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- [11] 王钦玄. 陕西西安自强村汉墓发掘简报. 考古与文物, No.254, 21-42, 2022.
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- [13] 王庆铸. The first discovery of shang period smelting slags with highly radiogenic lead in Yingcheng and i.... Journal of Archaeological Science, 2022.
- [14] 王庆铸. New archaeomagnetic directions from Late Neolithic sites in Shandong province, China. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2022.
- [15] 谷雨. Evolutionary trends in human mandibles and dentition from Neolithic to current Chinese. archives of oral biology, 2022.
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- [17] 任慧颖. Mandibular molar C-shaped root canals in 5th millennium BC China. Archives of Oral Biology, 177, 2020.
- [18] 赵永生. 济南大辛庄遗址商代居民的牙齿疾病. 人类学学报, 2021.
- [19] 赵永生. 济南大辛庄遗址商代居民的牙齿疾病. 人类学学报, 2021.
- [20] 董豫. 山西翼城大河口墓地M5010和M6043出土红色粉末鉴定报告. 《海岱考古》, 222, 2020.