  宁一麟  and 牛胜利*. Preparation and catalytic performance in esterification of a bamboo-based heterogeneous acid catalyst with microwave assistance.  Energy Conversion and Management,  153,  446, 2017. 

57.  于贺伟  and 牛胜利*. Sulfonated coal-based solid acid catalyst synthesis and esterification intensification under ultrasound irradiation.  Fuel,  208,  101, 2017. 

58.  牛胜利*. Investigation on thermal degradation properties of oleic acid and its methyl and ethyl esters through TG-FTIR.  Energy Conversion and Management,  149,  495, 2017. 

59.  徐丽婷. Structural properties of Mg doped γ-Fe2O3 catalysts and their activities in the selective catalytic reduction with NH3.  Meitan Xuebao/Journal of China Coal Society,  42,  1884-1891, 2017. 

60.  徐丽婷. Mg掺杂改性γ-Fe2O3催化剂NH3-SCR脱硝特性.  《煤炭学报》,  42,  1884, 2017. 

61.  Kang Zhang , Liting Xu , Shengli Niu , Chunmei Lu* , Dong Wang , Qi Zhang  and Jing Li. Iron-manganese-magnesium mixed oxides catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3.  Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,  34,  1858-1866, 2017. 

62.  Liting Xu , Shengli Niu , Chunmei Lu* , Dong Wang , Kang Zhang  and Jing Li. NH3-SCR performance and characterization over magnetic iron-magnesium mixed oxide catalysts.  Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,  34,  1576-1583, 2017. 

63.  于贺伟  and 牛胜利*. Preparation and esterification performance of sulfonated coal-based heterogeneous acid catalyst for methyl oleate production.  Energy Conversion and Management,  126,  488, 2016. 

64.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. Calcium oxide functionalized with strontium as heterogeneous transesterification catalyst for biodiesel production.  Fuel,  176,  63, 2016. 

65.  周艳  and 牛胜利*. Activity of the carbon-based heterogeneous acid catalyst derived from bamboo in esterification of oleic acid with ethanol.  Energy Conversion and Management,  114,  188, 2016. 

66.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. The stability evaluation of lime mud as transesterification catalyst in resisting CO2 and H2O for biodiesel production.  Energy Conversion and Management,  103,  57, 2015. 

67.  牛胜利*. An investigation on the catalytic capability of the modified white mud after activation in transesterification and kinetic calculation.  Energy,  89,  982, 2015. 

68.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. Comprehensive Investigation of the Thermal Degradation Characteristics of Biodiesel and its Feedstock Oil through TGA-FTIR.  Energy & Fuels,  29,  5145, 2015. 

69.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. Comparative evaluation of thermal degradation for biodiesels derived from various feedstocks through transesterification.  Energy Conversion and Management,  98,  81, 2015. 

70.  赵建立. Thermogravimetric Analysis and Kinetics of Combustion of Raw and Torrefied Pine Sawdust.  Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,  2015. 


72.  刘梦琪 , 牛胜利* , 路春美  and 程世庆. An optimization study on transesterification catalyzed by the activated carbide slag through the response surface methodology.  Energy Conversion and Management,  92,  498-506, 2015. 

73.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. 造纸白泥催化花生油酯交换的动力学研究.  中国粮油学报,  30,  46, 2015. 

74.  牛胜利*  and 刘梦琪. A study on the catalytic performance of carbide slag in transesterification and the calculation of kinetic parameters.  SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,  58,  258, 2015. 

75.  李辉  and 牛胜利*. Transesterification catalyzed by industrial waste—Lime mud doped with potassium fluoride and the kinetic calculation.  Energy Conversion and Management,  86,  1110, 2014. 

76.  刘梦琪 , 牛胜利* , 路春美 , 李辉  and 霍梦佳. 醋酸改性电石渣催化酯交换特性研究.  农业机械学报,  45,  184-189, 2014. 

77.  牛胜利* , 刘梦琪 , 路春美 , 李辉  and 霍梦佳. 电石渣负载氟化钾的催化酯交换特性研究.  燃料化学学报,  42,  690-696, 2014. 

78.  霍梦佳 , 牛胜利* , 路春美 , 刘梦琪  and 李辉. 生物柴油热解的TG-FTIR联用研究及动力学参数计算.  化工进展,  33,  1435-1439, 2014. 

79.  牛胜利*. An investigation on the catalytic capacity of dolomite in transesterification and the calculation of kinetic parameters.  Bioresource technology,  158,  74-80, 2014. 

80.  李辉  and 牛胜利. Use of lime mud from paper mill as a heterogeneous catalyst for transesterification.  SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,  57,  438-444, 2014. 

81.  牛胜利*. Thermogravimetric analysis of carbide slag A potential transesterification catalyst validation.  Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,  115,  73-79, 2014. 

82.  牛胜利. 造纸白泥催化花生油与甲醇酯交换的特性研究.  燃料化学学报,  41,  856, 2013. 

83.  牛胜利*. 造纸白泥催化花生油与甲醇酯交换的特性研究.  燃料化学学报,  41,  856-861, 2013. 

84.  周飞 , 牛胜利 , 邹鹏 , 韩奎华 , 路春美*  and 李刚. 有机钙作用下褐煤SO2、NO析出及燃烧特性.  燃料化学学报,  40,  149-155, 2012. 

85.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美. Release of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide and characteristic of coal combustion under the effect of calcium based organic compounds.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  168,  255-261, 2011. 

86.  牛胜利  and 路春美. Thermograviemtric analysis of the decomposition characteristics of two kinds of calcium based organic compounds.  Powder technology,  209,  46, 2011. 

87.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美. An experimental study on the effect of operating parameters and sodium additive on the NOxOUT Process.  Process Safety and Environmental Protection,  89,  121-126, 2011. 

88.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美. Experimental study on nitric oxide reduction through calcium propionate reburning.  Energy,  36,  1003-1009, 2011. 

89.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美. Characteristic of coal combustion in oxygen/carbon dioxide atmosphere and nitric oxide release during this process.  ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,  52,  532-537, 2011. 

90.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美. 生物质先进再燃脱硝特性研究.  燃料化学学报,  38,  745-751, 2010. 

91.  牛胜利  and 路春美. Thermogravimetric analysis of the relationship among calcium magnesium acetate, calcium acetate and magnesium acetate.  Applied energy,  87,  2237-2242, 2010. 

92.  牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美*. 非等温条件下丙酸钙热解的动力学参数计算.  科学通报,  55,  2350-2355, 2010. 

93.  韩奎华 , 牛胜利  and 路春美. Experimental study on biomass advanced reburning for nitrogen oxides reduction.  Process Safety and Environmental Protection,  88,  425, 2010. 

94.  Kuihua Han , Shengli Niu  and Chunmei Lu*. Experimental study on biomass advanced reburning for nitrogen oxides reduction.  Process Safety and Environmental Protection,  88,  425-430, 2010. 

95.  刘洪涛 , 牛胜利 , 韩奎华  and 路春美*. 丙酸钙高温协同脱硫脱硝的试验研究.  煤炭学报,  35,  835-839, 2010. 

96.  Shengli Niu , Kuihua Han  and Chunmei Lu*. Experimental Study on the Effect of Urea and Additive Injection for Controlling Nitrogen Oxides Emissions.  Environmental Engineering Science,  27,  47-53, 2010. 

97.  牛胜利  and 路春美. Thermogravimetric analysis of combustion characteristics and kinetic parameters of pulverized coals in oxy-fuel atmosphere.  Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,  98,  267-274, 2009. 

98.  牛胜利 , 路春美* , 高攀 , 韩奎华 , 耿萍  and 程中杰. 生物质再燃降低NO排放的实验研究.  燃料化学学报,  36,  583-587, 2008. 

99.  牛胜利 , 路春美* , 赵建立 , 郭鲁阳  and 刘志超. O2/CO2气氛下煤粉的燃烧规律与动力学特性.  动力工程,  28,  769-773, 2008. 

100.  高攀* , 路春美 , 韩奎华 , 牛胜利  and 熊志波. 添加剂协同选择性非催化还原NO的过程研究.  燃烧科学与技术,  14,  333-337, 2008. 


1. 一种赤泥催化剂及成型方法与应用

2. 一种赤泥SCR催化剂及其制备方法和应用

3. 一种高活性CaO基双功能材料及其制备方法与应用

4. 氮氧共掺杂多孔炭及L-赖氨酸制备多孔炭的方法与应用

5. 一种海藻酸盐基多孔炭及其制备方法和应用

6. 一种固体催化剂及其制备方法与应用

7. 硅灰石负载锶和镧的固体碱催化剂及其制备方法与应用

8. 一种生物质未燃尽炭制备的多孔炭及在超级电容中的应用

9. 一种冷热流体介质自由分隔装置

10. 一种超声波辅助制备超级活性炭的方法及其应用

11. 一种生物质灰渣的处理方法及系统

12. 一种氮掺杂多孔炭材料及其制备方法与应用

13. 一种负载型铁基复合氧化物催化剂及其制备方法

14. 一种大葱及废弃物制备多孔炭的方法

15. 一种超级电容器用姜秸秆基活性炭及其制备方法

16. 蒜基废弃物制备多孔炭材料的方法和应用

17. 一种铁铈-赤泥复合氧化物脱硝催化剂材料及其制备方法

18. 循环流化床锅炉烟气CO2、SO2和NOx的协同脱除系统和方法

19. 空心壳式电石渣复合CO2吸收剂及其合成方法与应用

20. 一种燃烧过程中减少重金属铬排放的方法

21. 一种竹炭基固体酸催化剂的制备方法

22. 一种催化剂制备生物柴油的煤基固体酸催化剂及其制备方法

23. 一种生物柴油的竹炭基固体酸催化剂及其制备方法与应用

24. 一种生物柴油的负载型固体碱催化剂及其制备方法和应用

25. 一种生物柴油的镧复合白云石固体碱催化剂及其制备方法和应用


1. 污染物超低排放协同控制及灰渣资源化利用技术, 2022/12/01-2026/11/30

2. 工业废塑料热解调控及脱氯研究, 2022/06/01-2025/05/31

3. 工业废塑料热解产物调控技术及装置研发, 2022/06/01-2025/05/31

4. 氨糖工业固废制备液体燃料技术研发, 2022/06/20-2024/08/31

5. 氨糖工业固废制备高值绿色环境材料技术研发, 2022/06/20-2024/08/31

6. 污染物超低排放协同控制及灰渣资源化利用技术

7. 镧修饰的有序介孔γ-Al2O3负载CaO固体催化剂优化制备及催化酯交换生产生物柴油的分子模拟

8. 多级孔沸石分子筛负载氧化钙的酸碱双功能酯交换催化剂调控合成及性能优化

9. 工业废塑料热解调控及脱氯研究

10. 氨糖工业固废制备液体燃料技术研发

11. 大宗工业固废协同互补生产宽温度窗口SCR脱硝催化剂的关键技术与装备研究

12. 基于钙基工业废渣催化餐饮业废油脂酯交换的特性研究

13. 基于白泥的负载型异相碱催化剂催化酯交换的特性与机理研究

14. 含钙工业废弃物催化连续式酯交换作用特性与机理研究

15. 生物质直燃锅炉受热面积灰特性研究及除灰技术方案研发

16. CaRxOy/OMA固体碱调控制备及催化大宗原料油酯交换生产生物柴油跨尺度放大研究

17. 粉煤灰基添加剂对生物质燃烧过程中积灰、结渣与腐蚀的作用机制研究

18. 竹炭基固体酸催化餐饮业废油脂同步酯化-酯交换生产生物柴油的作用机制研究

19. 磁性γ-Fe2O3制备及催化SCR脱硝特性研究与机理分析

20. 2*350MW超临界间接空冷热电联产机组运性技术咨询

21. 印度BALCO火电机组项目技术咨询

22. 改性铁基催化剂低温SCR脱硝性能优化机理

23. 工业钙基废弃物催化餐饮业废油脂酯交换特性研究与机理分析

24. 负载型改性磁性铁基催化剂SCR脱硝性能优化与机理研究

25. 电站锅炉原煤燃烧特性测试技术协议

26. 混煤燃烧特性与技术研究

27. 生物质与煤混合燃烧过程中的灰分沉积特性与腐蚀作用机理研究

28. O2/CO2燃煤气氛中选择性非催化脱硝特性与机理研究

29. 有机钙盐用于燃煤硫氮协同脱除的反应机理研究

30. 生物质气化及再燃脱硝技术研究

31. 生物质用于燃煤脱氮反应机理与过程研究

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