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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2016年至今-代表性论文 (详细论文请参考 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kun-Gao-16 )
[32] Jiangkai Sun, Ruijie Ma, Xue Yang, Xiaoyu Xie, Dongcheng Jiang, Yuan Meng, Yiyun Li, Fengzhe Cui, Mengfei Xiao, Kangning Zhang, Yu Chen, Xinxin Xia, Maojie Zhang, Xiaoyan Du, Long Ye, Haibo Ma, Kun Gao*, Feng Chen, Gang Li*, Xiaotao Hao*, Hang Yin*, “Insulator-donor electron wavefunction coupling in pseudo-bilayer organic solar cells achieving a certificated efficiency of 19.18%”, National Science Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae385 (2024)
[31] Xinyu Mu, Xue Yang, Dongrui Wang, Yiwen Ji, Wenjing Wang, and Kun Gao*, "Nonadiabatic dynamical simulations to the radiative recombination of nonfullerene acceptor molecular excited states", Optics Letters, 49, 6077 (2024)
[30] Dongcheng Jiang, Jiangkai Sun, Ruijie Ma, Vox Kalai Wong, Jianyu Yuan, Kun Gao, Feng Chen, Shu Kong So, Xiaotao Hao, Gang Li, Hang Yin*, “Extracting charge carrier mobility in organic solar cells through space-charge-limited current measurements”, Materials Science & Engineering R, 157, 100772 (2024)
[29] Maomao Zhang, Qiuxia Lu, Xiaojing Liu, Kun Gao*, and Zhong An*, “The effect of infrared push pulse on the relaxed exciton in single-component organic solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 151102 (2023)
[28] Xinyu Mu, Yiwen Ji, Hang Yin, and Kun Gao*, "Interfacial Hole-Charge-Transfer Dynamics in Organic Solar Cells: A Dynamic Viewpoint", Physical Review Applied, 19, 054017 (2023)
[27] Yiwen Ji, Xinyu Mu, Hang Yin, Bin Cui, Xiaotao Hao, and Kun Gao*, "Revealing the Role of Donor/Acceptor Interfaces in Nonfullerene-Acceptor Based Organic Solar Cells: Charge Separation versus Recombination", J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 3811-3817 (2023)
[26] Xuyang Fan, An Wei, Tillmann Klamroth, Yuan Zhang, Kun Gao, and Luxia Wang*, "Ultrafast multiexciton dynamics in molecular systems: Inclusion of exciton-exciton annihilation", Phys. Rev. B, 107, 134301 (2023)
[25] Haixia Hu, Xinyu Mu, Bin Li, Ruohua Gui, Rui Shi, Tao Chen, Jianqiang Liu, Jianyu Yuan*, Jing Ma, Kun Gao*, Xiaotao Hao*, and Hang Yin*, "Desirable uniformity and reproducibility of electron transport in single-component organic solar cells", Advanced Science, 2205040 (2023)
[24] Lingxia Xu, Yiwen Ji, Xinyu Mu, Wenjing Wang, Luxia Wang, and Kun Gao*, “Effect of the push-pull electronic structure of nonfullerene acceptor molecules on the interfacial charge dynamics in heterojunction organic solar cells”, Adv. Energy Sustainability Res., 2200102 (2022)
[23] Yiwen Ji, Lingxia Xu, Xinyu Mu, Wenjing Wang, and Kun Gao*, “Photoinduced intra- and inter-molecular charge transfer dynamics in organic small molecules with intra-molecular push-pull electronic structure”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 10106 (2022)
[22] Haixia Hu, Xinyu Mu, Wei Qin, Kun Gao*, Xiaotao Hao*, and Hang Yin*, “Rationalizing charge carrier transport in ternary organic solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 023302 (2022)
[21] Lingxia Xu, Yiwen Ji, Wenjing Wang, Luxia Wang, and Kun Gao*, “Aggregation effect of acceptor molecules on the energy and charge transfer dynamics at an organic donor/acceptor interface”, Organic Electronics, 100, 106396 (2022)
[20] Xueyi Shi, Maomao Zhang, Wenjing Wang, and Kun Gao*, "Migration dynamics of excitons/biexcitons induced by a funnel-like nonuniform compression strain over organic polymers", Appl. Phys. Lett., 119, 263302 (2021)
[19] Haixia Hu, Lulu Fu, Kangning Zhang, Kun Gao, Jing Ma, Xiaotao Hao, and Hang Yin*, “Observing halogen-bond-assisted electron transport in high-performance polymer solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 119, 183302 (2021)
[18] Yiwen Ji, Lingxia Xu, Hang Yin, Bin Cui, Longlong Zhang, Xiaotao Hao, and Kun Gao*, “Synergistic effect of incorporating intra- and inter-molecular charge transfer in nonfullerene acceptor molecules for highly-efficient organic solar cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, 16834 (2021)
[17] 高琨, 秦伟, 郝晓涛*, 解士杰*, “有机半导体激发态的量子调控”, 科学通报 (山东大学百廿校庆物理学专辑), 66, doi: 10.1360/TB-2020-1545 (2021)
[16] Maomao Zhang, Xueyi Shi, Xinyu Mu, Luxia Wang, and Kun Gao*, “Re-excitation dynamics of a “cold” charge transfer state at organic donor/acceptor interfaces”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 118, 133301 (2021)
[15] Chong Li, Yuan Li, Lingxia Xu, Ruixuan Meng, and Kun Gao*, “Exciton-to-charge dynamics driven by the nonuniform polymer packing at donor/acceptor Interfaces”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 1898 (2020)
[14] Yiwen Ji, Lingxia Xu, Xiaotao Hao, and Kun Gao*, “Energy loss in organic solar cells: mechanisms, strategies, and prospects”, Solar RRL, 4, 2000130 (2020)
[13] Lingxia Xu, Yiwen Ji, Xueyi Shi, Luxia Wang, and Kun Gao*, “Energy and charge transfer dynamics at an organic donor/acceptor interface”, Organic Electronics, 85, 105886 (2020)
[12] Maomao Zhang, Wei Qin, Yuan Li, and Kun Gao*, “Directional and ultrafast migrations of excitons/biexcitons in organic polymers by utilizing a local nonuniform electric field”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 11274 (2020)
[11] Maomao Zhang, Qiuxia Lu, Fanyao Qu, and Kun Gao*, “Sub-bandgap photoexcited dynamics at an organic donor/acceptor photovoltaic interface”, Optics Letters, 45, 4492 (2020)
[10] Longlong Zhang, Yuying Hao, and Kun Gao, “Efficient quantum theory for studying cold charge-transfer state dissociations in donor-acceptor heterojunction organic solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 117, 123301 (2020)
[9] Chong Li, Yuan Li, Maomao Zhang, Lingxia Xu, Wei Qin, and Kun Gao*, “Ultrafast Charge Separation from a “Cold” Charge-Transfer State Driven by Nonuniform Packing of Polymers at Donor/Acceptor Interfaces”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 2746 (2019)
[8] Lingxia Xu, Chong Li, Xiaotao Hao, and Kun Gao*, “Effect of the third component on charge transfer character in ternary organic solar cells with a cascade-type electronic structure”, Physics Letters A, 383, 126001 (2019)
[7] Maomao Zhang, Yuan Li, Chong Li, Wei Qin, and Kun Gao*, “Charge Separation from a “Cold” Charge-Transfer State Driven by a Nonuniform Electric Field in Polymer-Based Donor/Acceptor Heterojunctions”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 20676 (2018)
[6] Maomao Zhang, Wenjing Wang, Sun Yin, Ruixuan Meng, Chong Li, and Kun Gao*, “Temperature effect on the internal conversion dynamics following different stimulated absorptions in a conjugated polymer”, Organic Electronics, 56, 201 (2018)
[5] Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li, Kun Gao*, Wei Qin, and Luxia Wang, “Ultrafast Exciton Migration and Dissociation in π-Conjugated Polymers Driven by Local Nonuniform Electric Fields”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 20546 (2017)
[4] Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li, Chong Li, Kun Gao*, Sun Yin, and Luxia Wang, “Exciton Transport in π-Conjugated Polymers with Conjugation Defects”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 24971 (2017)
[3] Chong Li, Kun Gao*, Ruixuan Meng, Liu Yang, and Maomao Zhang, “Effect of intrachain configuration disorder on the exciton delocalization in π -conjugated polymers”, Organic Electronics, 48, 342 (2017)
[2] Fujiang Yang, Ruixuan Meng, Gaiyan Zhang, Kun Gao*, Shijie Xie, “Migration of an exciton in organic polymers driven by a nonuniform internal electric field”, Organic Electronics, 30, 171 (2016)
[1] Kun Gao*, Shijie Xie, Sun Yin, Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li, “Study on the internal conversion dynamics following different electron transfer at a donor/acceptor polymer heterointerface”, Organic Electronics, 28, 73 (2016)