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Main positions:山东大学空间科学研究院科普组组长
Other Post:山东天文学会秘书长
Date of Birth: 1981-01-08
Alma Mater:中国科学院国家天文台
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
姓名: 曹晨 职称: 副教授 硕导
学历: 博士 (天体物理)
研究方向: 星系的形成与演化;太阳系外行星搜索与观测研究;天文科普教育
毕业院校: 中国科学院国家天文台(博研),南开大学(本科)
开课情况: 实测天体物理, 星系天文学,天文学新概论, 基础天文学, 业余天文观测与摄影, 专业实习(空间科学)
科研项目: 曾主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项(2016-2018)、国家自然科学基金天文联合基金一项(2010~2012年)
学术团体: 山东天文学会秘书长,中国天文学会会员,中国天文学会普及工作委员会委员,威海市科协第八届委员会常务委员会委员,威海市科普志愿者协会副会长
获奖情况: 2008年,中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖;2009年~2010年,山大威海分校暑期社会实践优秀指导教师;2010年,山大威海分校“我最喜欢的社团指导老师”;2010年,第三届“威海市优秀志愿者”;2010年,山东省青少年科普工作优秀科技辅导员;2011年,山东省科技场馆工作先进个人;2013年,第五届山东省科普奖提名奖;2011~2014年度全国天文科普工作优秀个人;2015年毕业生“我最喜爱的老师”;2015~2018年度“全国天文科普工作优秀个人(先进工作者)”;2017年度“威海市最美志愿者”
个人简历: 曹晨,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年5月毕业于中国科学院国家天文台,2008年5月至今在山东大学威海分校空间科学与物理学院工作,承担学院专业课程及全校天文通选课的教学任务,参与空间科学研究院及山东大学威海天文台暨威海市天文台的运行管理及天文观测与数据处理分析工作,并主要负责天文台开展的各类科学普及活动,现任山东大学空间科学研究院科普团组组长。目前的主要研究方向为星系形成与演化的多波段观测研究、太阳系外行星的光谱与测光观测研究、天文科普教育,等。
2013.02 — 2014.02 美国加州理工学院IPAC 交流访问学者
2008.07 — 2008.08 美国 Harvard/CfA 交流访问学者
2003.09 — 2008.07 中国科学院国家天文台 天体物理专业 硕博连读研究生
1999.09 — 2003.07 南开大学物理学院 光信息科学与技术专业 本科
[1] Herschel Observations of Major Merger Pairs at z = 0: Dust Mass and Star Formation
Cao, Chen; Xu, Cong Kevin; Domingue, Donovan, et al. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 222, Issue 2, article id. 16, 22 pp. (2016).
[2] Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of Ultra-Luminous Infrared Quasars
Cao, C., Xia, X.-Y., Wu, H., Mao, S., Hao, C.-N., & Deng, Z.-G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 390, Issue 1, pp. 336-348, 2008.
[3] Multiwavelength Study of Young Massive Star Clusters in the Interacting Galaxy Arp 24
Cao, C., & Wu, H. Astronomical Journal, Volume 133, Issue 4, pp. 1710-1721, 2007.
[4] Large Misalignment between Stellar Bar and Dust Pattern in NGC 3488 Revealed by Spitzer and SDSS
Cao, C., Wu, H., Wang, Z., Ho, L. C., Huang, J.-S., & Deng, Z.-G. New Astronomy, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 16-23, 2008.
[5] A Catalog of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the IRAS Survey and the Second Data Release of the SDSS
Cao, C., Wu, H., Wang, J.-L., Hao, C.-N., Deng, Z.-G., Xia, X.-Y., & Zou, Z.-L. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 197-209, 2006.
[6] Applying the Support Vector Machine Method to Matching IRAS and SDSS Catalogues
Cao, C. Data Science Journal Supplement, Volume 6, pp. 756-759, 2007.
[7] Star Formation Properties in Barred Galaxies (SFB).I. UV-to-Infrared Imaging & Spectroscopic Studies on NGC 7479
Zhou, Z.-M., Cao, C., Meng, X.-M., Wu, H. Astronomical Journal, Volumn 142, Issue 2, pp. 38- , 2011.
[8] Star Formation Properties in Barred Galaxies (SFB).II. NGC 2903 and NGC 7080
Zhou, Z.-M., Cao, C., Wu, H. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 235-248, 2012.
[8] PAH and Mid-Infrared Luminosities as Measures of Star Formation Rate in Spitzer First Look Survey Galaxies
Wu, H., Cao, C., Hao, C.-N., Liu, F.-S., Wang, J.-L., Xia, X.-Y., Deng, Z.-G., Young, C. K.-S.
Astrophysical Journal Letter, Volume 632, Issue 2, pp. 79-82, 2005. (ADS ;arXiv) [9] IRAS F21013–0739: a possible evolutionary successor of an ultraluminous infrared galaxy
Meng, X.-M., Wu, H., Cao, C.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 11, No 4, pp. 419-433, 2011. (ADS) [10] Effects of Metallicity and AGN Activity on the Mid-Infrared Dust Emission of Galaxies
Wu, H., Zhu, Y.-N., Cao, C., & Qin, B.
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 668, Issue 1, pp. 87-93, 2007. (ADS ;arXiv) [11] The Debris Disk Candidates in Spitzer SWIRE Fields
Wu, H., Wu, C.-J., Cao, C., Wolf, S., & Hu, J.-Y.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 12, Issue 5, pp. 513-528 (2012). (;arXiv) [12] Morphological Dependence of MIR Properties on SDSS Galaxies in the Spitzer SWIRE Survey
Li, H.-N., Wu, H., Cao, C., & Zhu, Y.-N.
Astronomical Journal, Volume 134, Issue 4, pp. 1315-1329, 2007. (ADS ;arXiv) [13] Correlations between MIR, FIR, Ha, and FUV Luminosities for Spitzer SWIRE-field Galaxies
Zhu, Y.-N., Wu, H., Cao, C., & Li, H.-N.
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 686, Issue 1, pp. 155-171, 2008. (ADS ;arXiv) [14] The Mid-to-Far infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of galaxies in Spitzer First Look Survey Field
Wen, X.-Q., Wu, H., Cao, C., & Xia, X.-Y.
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 187-198, 2007. (ADS ;arXiv) [15] Morphology of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe
Wang, J.-L., Xia, X.-Y., Mao, S., Cao, C., Wu, H., & Deng, Z.-G.
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 649, Issue 2, pp. 722-729, 2006. (ADS ;arXiv) [16] Stellar mass estimation based on IRAC photometry for Spitzer SWIRE-field galaxies
Zhu, Y.-N., Wu, H., Li, H.-N., & Cao, C.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 329-347, 2010. (ADS ;arXiv)
[17] IRAS F13308+5946: A Possible Transition Phase From Type I ULIRG To Optical Quasar
Meng, X.-M., Wu, H., Gu, Q.-S., Wang, J., & Cao, C.
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 718, Issue 2, pp. 928-938, 2010. (ADS ;arXiv)
[18] The Star Formation Reference Survey. I. Survey Description and Basic Data
Ashby, M.L.N., ..., Cao, C., et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 123, issue 907, pp.1011-1029, 2011 (ADS ;arXiv) [19] A giant outburst two years before the core-collapse of a massive star
Pastorello, A., ... , Cao, C., et al.
Nature, Volume 447, Issue 7146, pp. 829-832, 2007. (ADS ;arXiv) [20] 太阳系外行星的凌星观测研究 Observation and Research of the Transits of Extrasolar Planets
张记成, 曹晨, 宋楠, 王飞格, 张晓彤 Zhang, Ji-Cheng; Cao, Chen; Song, Nan; Wang, Fei-Ge; Zhang, Xiao-Tong
天文学报, 2011年, 第52卷, 第3期. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 35, Issue 4, p. 409-420. 2011. (ADS ;文章下载) [21] Silicon Abundances in nearby Stars from the Si I Infrared Lines
Shi, J. R.; Takada-Hidai, M.; Takeda, Y.; Tan, K. F.; Hu, S. M.; Zhao, G.; Cao, C.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 755, Issue 1, article id. 36 (2012).
[1] Star Formation Property and AGN Activity of Barred Galaxies
Cao, C., Zhou, Z.-M. & Wu, H.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 408, p.166, 2009. (ADS) [2] Star formation properties in barred galaxies
Zhou, Z.-M., Cao, C., Wu, H.
Proceedings of the IAU Symposium, Volume 284, p. 349-351, 2012. [3] UV-to-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopic Studies on NGC 7479
Zhou, Z.-M., Cao, C., Meng, X.-M., Wu, H.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 446, p.129, 2011. (ADS) [4] The Dependance of MIR Properties of Galaxies on SFR, Morphology, Mass, Metallicity and AGN Activity
Wu, H., Cao, C., Zhu, Y.-N. & Li, H.-N.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 408, p.371, 2009. (ADS) [5] Correlations between MIR, and Other Luminosities for SWIRE Galaxies
Zhu, Y.-N., Wu, H., Cao, C. & Li, H.-N.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 408, p.89, 2009. (ADS) [6] Study the ULIRGs Evolutionary Scenario through IRAS F13308+5946
Meng, X.-M., Wu, H., Wang, J. & Cao, C.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 408, p.218, 2009. (ADS) [7] Mid-Infrared Spectral Properties of IR QSOs
Xia, X.-Y., Cao, C., Mao, S. & Deng, Z.-G.
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1059, pp. 117-126, 2008. (ADS) [8] The Multiwavelength Study on Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC5331
Lam, M. I., Wu, H., Meng, X.-M., Zhou, Z.-M., Zhu, Y.-N., Cao, C.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 446, p.133, 2011. (ADS) [9] The Star Formation Reference Survey -- Survey Design and Basic Data
Ashby, M., ... , Cao, C., et al.
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 43, 2011. (ADS) [10] The Herschel Reference Bright Galaxy Survey
Smith, H., ... , Cao, C., et al.
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.894, 2007. (ADS)
● E-mail : caochen@sdu.edu.cn
● Phone 手机: 13686318965