Hailong Wang Lab

Hailong Wang Lab went to Xinjiang Province to participate in ‘the Fifth Symposium on Synthetic Microbiology and Biomanufacturing’

Date:2024-08-02 Hits:

On July 19th to 23th, 2024, ‘the Fifth Symposium on Synthetic Microbiology and Biomanufacturing’ was held at Tarim University, Alaer, Xinjiang. This Symposium was jointly sponsored by the Professional Committee of Molecular Microbiology and Bioengineering of Chinese Society for Microbiology, the Professional Committee of General Microbiology of Chinese Society for Microbiology, and Xinjiang Society for Microbiology. Hailong Wang Lab sent six members to attend, Prof. Hailong Wang, Associate Researcher Ji Luan, Postdoc Hengxing Yuan and three doctoral students Tianqi Cui, Xinyu Yang, Ruoting He. Prof. Hailong Wang gave an academic lecture entitled ‘The Study on Synthetic Biology of Pesticide Spinosad’ at the symposium. All of the six members listened to the wonderful frontier academic lectures carefully. During the symposium, we also visited the Tarim University, the riverside of Tarim River and the gate of Taklimakan Desert.

     Through this symposium, the teachers and students of Hailong Wang Lab have increased our professional knowledges, broadened our academic horizons, enjoyed the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang. Everyone said that the trip was rewarding and memorable for life.
