Scientific Research
Dr. Guo has concentrated on the design, provable security, and generic attacks on symmetric crypto schemes (it shall be noted that provable security and generic attacks are just two sides of the same coin). This field concerns with constructing sophisticated cryptosystems (including message authentication codes, authenticated encryption, tweakable blockciphers, garbled circuits, cryptocurrency systems) from "simple" primitives (e.g., blockciphers, hash functions, crypto permutations). In particular, it includes (but not restricted to) the following:
1. Structural analysis and provable security of blockciphers, including Feistel networks, Even-Mansour schemes, and new approaches, see (IEEE TIT 2019)
2. Design, analysis, and provable security of message authentication, encryption, hash function, and tweakable blockciphers, see (FSE 2020) (CHES 2020)
3. More sophisticated symmetric primitive-based cryptosystems, including garbling, OT extension, and GGM trees that are frequently used in multiparty computation systems, and symmetric objects in cryptocurrency. (Yes, symmetric crypto exists everywhere!) see (CRYPTO 2020) (S&P 2020)
4. Security models for symmetric crypto, including models and assumptions for leakage-resilience, open-key security, etc. See (LATINCRYPT 2019) (CRYPTO 2020)
Paper Publications
Xiaoning Guo, Chun Guo. Tight Bounds for Quantum Indistinguishability of Tweakable Random Permutations from Random Functions. Journal of Cryptologic Research, 2025.
Qi Tian, Hao Cheng, Chun Guo, Daniel Page, Meiqin Wang, Weijia Wang. A Code-Based ISE to Protect Boolean Masking in Software. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2025), 2025.
Jiayi Ai, Chun Guo. Sequential Indifferentiability of 7-round Misty Structures. CT-RSA 2025, 2025.
Zhengyi Dai , Chun Guo, and Chao Li. UFLM: A unified framework for Feistel structure and Lai-Massey structure. INDOCRYPT 2024, 2024.
Ruiyang Li, Yiteng Sun, Chun Guo, Francois-Xavier Standaert, Weijia Wang and Xiao Wang. Leakage-Resilient Circuit Garbling. ACM CCS 2024, 2024.
Shaoxuan Zhang, Chun Guo and Qingju Wang. Superposition Attacks on Pseudorandom Schemes Based on Two or Less Permutations. IET Information Security, 2024.
Chun Guo, Ling Song. Tight CCA Security for Contracting Quasi-Feistel Ciphers. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2024.
Chun Guo, Yiyuan Luo, Chenyu Xiao. Sequential Indifferentiability of 6-round Lai-Massey. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2024.
Published Books
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Research Projects
基于无结构格的抗量子公钥加密方案, 2024-03-25-2026-03-25
代数几何码在安全多方计算中的应用研究, 国家重点研发计划 (参与)
统合分组密码模型及其可证明安全性, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
隐私保护环境下的抗泄露伪随机数生成器及其实现, 蚂蚁集团横向项目
对称密码可证明安全与分析的关键数学理论, 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目
山东省网络空间安全技术创新中心-3, 2020-01-01-2022-12-31
密码学科体系及密码一级学科内涵研究, 2020-06-01-2020-10-31
新型分组密码结构的可证明安全性分析, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 国家自然科学基金青年项目
Research Team
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