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Title : TiO2-based photocatalytic coatings on glass substrates for en-vironmental applications
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Title of Paper:TiO2-based photocatalytic coatings on glass substrates for en-vironmental applications
Key Words:TiO2; coatings; glass substrates; deposition; photocatalysis
Abstract:To address environmental pollution and energy shortage issues, titanium dioxide (TiO2) based photocatalysts, as an efficient pollution removal and fuel production technology, has been widely used in the field of photocatalysis. In practical application, TiO2-based photocatalyst is usually prepared on various substrates to realize the separation of catalyst from water and im-prove photocatalytic stability. Herein, the research progress of TiO2-based heterogeneous pho-tocatalytic coatings deposited on glass substrates by various deposition techniques is reviewed. Such TiO2-based composite coatings obtained by different techniques showed excellent self-cleaning, pollution removal, air purification, and antibiosis performances. The various dep-osition techniques for the TiO2 coatings preparation, such as wet chemical deposition (WCD), electrodeposition, physical vapor deposition (PVD), and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were discussed together with photocatalytic applications by highlighting typical literature. Finally, the challenges and prospects of developing TiO2-based heterogeneous coatings are put forward.
All the Authors:Ziye Zheng,Yuxiao Feng
First Author:Shuang Tian
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Zuoli He
First-Level Discipline:Environmental Science and Engineering
Document Type:J
Page Number:1472
Number of Words:9000
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-08-01
Included Journals:SCI
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