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教授 硕士生导师
- [1] 刘洪亮. Study on the anchoring properties of new water glass-modified alkaliactivated portland cement materials. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2024.
- [2] 杨钧岩. Hydraulic Fracture Feature of Rock Under Unloading Based on Test and Numerical Simulation. GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING , 2023.
- [3] Zhou, Shen. Mechanical Response of Supporting Structure of Closely Spaced Super Large Span Twin Tunnels. GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING , 2022.
- [4] 房忠栋. The Influence of Different Karst Cave Filling Material Strengths on Stratum Stability During Shield Tunneling. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2022.
- [5] 王美霞. Research on the Evolution Mechanism of Water Inrush in Karst Tunnel and the Safety Thickness of Water-Resisting Rock Mass. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2022.
- [6] 李卓徽. 基于近场动力学与有限体积法耦合的裂隙岩体渗流模拟. Tongji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tongji University, 50, 1251-1263, 2022.
- [7] 高成路. 岩体水力压裂应力-渗流耦合近场动力学模拟. Tongji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tongji University, 50, 470-480, 2022.
- [8] Ye, Dayu. Study on microstructural evolution of rock fractures under multi-field interactions. 《FRACTALS-COMPLEX GEOMETRY PATTERNS AND SCALING IN NATURE AND SOCIETY》, 30, 2022.
- [9] 屠文锋. Thickness control of accumulative damaged zone by rock mass blasting based on Hoek-Brown failure criterion. International Journal of Geomechanics, 22, 2021.
- [10] 周宗青. Calibration of DEM macro and micro parameters via XGBoost method. GRANULAR MATTER, 2022.
- [11] 周宗青. Calibration of DEM macro and micro parameters via XGBoost method. GRANULAR MATTER, 2022.
- [12] 李景龙. Mechanical Response of Supporting Structure of Closely Spaced Super Large Span Twin Tunnels. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 40, 2022.
- [13] 周宗青. Study on size effect of jointed rock mass and influencing factors of the REV size based on the SRM method. Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2022.
- [14] 褚开维. Coarse-grained CFD-DEM study of Gas-solid flow in gas cyclone. Chemical Engineering Science, 1, 2022.
- [15] 褚开维. Prediction of medium-to-coal ratio effect in a dense medium cyclone by using both traditional and coarse-grained CFD-DEM models. 《Particuology》, 68, 44, 2022.
- [16] 石少帅. Experimental Study of Seepage Characteristics of Filling Structures in Deep Roadway. GEOFLUIDS, 2022.
- [17] 石少帅. 凿岩台车钻头破岩震源地震记录重构方法. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021.
- [18] 周宗青. A PD-FEM approach for fast solving static failure problems and its engineering application. Engineering fracture mechanics, 262, 2022.
- [19] 王美霞. Experimental study on fractal characteristics of fault filling medium in the tunnel and relationship between fractal dimension and permeability coefficient. GEOMECHANICS AND GEOPHYSICS FOR GEO-ENERGY AND GEO-RESOURCES, 8, 2021.
- [20] 王美霞. Experimental research on the effect of particle migration of a filling medium in a fault during water and mud inrush. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021.