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- [101] 曾涛. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation failed to attenuate chronic alcoholic fatty liver in mice. ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN, 48, 482, 2016.
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- [105] 张翠丽 , 宋福永 , 赵秀兰 , 谢克勤 and 曾涛. Roles of Cytochrome P4502E1 Gene Polymorphisms and the Risks of Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Meta-A.... Plos one, 8, e54188, 2013.
- [106] 张翠丽 , 于丽华 , 朱振平 , 赵秀兰 , 谢克勤 and 曾涛. Garlic Oil Suppressed the Hematological Disorders Induced by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Tum.... Journal of Food Science, 78, H936, 2013.
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- [108] 张翠丽 , 谢克勤 , 宋福永 and 曾涛. Changes in beclin-1 and micro-calpain expression in tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate-induced delayed ne.... Toxicol Lett., 210, 276., 2012.
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- [110] 张翠丽 , 宋福永 , 赵秀兰 , 谢克勤 and 曾涛. A meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for the effects of garlic .... Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92, 1892, 2012.