Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
赵卫东. Numerical simulation of migration-accumulation for multi-layer oil resources and its application. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition), 2025.
赵卫东. An economical difference scheme for convection-diffusion equation. Mathematica Numerica Sinica, 2025.
赵卫东. Simulation and application of three dimensional migration-accumulation of oil resources. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition), 2025.
孟晓庆, 程爱杰 and 刘争光. Improving the accuracy and consistency of the energy quadratization method with an energy-optimized technique. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 459, 2025.
孟晓庆, 程爱杰 and 刘争光. The high-order exponential semi-implicit scalar auxiliary variable approach for the general nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation. Communicationsin Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 137, 2025.
孟晓庆, 程爱杰 and 刘争光. Maximum bound principle preserving linearschemesfornonlocal Allen–Cahn equation based on the stabilized exponential-SAV approach. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 70, 1471–1498, 2025.
Yuan, YR. Simulation and application of three-dimensional migration-accumulation of oil resources. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edi, 20, 999-1009, 2025.
Yuan, YR. Numerical simulation of oil migration-accumulation of multilayer and its application. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edi, 23, 931-941, 2025.
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Published Books
Research Projects
基于复杂角点网格的化学驱数值模拟快速求解算法研究, 2024-08-14-2025-11-30
化学驱数值模拟矿场规模化应用测试合同, 2020-05-15-2022-12-31
分数阶偏微分方程数学与数值分析及模型修正, 2019-08-16-2023-12-31
化学驱油数学模型求解方法和自动历史拟合技术研究, 2018-07-25-2021-09-30
化学驱油流线数值模拟器研制, 2018-07-15-2021-06-30
多相物质体系的计算建模算法设计与数值分析-2, 2017-09-19-2019-12-31
SLCHEM化学驱模拟软件泡沫复合驱功能研制(一), 2014-11-30-2016-12-31
分数阶偏微分方程与近场动力学等非局部模型的高保真快速算法与数值分析, 2014-08-15-2018-12-31
Research Team
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