现为国际期刊SN applied science、Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing编委,先后两次担任ASME会议分会场主席。负责本科生《氢能及储能技术》、《泵与风机》、《核电厂系统与设备》和研究生《热力系统及设备优化》课程的讲授工作。
[1] 河南省科技进步奖,二等奖,2024年
[2] 山东省研究生创新成果奖,二等奖,2022年;二等奖/三等奖,2021年
[3] 山东省专业学位研究生优秀实践成果奖,一等奖/三等奖,2019年
[4] 山东省高等学校科学技术奖,一等奖,2018年,第一位
[5] 山东省自然科学学术创新奖,2018年,第一位
[6] 山东省专业学位研究生优秀实践成果奖,一等奖,2018年
[7] 山东大学我最喜爱的老师,2016年
[8] 山东大学课堂教学效果优秀教师,2016年
[9] 山东省青年教师教学竞赛三等奖,2015年
[10] 山东省科技进步二等奖,2015年,第二位
[1] 2008-2010 山东大学机械学院,机械工程专业,博士后研究
[2] 2014-2015 英国曼彻斯特大学,能源机械学院,访 问 学 者
[3] 2011-至今 山东大学能动学院,副教授,教授,博士生导师,能动系主任
[4] 2019-2020 济南市长清区人民政府副区长(省派挂职)
[1] 高效节能与储能技术及装备(涉及传统电力行业的节能及储能过程中的传热、流动与噪声问题,面向电力、炼化、钢铁等领域的新型节能减碳技术等)
[2] 氢能与氢燃料电池(涉及高效储氢技术、氢燃料电池进气系统控制与优化、氢燃料电池构建的分布式供能系统及其在节能与储能系统中的应用)
[3] 涡轮机械内部三维流场与诱导声场协同机理(涉及冷却塔高效低噪的预测与控制技术、泵/风机内部噪声模拟与分析、复杂管路系统噪声频率分析及控制技术研究等)
[1] 内蒙古科技厅,中央引导地方资金项目,稀土系固态储氢装置储放氢性能优化及设备研制,2024-2026,负责人
[2] 国家电投集团,高位集水冷却塔传热传质特性与环境侧风协同匹配及性能优化研究,2024-2025,负责人
[3] 国家能源集团,高寒地区循环冷却水系统节能与防冻技术及智能监控平台研发,2024-2026,负责人
[4] 山东省科技厅,自然科学基金面上项目,固态储氢与相变储热耦合特性的机理研究,2024-2026,负责人
[5] 济南市科技局,科研带头人工作室,高效储能及氢能利用技术,2024-2026,负责人
[6] 广东省科技厅,自然科学基金面上项目,金属氢化物储氢与相变储热耦合机制及性能优化,2023-2025,负责人
[7] 山东大学日照研究院,高效固态储氢技术与装备研发,平台类项目,2024-2026,负责人
[8] 山东能源集团,大型湿式冷却塔集成优化节能增效技术研究及应用,2022-2025,负责人
[9] 山东省急需紧缺人才(重点项目),基于创新型冷却设备的工业消白技术研发与应用,2021-2023,负责人
[10] 中国石化集团,熔盐蓄热的热力系统全局优化研究,2022-2023,负责人
[11] 胜利油田管理局,300MW机组碳捕集系统与热力系统及新能源发电系统耦合的可行性研究,2023-2024,负责人
[12] 国家发展和改革委员会,侧风下大型湿式冷却塔塔内填料非均匀布置方式的优化研究,2016-2020,负责人
[13] 国家发展和改革委员会,锅炉与汽轮机的机组联合烟气回热循环理论与热力利用技术研究,2015-2019,负责人
[14] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,利用雨区淋水势能提升湿式冷却塔传热传质性能的研究,2018-2021,负责人
[15] 中国石化集团,燃煤电厂二氧化碳捕集与发电机组热力系统的能源匹配研究,2021-2022,负责人
(1) Youhao Wang, Jichong Yang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation on the enhancement of heat transfer performance by deflector plates for the mechanical draft cooling towers, Energy, 283 (2023) 129180.
(2) Youhao Wang, Lihui Sun, Chang Guo, Suoying He, Ming Gao*, Qinghua Xu, Qiang Zhang. Vibration characteristics and strength analysis of two-stage variable-pitch axial-flow fan based on fluid-solid coupling method, Energy, 284 (2023) 129371.
(3) Hui Dai, Shaobin Zhou, Wenlong Wang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*, E. Koltsova, V. Vasilenlo. Numerical investigations of the effect of the flip method on charging discharging performance of a vertical shell and tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit, Journal of Energy Storage, 73 (2023) 108976.
(4) Hui Dai, Jianguo Jiang, Wenlong Wang, Yuhang Wang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Comparative study on melting and solidification processes of vertical shell-and-tube phase change heat exchanger with an improved conical inner tube, Applied Thermal Engineering, 235 (2023) 121383.
(5) Yuhang Wang, Huiying Zhang, Suoying He, Wenlong Wang, Ming Gao*. Dynamic analysis and control optimization of hydrogen supply for the proton exchange membrane fuel cell and metal hydride coupling system with a hydrogen buffer tank, Energy Conversion and Management, 291 (2023) 117339.
(6) Jichong Yang, Zhenguo Jia, Hongjun Guan, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Influence of three different pitches fillings on the cooling performance of wet cooling towers under crosswind, Applied Thermal Engineering, 220 (2023) 119760.
(7) Jichong Yang, Ming Gao*, Mingyong Wang, Weishu Wang, Suoying He. Synergistic optimization of partition water distribution, non-equidistant fillings and dry-wet hybrid rain zone, Applied Thermal Engineering, 231 (2023) 120940.
(8) Feiran Lv, Nini Wang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation of structure-borne noise in a T-shaped tee considering fluid-structure interaction. Physics of Fluids, 35 (2023) 015127.
(9) Yuhang Wang, Hui Dai, Zeqi Chen, Suoying He, Wenlong Wang, Ming Gao*. Simulation study on a novel solid–gas coupling hydrogen storage method for photovoltaic hydrogen production systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 299 (2023) 117866.
(10) Feiran Lv, Chang Guo, Ming Gao*. Investigation on the noise induced by gas–liquid two-phase flow in a capillary tube, Physics of Fluids, 35 (2023) 073303.
(11) Yuhang Wang, Huiying Zhang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Thermodynamic and exergy analysis of a novel PEMFC-ORC-MH combined integrated energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 264 (2022) 115709.
(12) Haotian Li, Nini Wang Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Effect of inner-tube spacing on charging and discharging performance of latent energy storage heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 216(2022) 119112.
(13) Huimin Feng, Haotian Li, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation on thermal stratification performance in thermocline water storage tank with multi-stage middle perforated obstacles. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 35(2022)101473.
(14) Hui Dai, Yuhang Wang, Nini Wang, Haotian Li, Ming Gao*. Simulation study on charging performance of the latent energy storage heat exchanger with a novel conical inner tube [J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 56 (2022).
(15) 张慧颖,蔡伟华,高明*,王宇航,何锁盈. 质子交换膜燃料电池冷启动堆栈温度预测模型[J]. 化工学报, 2022,73(11),5056-5064.
(16) Haotian Li, Nini Wang, Huimin Feng, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Simulation study on the effect of fins on the heat transfer performance of horizontal dual-inner-tube latent thermal energy storage heat exchangers. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104125.
(17) Zhengqing Zhang, Mingyong Wang, Youhao Wang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Influences of dry-wet hybrid rain zone on the heat and mass transfer characteristics of wet cooling towers: A case study. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 30 (2022) 101784.
(18) Lei Jiang, Zhengqing Zhang, Peng Sang, LinFeng Dong, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Influence of noise barrier and louver on ventilation and thermal performance of wet cooling towers under crosswind conditions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 173 (2022) 107364.
(19) Youhao Wang, Deying Zhang, Lei Jiang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Research on noise reduction characteristic of sound barrier on natural draft wet cooling towers. International Journal of Refrigeration 133(2022) 73-79.
(20) Yang Li, Nini Wang, Hongjun Guan, Ming Gao*. Optimization study of CO2 capture unit for subcritical coal-fired power generation unit based on Ebsilon and Aspen plus. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116111.
(21) Deying Zhang, Nini Wang, Jinpeng Li, Jinheng Li, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Effect of forced ventilation on the thermal performance of wet cooling towers. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 35 (2022) 102116.
(22) Youhao Wang, Feiran Lv, Lihi Sun, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation of aerodynamic noise for the two-stage adjustable-blade axial-flow fan. Physics of Fluids 34 (2022) 095138.
(23) 陈瑞,张德英,高明*,何锁盈,王明勇. 侧风下填料非等片距布置对超大冷却塔性能影响的数值模拟,中国电机工程学报,2022,42(9),3338-3345.
(24) 张政清,王明勇,张德英,陈瑞,何锁盈,高明*. 超大型湿式冷却塔干湿混合雨区正交优化研究,中国电机工程学报. 2022,42(22),8224-8231.
(25) Huimin Feng, Mingyong Wang, Nini Wang, Yidan Xu, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Influence of environmental parameters on the cold-end and thermal system of coal-fired power plant based on Ebsilon simulation. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 32 (2022) 101340.
(26) 陈 瑞,孙更生,孙浩然,何锁盈,高明*.侧风下分区配水对冷却塔性能的影响研究,热力发电,2022,51(3),36-42
(27) Yuhang. Wang, Haotian. Li, Huimin Feng, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Simulation study on the PEMFC oxygen starvation based on the coupling algorithm of model predictive control and PID. Energy Conversion and Management, 249 (2021) 114851.
(28) Yuhang Wang, Haotian Li, Huimin Feng, Kuihua Han, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Simulation study on the PEMFC oxygen starvation based on the coupling algorithm of model predictive control and PID. Energy Conversion and Management 249 (2021) 114851.
(29) Lihui Sun, Chnguo An, Nini Wang, Chuntian Zhe, Lin Wang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Effect of the Rotor Blade Installation Angle on the Structure-borne Noise Generated by Adjustable-blade Axial-flow Fans. Physics of Fluids 33 (2021), 095107.
(30) Zhirui Zheng, Deying Zhang, Lei Jiang, Zhengqing Zhang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation on influence of noise barrier on thermal performance for natural draft wet cooling towers. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 (2021) 101403.
(31) Lihui Sun, Chuntian Zhe, Chang Guo, Shen Cheng, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation regarding flow-induced noise in variable cross-section pipelines based on large eddy simulations and FWH methods. AIP Advances 11(2021) 065118.
(32) Zhengqing Zhang, Deying Zhang, Qiang Han, Feixiang Wu, Ming Gao*, Suoying He. Numerical simulation on the three kinds of water droplet diameter treatments in rain zone of wet cooling towers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 170 (2021) 121054.
(33) Deying Zhang, Rui Chen, Zhengqing Zhang, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Crosswind influence on heat and mass transfer performance for wet cooling tower equipped with an axial fan. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 27 (2021) 101259.
(34) Deying Zhang, Zhengqing Zhang, Qiang Han, Feixiang Wu, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation on synergetic optimization of non-equidistant fillings and non-uniform water distribution for wet cooling towers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 179 (2021) 121676.
(35) Lei Jiang, Qiang Han, Nini Wang, Ming Gao*, Suoying He, Hongjun Guan, Xiaohui Tan. The effects of water droplet diameter distribution in the rain zone on the cooling capacity and water-splashing noise for natural draft wet cooling towers. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 164 (2021) 106875.
(36) Rui Chen, Deying Zhang, Zhengqing Zhang, Qiang Han, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical study regarding cooling capacity for non-equidistant fillings in large-scale wet cooling towers. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101103
(37) Guanpeng Li, Lihui Sun, Zhaoyang Wang, Ming Gao*. Investigation on the Changing Characteristics of Flow-Induced Noise in a Centrifugal Pump. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing. DOI: 10.32604/fdmp.2021.016507.
(38) Lin Wang, Nini Wang, Chunguo An, Suoying He, Ming Gao*. Numerical simulation on near-field aerodynamic noise of an adjustable-blade axial-flow fan, AIP advances, 10 (2020) 095116.
(39) Yang Zhou, Ming Gao*, Suoying He, Yuetao Shi, Fengzhong Sun. Case study: Theoretical calculation model and variable condition analysis research on the water-splashing noise for natural draft wet cooling towers. Noise control engineering Journal. 68(2) (2020) 137-145.
(40) Chang Guo, Ming Gao*, Suoying He. A Review of the Flow-Induced Noise Study for Centrifugal Pumps. Applied sciences 10(3) (2020) 1022.
(41) Chang Guo, Ming Gao*. Investigation on the flow-induced noise propagation mechanism of centrifugal pump based on flow and sound fields synergy concept. Physics of Fluids 32, 035115 (2020).
(42) Chang Guo, Ming Gao*, Acoustic distribution study inside centrifugal pump impeller under different blade outlet angles using the Powell vortex sound theory. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 234(13) (2020) 2595-2609.
(43) Lin Wang, Yaming Ping, Kun Wang, Ming Gao*, Suoying He. Numerical Simulation of Axial Inflow Characteristics and Aerodynamic Noise in a Large-Scale Adjustable-Blade Fan, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 16(3) (2020) 585-600.
(44) Chang Guo, Ming Gao*, Jingying Wang, Yuetao Shi, Suoying He. The effect of blade outlet angle on the acoustic field distribution characteristics of a centrifugal pump based on Powell vortex sound theory. Applied Acoustics 155 (2019) 297-308.
(45) Chang Guo, Jingying Wang, Ming Gao*, A numerical study on the distribution and evolution characteristics of an acoustic field in the time domain of a centrifugal pump based on powell vortex sound theory. Applied Sciences 9 (2019) 1-18.
(46) Zhengqing Zhang, Ming Gao*, Zhigang Dang, Fengzhong Sun. -An exploratory research on performance improvement of super-large natural draft wet cooling tower based on the reconstructed dry-wet hybrid rain zone. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2019) 118465.
(47) Yidan Xu, Zhengqing Zhang, Yuetao Shi, Ming Gao*. The effect of engineering improvement on the cooling capacity in three zones of wet cooling towers. Heat transfer research 51(15) (2020) 1429-1444.
(48) Zhengqing Zhang, Mingyong Wang, Yang Liu, Ming Gao*, Suoying He, Yuetao Shi. An exploratory research on performance improvement of super-large natural draft wet cooling tower base d on the reconstructed dry-wet hybrid rain zone, part 2 Crosswind effects, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 160 (2020) 120225.
(49) Yang Zhou, Ming Gao*, Guoqing Long, Zhengqing Zhang, Zhigang Dang, Suoying He, Fengzhong Sun,Experimental study regarding the effects of forced ventilation on the thermal performance for super-large natural draft wet cooling towers. Applied Thermal Engineering 155 (2019) 40-48.
(50) Zhengqing Zhang, Ming Gao*, Mingyong Wang, Hongjun Guan, Zhigang Dang, Suoying He, Fengzhong Sun, Field test study on thermal and ventilation performance for natural draft wet cooling tower after structural improvement. Applied Thermal Engineering 155 (2019) 305-312.
(51) Zhigang Dang, Zhengqing Zhang, Ming Gao*, Suoying He, Numerical simulation of thermal performance for super large-scale wet cooling tower equipped with an axial fan. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2019) 220-234.
(52) Zhigang Dang, Ming Gao*, Guoqing Long. Crosswind influence on cooling capacity in different zones for high level water collecting wet cooling towers based on field test. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 190 (2019) 134-142.
(53) Zitian Wu, Yuetao Shi, Kunqing Song, Ming Gao*. Numerical Simulation on Heat Transfer Performance Enhancement of Cooling Water Jacket used in Carbon Industry. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 26(3) (2019) 235-255.
(54) 王妮妮,张政清,邹健,高明*,何锁盈. 雨区干湿混合模式对超大型湿式冷却塔传热传质性能影响的数值模拟,中国电机工程学报,2020,40(15),4927-4934.
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(6) 一种利用太阳能的燃料电池冷启动和保温系统及方法,ZL202210147892.2
(7) 一种内管可移动的新型管壳式相变储热装置及工作方法,ZL202210657527.6
(8) 花瓣状填料布置的干湿混合大型冷却塔、冷却系統及方法,ZL201611233243.5
(9) 一种湿式布袋深度除尘系统,ZL201310587654.4
(14) 一种湿式冷却塔的热力性能在线监测系统及其方法, ZL201710822986.4
(20) 一种带有分隔墙的双层湿式冷却塔,ZL201510149709.2
(23) 一种雨区采用干湿混合冷却模式的超大型湿式冷却塔,ZL201910015932.6
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2014.1 -- 2015.1
2001.9 -- 2004.7
1997.9 -- 2001.7
2004.7 -- 2007.12
2014.01 -- 2015.01
2008.10 -- 2011.01