Paper Publications
[21] Shuhua Gao , Xiaoling Wu , Cheng Xiang and Dongyan Huang. Development of a computationally efficient voice conversion system on mobile phones. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 2019.
[22] Shuhua Gao , Cheng Xiang , Kairong Qin and Changkai Sun. Mathematical Modeling Reveals the Role of Hypoxia in the Promotion of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell.... Stem Cells International, 2018.
[23] Shuhua Gao , Cheng Xiang , Changkai Sun , Kairong Qin and Tong Heng Lee. Efficient Boolean Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks via Random Forest Based Feature Selection .... 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 2018.
[24] Yue Yang , Cheng Xiang , Shuhua Gao and Tong Heng Lee. Data-driven identification and control of nonlinear systems using multiple NARMA-L2 models. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017.