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- [141] 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 范书振 and 刘兆军. Comparison of c-Nd:YVO4/YVO4 Raman lasers and c-Nd:YVO4 self-Raman lasers. Laser Physics, 22, 106, 2012.
- [142] 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser. Optics Express, 21, 26014, 2013.
- [143] 李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 and 张行愚. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 47, 171, 2013.
- [144] 张少军 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 , 李平 and 臧婕. The Investigation on the Beam Spatial Intensity Distributions in the Injection-Seeded Terahertz Parametric Generator. IEEE Photonics Journey, 11, 2019.
- [145] 张行愚 , 刘兆军 , 李平 , 李明 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 陈晓寒 and 胡琼宇. High-order harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a SnSe2 saturable absorber. Optics and laser technology, 2019.
- [146] 张行愚 , 刘兆军 and 丛振华. An efficient frequency-doubled Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser at 535 nm. Optics&LaserTechnology, 77, 193, 2016.
- [147] 刘兆军 , 张怀金 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华 and 李平. Graphene-based passively Q-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 eye-safe laser operating at 1,425 nm. APPLIED PHYSICS B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5733-6, 2014.
- [148] 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华 and 李平. High-efficiency continuous-wave Nd:Gd3Ga5O12 eye-safe laser operating at 1423.4 nm. Applied Optics, 22, 5076, 2013.
- [149] 刘兆军 , 陶绪堂 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 常军 , 丛振华 and 李平. High efficiency Nd:YAG ceramic eye-safe laser operating at 1442.8 nm. Optics Letters, 16, 3075, 2013.
- [150] 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. Theoretical and experimental study on intracavity pumped SrWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 116, 561, 2014.
- [151] 刘兆军 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 张怀金 and 张行愚. A high power diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG/BaWO4 Raman laser at 1103 nm. Laser Physics, 23, 045402, 2013.
- [152] 王青圃 , 张行愚 , 丛振华 , 范书振 and 刘兆军. Comparison of c-Nd:YVO4/YVO4 Raman lasers and c-Nd:YVO4 self-Raman lasers. Laser Physics, 22, 106, 2012.
- [153] 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. Multiple-beam output of a surface-emitted terahertz-wave parametric oscillator by using a slab MgO:LiNbO3 crystal. 39, 754, 2014.
- [154] 丛振华 and 刘兆军. Single frequency MOPA based on NdYAG single crystal fiber and rods. Optics Letters, 41, 1356, 2016.
- [155] 陈晓寒 , 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. Tunable Stokes laser generation based on the stimulated polariton scattering in KTiOPO4 crystal. Optics Express, 23, 20187, 2015.
- [156] 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. 外腔抽运SrWO4 反斯托克斯拉曼激光器. 《中国激光》, 41, 0302008, 2014.
- [157] 丛振华 and 张行愚. High-efficient diode-pumped actively Q-switched Nd:YAG/KTP Raman laser at 1096nm wavelength. Optics communications, 305, 201, 2013.
- [158] 陈晓寒 , 李平 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 刘兆军 and 张行愚. Extracavity pumped BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser. Optics Express, 21, 26014, 2013.
- [159] 李静 , 张怀金 , 王青圃 , 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 and 张行愚. Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:KLu(WO4)2 laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 47, 171, 2013.
- [160] 丛振华 , 秦增光 and 刘兆军. A diode pumped passively mode-locked Nd:CaGdAlO4 laser. Laser Physics, 26, 045802, 2016.