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Single Platinum Atoms Immobilized on Monolayer Tungsten Trioxide Nanosheets as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Affiliation of Author(s):化学与化工学院
Journal:Advanced functional materials
First Author:王德良
Document Code:3965A3A1BC5D416EAF055F3168A1C0F0
Number of Words:5000
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-06-02
Pre One:Spontaneous vesicle formation and vesicle-to-alpha-gel transition in aqueous mixtures of sodium monododecylphosphate and guanidinium salts
Next One:Vesicle formation of single-chain amphiphilic 4-dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid in water and micelle-to-vesicle transition induced by wet-dry cycles