Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
龙腾. Polymers simulation using machine learning interatomic potentials. Polymer, 2024.
孙天祥. Dense Stacking of Millimeter-Sized Perovskite Single Crystals for Sensitive and Low-Bias Hard X-Ray Detection. advanced functional materials, 2024.
张昊. Bioinspired fluorescent molecules realize super bright blue luminescence under sunlight. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2012, 632, 161, 2023.
苏文禄. One-pot synthesis of multifunctional silicone elastomer: Ring-opening copolymerization of D4 and Dual-D4 Vi. European Polymer Journal, 2023.
张昊. Amide salt pyrolysis fabrication of graphene nanosheets with multiexcitation single color emission. Journal of Colloid and interface science, 2023.
张昊. Bioinspired fluorescent molecules realize super bright blue luminescence under sunlight. Journal of Colloid and interface science, 2023.
郭新博. Mitigating Surface Deficiencies of Perovskite Single Crystals Enables Efficient Solar Cells with Enhanced Moisture and Reverse-Bias Stability. advanced functional materials, 2023.
朱陆益. Strong Flexible Ceramic Nanofiber Membranes for Ultrafast Separation of Oil Pollutants. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 9389, 2022.
Published Books
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Research Projects
GFJG-KM20240125, 2024-09-01-2027-09-01
年产12万吨无氟无硼无碱环保型玻纤生产关键技术的研发及产业化项目(子课题1), 2022-12-01-2025-04-30
(包干项目)基于自注意力机制与对抗性生成网络的磁性晶体材料逆向设计研究, 2023-01-01-2025-12-31
长碳链尼龙连续生产关键技术公关及产业化, 2021-05-01-2023-12-31
面向重点行业的轻质合金及复合材料制备与智能加工关键技术研发, 2021-12-01-2024-10-31
(包干项目)有机硅液晶弹性体的设计制备与智能自适应行为研究, 2022-01-01-2024-12-31
胎面超耐磨的高性能轮胎花纹沟槽技术开发, 2020-12-28-2021-05-30
超耐磨的高性能轮胎胎面胶技术开发, 2020-12-28-2021-06-30
Research Team
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