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- [161] 丛振华 , 刘兆军 , 秦增光 and 张行愚. THz-wave generation via stimulated polariton scattering in KTiOAsO4 crystal. Optics Express, 22, 17092, 2014.
- [162] 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 秦增光 and 张行愚. Terahertz parametric oscillator based on KTiOPO4 crystal. Optics Letters, 39, 3706, 2014.
- [163] 丛振华 , 张飒飒 , 李永富 , 路庆明 , 张行愚 and 刘兆军. Synchronized dual tunable wavelength Qswitched Nd:Glass laser. Optics Express, 22, 30865, 2014.
- [164] 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 王青圃 and 张行愚. Passively Q-switched 1097 nm c-cut Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser with Cr:YAG saturable absorber. Optics & Laser Technology, 54, 137, 2013.
- [165] 常军 , 丛振华 and 张秦端. QEPAS Sensor for Simultaneous Measurements of H2O, CH4, and C2H2 Using Different QTFs. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 10, 2018.
- [166] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 赵显 , 方家熊 , 王青圃 and 冯超. Eye-Safe Picosecond Solid-State Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1.44 mu m. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24, 2018.
- [167] 丛振华 , 秦增光 , 张行愚 , 张怀金 and 刘兆军. A pulsed single-frequency Nd:GGG/BaWO4 Raman laser. Laser Physics, 28, 2018.
- [168] 刘兆军 , 丛振华 , 黄庆捷 , 张飒飒 , 张行愚 , 冯超 , 王青圃 and 饶瀚. High power YAG/Nd:YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser. laser physics letters, 14, 2017.
- [169] 丛振华 and 常军. Dual path lock-in system for elimination of residual amplitude modulation and snr enhancement in photoacoustic spectroscopy. Sensors (Switzerland), 2018.
- [170] 丛振华 , 陈晓寒 , 秦增光 , 刘兆军 , 卢景琦 and 张行愚. Tunable KTA Stokes laser based on stimulated polariton scattering and its intracavity frequency doubling. Optics Express, 2016.
- [171] 丛振华 , 李永富 , 路庆明 , 张飒飒 and 刘兆军. Four-wavelength laser based on intracavity BaWO4 Raman conversions of a dual-wavelength Q-switched Nd:YLF laser. Optics Express, 22, 21879, 2014.
- [172] 丛振华 , 张行愚 , 张飒飒 and 刘兆军. Tunable narrow line-width LiF:F2? color center laser. Optics communications, 324, 160, 2014.
- [173] 刘兆军 , 秦增光 , 张行愚 and 丛振华. KTP和KTA晶体在3~6THz波段的折射率测量. 光电子。激光, 26, 1106, 2015.
- [174] 刘兆军 , 秦增光 , 张行愚 and 丛振华. LD-pumped activelyQ-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 self-Raman laserat. Optics and Laser Technology, 73, 50, 2015.
- [175] 秦增光 , 张行愚 , 刘兆军 and 丛振华. RTP Q-switched single-longitudinal-mode Nd:YAG laser with a twisted-mode cavity. Applied Optics, 54, 5143, 2015.
- [176] 张行愚 and 丛振华. 内腔泵浦的BaWO4反斯托克斯拉曼激光器实验研究. 光电子 激光, 25, 1265, 2014.
- [177] 秦增光 , 张行愚 and 丛振华. LD-side-pumped Nd:YAG/BaWO4 intracavity Raman laser for anti-Stokes generation. Optics communications, 322, 44, 2014.
- [178] 秦增光 , 张行愚 and 丛振华. Continuous-wave and actively Q-switched laser operations at 1359.5 nm of Nd:LYSO crystal. Optics & Laser Technology, 59, 43, 2014.