山东大学经济学院副教授,硕士生导师(金融学),中央财经大学数量经济学博士,美国加州大学河滨分校国家公派联合培养博士研究生。入选山东大学青年学者未来支持计划(第六批)。研究领域为实证金融,包括气候金融、波动率建模和混频数据建模等。主要成果发表在《中国社会科学》《数量经济技术经济研究》《管理评论》等国内期刊以及Journal of Empirical Finance, International Review of Finance, Economics Letters和Journal of Forecasting等SSCI检索期刊,并被中国人民大学复印报刊资料多次全文转载。主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省社科规划基金等课题。担任《管理科学学报》《数量经济技术经济研究》《系统工程理论与实践》《经济与管理研究》和International Review of Economics and Finance,International Review of Financial Analysis,Finance Research Letters等期刊匿名审稿人。
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研究方向/Research interests
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工作论文/Working papers
基于条件在险增长模型的经济尾部风险测度与应用研究(Revise and Resubmit)
Hedging climate change news with commodity futures (Revise and Resubmit)
Forecasting stock market volatility using policy shifting: A GARCH-MIDAS model with combined machine learning (Submitted)
Climate uncertainty and the crude oil futures markets (Submitted)
Global trade network and the cross-section of international stock market returns (Under review). Working paper: SSRN
Chengcheng Liu, Tong Fang*,2025. Forecasting volatility spillovers across Chinese financial industries: An out-of-sample framework using a novel matrix autoregressive model. Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Tong Fang*, 2024. Which dimensions of culture matter for central bank independence? International Review of Finance, 24(4): 291-333. -Link-
Xiaoni Song, Tong Fang*, 2024. Climate change and the influence of monetary policy in China. Journal of Applied Economics, 27(1): 2329840. -Link-
Xinming Chen, Tong Fang*, 2024. Temperature anomalies and foreign direct investment: City-level evidence from China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91: 102983. -Link-
Ziqi Zhang, Zhi Su, Tong Fang*, 2023. Does digital transformation restrain corporate financialization? Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 56: 104152. -Link-
Tong Fang*, Libo Yin, 2023. National culture and international business cycle co-movements. Applied Economics, accept. -Link-
Xiaoni Song, Tong Fang*, 2023. Temperature shocks and bank systemic risk: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 51: 103447. -Link-
Tong Fang, Deyu Miao, Zhi Su, Libo Yin*, 2022. Uncertainty-driven oil volatility risk premium and international stock market volatility forecasting. Journal of Forecasting, online. -Link-
Zhi Su, Peng Liu, Tong Fang*, 2022. Uncertainty matters in US financial information spillovers: Evidence from a directed acyclic graph approach. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 84: 229-242. -Link-
Libo Yin, Zhi Su, Tong Fang*, 2021. Do stock prices react to announcements of corporate executives' first-time elections as congress deputies: New evidence from the Chinese political system. Finance Research Letters, 46(B):102446. -Link-
Zhi Su, Peng Liu, Tong Fang*, 2021. Pandemic-induced fear and stock market returns: Evidence from China. Global Finance Journal, 54:100644. -Link-
Tong Fang, Zhi Su, and Libo Yin*, 2021. Does the green inspiration effect matter for stock returns? Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Empirical Economics, 60: 2155-2176. -Link-
Tong Fang, Zhi Su. 2020, Does uncertainty matter for US financial market volatility spillovers? Empirical evidence from a nonlinear Granger causality network. Applied Economics Letters incorporating Applied Financial Economics Letters 28: 1877-1883. -Link-
Tong Fang, Zhi Su, Libo Yin*, 2020. Economic fundamentals or investor perception? The role of uncertainty in predicting cryptocurrency volatility. International Review of Financial Analysis 71: 101566. -Link-
Tong Fang*, Tae-Hwy Lee, and Zhi Su, 2020. Predicting the long-term stock market volatility: A GARCH-MIDAS model with variable selection. Journal of Empirical Finance 58: 36-49. -Link-
Zhi Su, Tong Fang, and Libo Yin, 2019. Understanding stock market volatility: What is the role of US uncertainty? The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 48: 582-590.
Zhi Su, Tong Fang, and Libo Yin*, 2018. Does NVIX matter for volatility? Evidence from Asia-Pacific markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 492: 506-516.
Zhi Su, Tong Fang, and Libo Yin*, 2017. The role of news-based implied volatility among US financial markets. Economics Letters 157: 24-27.
(5) 方彤.通货膨胀全球联动效应及其影响因素——基于经济体内部实现环境的视角.《经济体制改革》.2023 (4)
(6) 方彤.National culture and international business cycle co-movements.Applied economics.2023 (0)
(11) 方彤.一种基于LASSO的多变量混频GARCH模型设计与优化算法研究.数量经济技术经济研究.2021 (12)
(15) Political connections and firm values in China.Finance Research Letters.2021
(17) Network centrality and cross-section of stock returns.IEIS 2020 Proceedings, Springer.2021
(18) Pandemic-induced fear and stock market returns: Evidence from China.Global Finance Journal.2021
(23) 一类包含不同权重函数的混频GARCH族模型及其应用研究.数量经济技术经济研究.2018 (10)
(24) 中国虚拟经济与实体经济的关联性——基于规模和周期视角的实证研究.中国社会科学.2017
(25) Does NVIX matter for volatility? Evidence from Asia-Pacific markets.Phsyica A
(26) The role of news-based implied volatility among US financial markets.Economics Letters
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4. (包干项目)气候变化影响银行风险承担的理论机制与宏观经济后果研究, 2023/08/24-2026/12/31
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8. (包干项目)国内国际双循环背景下的通货膨胀联动效应与影响因素研究, 2022/08/31-2024/12/31
9. (包干项目)金融发展的收入分配效应研究:基于经济转型视角的半参数与DSGE分析, 2021/12/23-2024/12/31
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11. (包干项目)不确定性对系统性金融风险传染影响的异质性:信息识别、内生检验与政策应用, 2020/12/12-2023/12/31