Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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亓文帅. Surfactant-free microemulsions of n-butanol, ethanol, and water. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 390, 2023.
李顺平. Influence of shear rate on thizotropic suspensions. journal of dispersion science and technology, 24, 709-714, 2003.
李顺平. Studies on intrinsic ionization constants of Fe-Al-Mg hydrotalcite-like compounds. Journal of Colloid and interface science, 257, 244-249, 2003.
Li, DX. The isoelectric point and the points of zero charge of Fe-AI-Mg hydrotalcite-like compounds. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 15, 224-227, 2004.
李顺平. Studies on the synthesis and the structure of ferric aluminum magnesium hydrotalcite-like compounds. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 13, 781-782, 2002.
Dai, XN. Studies on the thixotropy of magnesium aluminum hydroxide-Kaolinite suspension. 高 等 学 校 化 学 学 报, 22, 1578-1580, 2001.