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高亮. Dynamic modulation and impedance characteristics of a terahertz quantum cascade laser. AIP Advances, 13, 2023.
高亮. Recent developments in terahertz quantum cascade lasers for practical applications. NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS , 12, 2023.
刘靖. Generation of pulse bursts in an Yb-doped all-normal dispersion passively mode-locked fiber laser with Raman scatting. OPTIK, 251, 2022.
高亮. Actively Controllable Terahertz Metal–Graphene Metamaterial Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect. Nanomaterials , 12, 2022.
刘靖. Generation of pulse bursts in an Yb-doped all-normal dispersion passively mode-locked fiber laser with Raman scatting. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 251, 2022.