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Han Kuihua and Qi Jianhui. High performance hierarchical porous carbon derived from distinctive plant tissue for supercapacitor. Scientific Reports, 17270, 2019.
Han Kuihua and Qi Jianhui. The Study of Sulphur Retention Characteristics of Biomass Briquettes during Combustion. Energy, 186, 115788, 2019.
Han Kuihua and Qi Jianhui. Nanoscale/microscale porous graphene-like sheets derived from different tissues and components of cane stalk for high-performance supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Journal, 55, 14085, 2019.
Han Kuihua and Qi Jianhui. Biomass-derived 3D hierarchical porous carbon by two-step activation method for supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30, 19415, 2019.
Han Kuihua , Qi Jianhui , luchunmei and 王茜. Investigation of potassium transformation characteristics and the influence of additives during biochar briquette combustion. Fuel, 37, 407, 2018.
Qi Jianhui and Han Kuihua. Carbonization of biomass: Effect of additives on alkali metals residue, SO 2 and NO emission of chars during combustion. Energy, 2017.