个人信息 Personal information
- [21] 申亚凡. 济南大辛庄遗址商代居民的牙齿疾病. 人类学学报, 2021.
- [22] 谷雨. Maxillary molar root and canal morphology of Neolithic and modern Chinese. Archives of Oral Biology, 2021.
- [23] 谷雨. Mandibular molar C-shaped root canals in 5th millennium BC China. Archives of Oral Biology, 2020.
- [24] 李占杨. A Paleolithic bird figurine from the Lingjing site, Henan, China. Plos One, 2020.
- [25] 陈章龙. 淄川渭头河窑址的发掘. 考古与文物, 2020.
- [26] 朱磊. 山东淄博市临淄区粉庄 2 号墓地春秋战国墓的发掘. 考 古, 2020.
- [27] 方辉 , 陈雪香 and 于世永. Extreme flooding of the lower Yellow River near the Northgrippian-Meghalayan boundary: Evidence f.... GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2020.
- [28] 方辉. 明义士的甲骨收藏与学术贡献. 《甲骨文入选“世界记忆名录”发布会暨甲骨收藏与绝学振兴高峰论坛纪实》, 199, 2019.
- [29] 方辉 and Gary M. Feinman. Political unification, economic synchronization, and demographic growth: Long-term settlement pat.... weight and value, 2019.
- [30] 方辉 and Feinman, Gary M.. Coastal Shandong, China: The longue duree. 55, 2019.