Paper Publications
- [25] chuxiaodong and zhangwen. Characterization of daily wind farm power fluctuations using wavelet transform. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, 4, 481, 2008.
- [26] chuxiaodong. Real-time transient stability prediction using incremental learning algorithm. IEEE-Power-Engineering-Society General Meetin, 2004.
- [27] chuxiaodong. Active participation of air conditioners in power system frequency control considering users’ thermal comfort. Energies, 8, 10818, 2015.
- [28] chuxiaodong. Real-time optimal voltage control using measurement-based aggregate load model. Electric Power Systems Research, 116, 293, 2014.
- [29] chuxiaodong. 基于成本-价值解耦的源-荷备用协同优化. 《中国电机工程学报》, 35, 5188, 2015.
- [30] chuxiaodong. 基于气象测量场的爬坡时段区域风功率预测. 《电力系统自动化》, 39, 29, 2015.
- [31] chuxiaodong and zhangwen. 基于分段校正模型的在线电压协调控制. 《电力系统自动化》, 37, 33, 2013.
- [32] chuxiaodong and zhangwen. 负荷分布式控制的云计算平台构架设计. 《电网技术》, 36, 140, 2012.
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