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- [141] 郭卫华 , 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 谭向峰. 黄河三角洲滨海草甸与土壤因子的关系. 《生态学报(中国科学院)》, 32, 5998, 2012.
- [142] 于晓娜 and 郭卫华. Effects of rainfall and vegetation to soil water input and output processes in the Mu Us Sandy Land, northwest China. Catena, 161, 96, 2018.
- [143] 于晓娜 and 郭卫华. Effects of vegetation types on soil water dynamics during vegetation restoration in the Mu Us Sandy Land, northwestern China. Journal of Arid Land, 9, 188, 2017.
- [144] 时永香 and 郭卫华. “细胞:一个和谐的社会”混合式MOOC建设. 高校生命科学课程教学系列报告会论文集(2015), 1, 2015.
- [145] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Effects of water stress on water use efficiency and water balance components of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia. Agroforestry Systems, 80, 423, 2010.
- [146] 王仁卿 and 郭卫华. Morphological and physiological responses of Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. to drought stress. . Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 32, 839, 2010.
- [147] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Soil microbial community response to land use and various soil elements in a city landscape of North China. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 16554, 2011.
- [148] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 水分胁迫对沙棘和中间锦鸡儿蒸腾作用影响的比较研究. 《生态学报》, 27, 4132, 2007.
- [149] 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 郭卫华. 荆条叶性状对野外不同光环境的表型可塑性研究. 《生态学报》, 31, 6049, 2011.
- [150] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Leaf morphology correlates with water and light availability: what consequences for simple and compound leaves?. Progress in Natural Science, 19, 1789, 2009.
- [151] 王仁卿 and 郭卫华. Soil microbial community diversity and its relationships with geochemical elements under different farmlands in Shouguang, China . COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANAL, 42, 1008, 2011.
- [152] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Shifts in microbial community function and structure along the successional. European Journal of Soil Biology, 49, 12, 2012.
- [153] 杜宁 , 郭卫华 , 王仁卿 and 刘建. Morphological response of V. negundo var. heterophylla and Z. jujuba var. spinosa to the combined impact of drought and shade.. Agroforstry Systems, 87, 403, 2013.
- [154] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. Architectural plasticity and growth responses of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia seedlings. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 385, 2007.
- [155] 杜宁 , 王玉涛 , 王仁卿 , 郭卫华 , 张淑萍 , 刘建 and 王玉志. 走向国际化的生态学——山东大学生态学的过去、现在和将来.. 《山东大学学报》(理学版), 46, 1, 2011.
- [156] 郭卫华 , 王仁卿 and 杜宁. 黄河三角洲湿地草甸群落物种多样性与生产力的关系. 第九届生物多样性保护与持续利用研讨会论文集——中国生物多样性保护与研究进展IX, 241, 2011.
- [157] 杜宁 , 王仁卿 and 郭卫华. Scaling relationships of leaf traits do not change among months in a temperate shrub species. Polish Journal of Ecology, 61, 23, 2013.
- [158] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 济南市校园6 个绿化树种光合荧光特征比较初探. 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 42, 86, 2007.
- [159] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 刺槐幼苗形态、生物量分配和光合特性对水分胁迫的响应. 北京林业大学学报, 32, 24, 2010.
- [160] 郭卫华 and 王仁卿. 昆嵛山典型植物群落生态学特性 . 《生态学杂志》, 26, 151, 2007.