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- [101] 郭卫华 , 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 徐飞. 济南市校园6个绿化树种光合荧光特征比较初探. 山东大学学报(理学版, 42, 86, 2007.
- [102] 郭卫华 , 杜宁 and 许振伟. 不同生态型芦苇种群对盐胁迫的生长和光合特性. 《生态学报(中国科学院)》, 39, 2019.
- [103] 王仁卿 , 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 郭霄. Higher phenotypic plasticity does not confer higher salt resistance to Robinia pseudoacacia than Amorpha fruticosa.. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40, 2018.
- [104] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Sensitivity of leaf physiognomy to climate: applications to habitat-scaled and species-based climate proxy. Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki, 2013.
- [105] 郭卫华. Effects of soil moisture and light intensity on ecophysiological characteristics of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings. Journal of Forestry Research, 2013.
- [106] 郭卫华 and 郭霄. Effects of nitrogen addition on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Acer truncatum seedlings. Dendrobiology, 2014.
- [107] 王仁卿 , 郭卫华 and 郭霄. Acer truncatum seedlings are more plastic than Quercus variabilis seedlings in response to different light regimes. Dendrobiology, 76, 35, 2016.
- [108] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 黄河三角洲湿地草甸群落物种多样性与生产力的关系. 第九届生物多样性保护与持续利用研讨会论文集——中国生物多样性保护与研究进展IX, 241, 2011.
- [109] 王骁 , 王仁卿 and 郭卫华. Increased nitrogen supply promoted the growth of non-Nfixing woody legume species but not the growth of N-fixing Robinia pseudoacacia. scientific reports, 8, 2018.
- [110] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 刘乐乐. 植物群体表观遗传学研究进展. 生态学杂志(中国科学院), 36, 2615, 2017.
- [111] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 昆嵛山典型林下灌草层植物种间关系研究. 山东大学学报(理学版, 42, 71, 2007.
- [112] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 昆嵛山典型植物群落生态学特性. 生态学杂志(中国科学院), 26, 151, 2007.
- [113] 郭卫华 , 王仁卿 , 杜宁 and 徐飞. Leaf movement and photosynthetic plasticity of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) alleviate stress under different light and water conditions.. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 31, 553, 2009.
- [114] 郭卫华 , 杜宁 , 刘建 , 王仁卿 and 袁义福. Competitive interaction between the exotic plant Rhus typhina L. and the native tree Quercus acutissima Carr. in Northern China under different soil N:P ratios.. Plant and soil, 372, 389, 2013.
- [115] 郭卫华 , 刘建 , 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 徐楠楠. Increased nitrogen deposition alleviated the adverse effects of drought stress on Quercus variabilis and Quercus mongolica seedlings.. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37, 2015.
- [116] 杜宁 , 刘建 , 郭卫华 , 王仁卿 and 张文馨. Altitudinal patterns illustrate the invasion mechanisms of alien plants in temperate mountain forests of northern China.. Forest Ecology and Management, 2015.
- [117] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 刘乐乐. Genetic and epigenetic changes during the invasion of a cosmopolitan species (Phragmites australis).. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 6615, 2018.
- [118] 杜宁 , 张文馨 , 王仁卿 , 刘建 and 郭卫华. Dominance of an Alien Shrub Rhus typhina over a Native Shrub Vitex negundo var. heterophylla under Variable Water Supply Patterns.. PLOS ONE, 2017.
- [119] 王仁卿 , 杜宁 , 郭卫华 and 王炜. Effects of salt and water stress on plant biomass and photosynthetic characteristics of Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) seedlings.. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011.
- [120] 郭卫华 , 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 郭霄. Morphological and biomass characteristic acclimation of trident maple (Acer buergerianum Miq.) in response to light and water stress.. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2012.