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Title : Stable Ti3+ in B-TiO2/BN Based Hybrids for Efficient Photocatalytic Reduction
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Title of Paper:Stable Ti3+ in B-TiO2/BN Based Hybrids for Efficient Photocatalytic Reduction
Journal:Chemical Engineering Journal Advances
Place of Publication:Elsevier
Key Words:Photocatalysis, Ti3+ doped, BN, heterojunction, H2 production
Abstract:Herein, we explored a new 2D heterostructure by hybridizing BN and TiB2, especially the photocatalytic activity of composite materials. Based on the key strategy of developing BN hybrid photocatalysts to change the valence band structure, we studied the influences of TiB2 addition on the bandgap width and photocatalytic performance of Ti3+-B codoped TiO2/BN. The Ti3+ that exists in TiBO3 enables excellent photocatalytic performances in hydrogen production and nitrogen fixation compared with pure BN. We also carried out first-principle calculations using the VASP program to explain the excellent photocatalytic hydrogen production performances. Finally, the photocatalytic mechanism of the TiO2/BN hybrid photocatalysts was proposed.
All the Authors:Meng Dai,Jian Guo
First Author:Shijie Zhang
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Guangzhao Wang,Shuguang Wang,Zuoli He
Document Type:J
Page Number:100333
Number of Words:8000
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2022-05-01
Included Journals:SCI
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