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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [121] 丛振华 , 秦增光 and 张行愚. Continuous-wave and actively Q-switched laser operations at 1359.5 nm of Nd:LYSO crystal. Optics & Laser Technology, 59, 43, 2014.
- [122] 张行愚 , 张怀金 , 刘兆军 , 王青圃 and 丛振华. A high power diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser at 1103 nm. Laser Physics, 23, 045402, 2013.
- [123] 刘兆军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 张飒飒 , 李永富 and 路庆明. Synchronized dual tunable wavelength Qswitched Nd:Glass laser. Optics Express, 22, 30865, 2014.
- [124] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 李永富 , 路庆明 and 张飒飒. Four-wavelength laser based on intracavity BaWO4 Raman conversions of a dual-wavelength Q-switched Nd:YLF laser. Optics Express, 22, 21879, 2014.
- [125] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 张行愚 and 张飒飒. Tunable narrow line-width LiF:F2? color center laser. Optics communications, 324, 160, 2014.
- [126] 李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 张怀金 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 and 常军. Graphene-based passively Q-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 eye-safe laser operating at 1,425 nm. APPLIED PHYSICS B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5733-6, 2014.
- [127] 刘兆军 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 and 范书振. Comparison of c-Nd:YVO4/YVO4 Raman lasers and c-Nd:YVO4 self-Raman lasers. Laser Physics, 22, 106, 2012.
- [128] 李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 and 常军. High efficiency Nd:YAG ceramic eye-safe laser operating at 1442.8 nm. Optics Letters, 16, 3075, 2013.
- [129] 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 and 王青圃. Passively Q-switched 1097 nm c-cut Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser with Cr:YAG saturable absorber. Optics & Laser Technology, 54, 137, 2013.
- [130] 张行愚 , 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 and 刘兆军. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser. Optics Express, 21, 26014, 2013.
- [131] 张行愚 , 李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 and 陈晓寒. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 47, 171, 2013.
- [132] 李平 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 and 常军. High-efficiency continuous-wave Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser operating at 1423.4 nm. Applied Optics, 22, 5076, 2013.
- [133] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 张飒飒 and 张行愚. High power broadband LiF:F2 - color center laser. Optics Express, 23, 21884, 2015.
- [134] 丛振华 , 张行愚 and 刘兆军. Electro-optically Q-switched dual-wavelength Nd:YLF laser emitting at 1047nm and 1053nm. Optics and Laser Technology, 68, 48, 2015.
- [135] 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. 外腔抽运SrWO4 反斯托克斯拉曼激光器. 《中国激光》, 41, 0302008, 2014.
- [136] 丛振华 and 刘兆军. Quasi-continuous-wave 589-nm radiation based on intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:GGG/BaWO4 Raman laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 81, 184, 2016.
- [137] 丛振华 and 刘兆军. Single frequency MOPA based on NdYAG single crystal fiber and rods. Optics Letters, 41, 1356, 2016.
- [138] 丛振华 and 张行愚. High-efficient diode-pumped actively Q-switched Nd:YAG/KTP Raman laser at 1096nm wavelength. Optics communications, 305, 201, 2013.
- [139] 张怀金 , 刘兆军 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 and 张行愚. A high power diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser at 1103 nm. Laser Physics, 23, 045402, 2013.
- [140] 丛振华 , 张行愚 , 张飒飒 and 刘兆军. Tunable narrow line-width LiF:F2? color center laser. Optics communications, 324, 160, 2014.