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- [21] 高成勇 and 徐建强. Shifting bright spatial solitons in LiNbO3. Opt.Lett, 37, 3702, 2012.
- [22] 刘凤芹 , 徐建强 , 何京良 , 张百涛 and 高成勇. Passive Q-switching performance with Co:LMA crystal in a diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4 laser. Laser Phys., 20, 786, 2010.
- [23] 刘凤芹 , 高成勇 , 何京良 , 孙尚倩 , 张百涛 and 徐建强. LD-pumped Nd:GdVO4 Raman laser at 1166 nm with LiIO3 crystal. Laser Phys. Lett., 8, 579, 2011.
- [24] 何京良 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 , 高成勇 and 刘凤芹. Passively Q-switched mode-locking in a diode-pumped c-cut Nd:LuVO4 laser with Cr4+:YAG. Laser Phys. Lett., 6, 567, 2009.
- [25] 司书春 , 高成勇 and 周灿林. 两步广义相移的投影栅轮廓术. 光电子.激光, 24, 1784, 2013.
- [26] 高成勇 , 何京良 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 and 刘凤芹. Passively Q-switched mode-locking in a diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4 laser with V:YAG. Laser Phys., 21, 873, 2011.
- [27] 司书春 , 高成勇 , 徐建强 and 周灿林. 基于格莱姆-施密特正交化两步相移轮廓术. 《光电工程》, 40, 37, 2013.
- [28] 徐建强 , 何京良 , 张百涛 , 高成勇 and 刘凤芹. Passive Q-switching performance with Co:LMA crystal in a diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4 laser. Laser Phys., 20, 786, 2010.
- [29] 高成勇 , 何京良 , 孙尚倩 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 and 刘凤芹. LD-pumped Nd:GdVO4 Raman laser at 1166 nm with LiIO3 crystal. Laser Phys. Lett., 8, 579, 2011.
- [30] 何京良 , 孙尚倩 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 , 高成勇 and 刘凤芹. LD-pumped Nd:GdVO4 Raman laser at 1166 nm with LiIO3 crystal. Laser Phys. Lett., 8, 579, 2011.
- [31] 何京良 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 , 高成勇 and 刘凤芹. Passively Q-switched mode-locking in a diode-pumped c-cut Nd:LuVO4 laser with Cr4+:YAG. Laser Phys. Lett., 6, 567, 2009.
- [32] 何京良 , 张百涛 , 徐建强 , 高成勇 and 刘凤芹. Passively Q-switched mode-locking in a diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4 laser with V:YAG. Laser Phys., 21, 873, 2011.
- [33] 何京良 , 张百涛 , 高成勇 , 徐建强 and 刘凤芹. Passive Q-switching performance with Co:LMA crystal in a diode-pumped Nd:LuVO4 laser. Laser Phys., 20, 786, 2010.
- [34] 司书春 , 高成勇 , 徐建强 and 周灿林. 基于格莱姆-施密特正交化两步相移轮廓术. 《光电工程》, 40, 37, 2013.
- [35] 司书春 , 高成勇 and 周灿林. 两步广义相移的投影栅轮廓术. 光电子.激光, 24, 1784, 2013.
- [36] 秦宏伟 , 高成勇 , 周广军 , 胡季帆 and 张恒. UV Light Illumination Can Improve the Sensing Properties of LaFeO3 to Acetone Vapor. Sensors, 18, 2018.
- [37] 秦宏伟 , 高成勇 , 胡季帆 and 张恒. An Ultrahigh Sensitivity Acetone Sensor Enhanced by Light Illumination. Sensors, 18, 2018.
- [38] 高成勇. Photorefractive spatial solitons caused by luminescence of Nd-doped calcium barium niobate.. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 127, 6115, 2016.
- [39] 高成勇. Investigation on probing quadratic electro-optic coefficient of tantalum potassium niobate crystal based on Fourier transform. Optical Materials, 192, 2016.
- [40] 高成勇. A method for probing the refractive index change in photorefractive crystals. Optica Applicata, XLIII, 731, 2013.