

 博士生导师  硕士生导师
教师拼音名称:Huang Jun



山东大学机械工程学院  机械制造及自动化研究所



教授  博士生导师

Email: jun.huang@email.sdu.edu.cn



²   智能响应材料开发与应用

²   软物质增材制造

²   功能表面制备及摩擦润滑机理研究

²   水下粘结材料开发与粘结机理研究








2018.11 – 至今  山东大学机械工程学院  教授

2018.07 – 2018.12  加拿大CanmetENERGY研究科学家

2017.05 – 2018.12  博士后研究员材料与化工学院,阿尔伯塔大学,埃德蒙顿,加拿大, 导师:Hongbo Zeng教授 (加拿大科学院、工程院两院院士,表面与分子间作用力讲席教授第一层次)

2012.09 – 2017.04  博士材料工程,阿尔伯塔大学,埃德蒙顿,加拿大,导师:Hongbo Zeng教授 (加拿大科学院、工程院两院院士,表面与分子间作用力讲席教授第一层次)

2009.09 – 2012.03  科学硕士,材料科学与工程,浙江大学, 杭州,中国,导师朱丽萍教授

2005.09 – 2009.06  工学学士材料科学与工程,浙江大学, 杭州,中国


2024-2027   国家自然科学基金委员会区域联合基金项目

2024-2025   山东省中小企业科技提升工程项目

2021-2023  山东省自然科学基金优秀青年人才基金

2020-2024   山东省重大基础研究项目

2020-2022   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金

2019-2021  山东大学高等医学院开放基金 

2018-2023  山东大学齐鲁青年学者启动基金

2017-2018  加拿大能源与发展研究基金

2014-2016  帝国石油公司与阿尔伯塔IOSI机构联合资助项目

2012-2015  NRCan与加拿大壳牌石油公司赞助项目





2012-2016, 阿尔伯塔创新研究生奖学金

2011-2012, 阿尔伯塔优秀博士生入学奖学金

2015, J Gordin Kaplan 研究生奖学金

2011, 浙江大学第二届微结构大赛特等奖

2012, 浙江大学优秀硕士答辩奖

2009, 浙江省优秀毕业生 

2006-2009, 浙江大学三好学生

2006-2007, 国家奖学金

发表学术期刊论文  (*共同作者,通讯作者)                                       


110.   Z Wang, C Huang, Z Shi, H Liu, X Han, Z Chen, S Li, Z Wang, J Huang, A soft receiving platform for coaxial bioprinting cell-laden microtubes with uniform wall thickness, Appl Mater Today, 2025, 42, 102599.

109.   X Zhang, L Wei, X Qiu, T Wu, Y Zhao, B Hu, T Yang, H Fu, S Chen, J Huang, Probing the adsorption and interaction mechanisms of green bio-lubricants on model surfaces: Using okra mucilage on mica as a model system, Appl Surf Sci2025, 162207.

108.   Z Wang, C Huang, Z Shi, H Liu, X Han, Z Chen, S Li, Z Wang, J Huang, Coaxial bioprinting of a three-layer vascular structure exhibiting blood-brain barrier function for neuroprotective drug screening, Colloids Surf B, 2025, 249, 1114494.

107.   Y Yan, S Xu, X Wang, J Lu, W Zhang, S Xu, P Dong, X Jiang, J Huang#, A photothermal-responsive and glucose-responsive antibacterial hydrogel featuring tunable mechanical properties. Colloids Surf A, 2025, 708, 136029.

106.   C Shen, X Qiu, P Zhang, J Liu, Z Zhang, B Dong, H Liu, C Huang, J Huang#, X Cui#, A supramolecular polydimethysiloxane-based coating with tunable surface topography for photothermal-enhanced sterilization, self-healing and anti/de-icing. Chem Eng J, 2025, 504, 158709.


105. S Li, C Huang, H Liu, Z Wang, X Han, Z Chen, J Huang, Z Wang. Viscoelastic alginate- based hydrogels: regulating neural stem cell behavior through viscosity, 2025, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024; 0:e56549 

104.   L WeiX QiuY MuL ZhangJ ShenS YangX ZhouY GaiS WangJ Huang#A sprayable and rapidly cross-linked hydrogel membrane for fruit preservation, 2024Food Packaging and Shelf LifeDOI:10.1016/j.fpsl.2024.101400.

103.    S Li, C Huang, H Liu, X Han, Z Wang, Z Chen, J Huang, Z Wang, A viscoelastic-stochastic model of cell adhesion considering matrix morphology and medium viscoelasticity, Soft Matt, 2024, 20, 7270-7283.

102.    L Wei, Y Yan, X Qiu, J Shen, Y Zhao, X Zhang, B Hu, T Yang, H Fu, S Chen, J Huang#, Self-polymerized tough and high-entanglement zwitterionic functional hydrogels, Small, 2024, 2405789.

101.    Y Zhao, Y Yan,  S Xu, J Huang, L Wei, Metal−polyphenol−collagen self-assembled bioadhesive with immune regulation for infected wound healing, ACS Appl Polym Mater, 2024, 6, 15, 9343–9352.

100.    J Bi, L Zhang, P Zhang, S Xu, Y Liu, X Zhang, X Qiu, Y Bi, F Yan, H Wei, X Cui, X Pan,#  J Huang, # Y Zhao,#  Nanoarchitectonics of injectable biomimetic conjugates for cartilage protection and therapy based on degenerative osteoarthritis progression, Biomater Res, 2024, DOI: 10.34133/bmr.0075.

99.      L Ji, H Liu, C Huang, Y Tang, J Huang, Y Qiu, Effect of Al and Si content on properties of Ti(1-x-y)AlxSiyN coating materials: first-principles calculation, Mater Today Commun, 2024, DOI:j.mtcomm.2024.109460.

98.      Z Wang, C Huang, Z Shi, H Liu, X Han, Z Chen, S Li, Z Wang, J HuangA taurine-based hydrogel with the neuroprotective effect and the ability to promote neural stem cell proliferation, Biomater Adv, 2024, 161, 213895.

97.      L  Zhang, Y Yan, Y Li, X Shi, L Xia, Q Wen, L Wei, X Qiu , X Zhang, X Cui, J Liu, J Huang#  Network-expandable polydimethylsiloxane for cost-free enhanced droplet yield and smart temperature control in microfluidics,  Chem Eng J, 2024, 151846.

96.      Z Zhang, C Shen, P Zhang, S Xu, L Kong, X Liang, C Li, X Qiu, J Huang,# X Cui,# Fundamental, mechanism and development of hydration lubrication: From bio-inspiration to artificial manufacturing, Adv Colloid Interfac, 2024, 327, 103145.      

95.      Z Gao, L Ma, Z Liu, J Huang, H Liu, C Huang, Y Qiu,# Improved theoretical prediction of nanoparticle sizes with the resistive-pulse technique, Phys Fluids, 2024, 36, 032011.

94.      Y Yan, L Wei, J Shao, X Qiu, X Zhang, X Cui, J Huang,# S Ge,# A near-infrared photothermal-responsive underwater adhesive with tough adhesion and antibacterial properties, Small, 2024, 2310870.

93.      L Gong, F Wu, M Pan, J Huang, H Zhang, J Luo, H Zeng,# Exploring the mechanisms of calcium carbonate deposition on various substrates with implications for effective anti-fouling material selection, Petrol Sci, 2024, 21, 2870-2880..

92.      W Zou,# B Rao, R Xu, T Xiao, W Zhao, Z Zhang, J Huang, Understanding of the flocculating performance in varying salinity solutions of Chi-g-CPAM and CPAM,  Colloids Surf A, 2024, 685, 133276. 

91.      Y Yan, Y Zhao, L Wei, L Zhang, J Cui, X Qiu, J Huang,# Load-dependent behavior and underneath mechanism of hydrogel friction, ACS Appl Polymer Mater, 2024, 6, 1540.


90.      L Wei, Y Li, X Qiu,# X Zhang, X Song, Y Zhao, Q Yu, J Shao, S Ge, J Huang, An underwater stable and durable gelatin composite hydrogel coating for biomedical applications, J Mater Chem B, 2023, 11, 11372 - 11383.

89.      Z Liang, Q Wang, D Chu,# M.  Naqvi, S Qu, J Huang, P Yao, Aluminum-based heterogeneous surface for efficient solar desalination and fog harvesting processed by a picosecond Laser,  ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2023, 15, 39, 46195 46204.

88.      Y Yan, Y Shi, C Liu, J Shao, N Sun, B Ma, Y Li, J Huang,# S Ge,#  Cartilage-inspired inhomogenous salt-hydrogel for hydrated drag-reducing and strain sensing, ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2023, 15, 41, 48632 48644. 

87.      L Zhang, W Li, L Wei, Y Zhao, Y Qiu, H Liu, C Huang, J Huang,# Optimizing the production of hydrogel microspheres using microfluidic chips: the influence of surface treatment on droplet formation mechanism, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 13932 - 13945. 

86.      Z Chen, C Huang,# H Liu, X Han, Z Wang, S Li, J Huang, Z Wang,  3D bioprinting of complex biological structures with tunable elastic modulus and porosity using freeform reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels, Bio-Des Manuf, 2023, 1-13.

85.      Y Zhao, Y Chen, X Song, Y Li, L Zhang, Y Meng, X Zhang, X Qiu, J Huang,#  Starfish-inspired cut-resistant hydrogel with self-growing armor: where softness meets toughness, Adv Funct Mater, 2023, 2304439.

84.      J Huang,# Y Wang, P Liu, J Li, M Song, J Cui, L Wei, Y Yan, Jing Liu,# Kneading-dough-inspired quickly dispersing of hydrophobic particles into aqueous solutions for designing functional hydrogels, Gels, 2023, 9, 242.

83.      Z Wang , C Huang,# H Liu, Z Shi, X Han, S Li , J Huang, Z Wang, Y Yan, Z Chen, Two-step method fabricating a 3D nerve cell model with brain-like mechanical properties and tunable porosity vascular structures via coaxial printing,Colloid Surface B, 2023, 224, 113202.

82.      Y Zhao, G Yi, J Cui, Z Zhao, Y Yan, L Wei, J Shao, H Zeng,# J Huang,# Probing the Intriguing frictional behavior of hydrogels during alternative sliding velocity cyclesFriction, 2023, 11, 2329–2341.

81.      L  Wang, H  Liu,#  C Huang,# Y Yuan, P Yao,  J Huang, Q Han, A methodology to predict thermal crack initiation region of tool for high‑speed milling compacted graphite iron based on three‑dimensional transient thermal stress field model. Int J Adv Manuf Tech, 2023, 125, 2065-2075.

80.      Q Yu, Y Yan, J Huang, Q Liang, J Li, B Wang, B Ma, A Bianco,# S Ge,# J Shao,# A multifunctional chitosan-based hydrogel with self-healing, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory effects as wound dressing, Int J Biol Macromol,  2023, 123149.

79.      X Qiu*, Y Yan*, G Zhang, J Huang, Y Zhao, X Xia, X Cui, X Zhang#, Investigation of the time-dependent friction behavior of polyacrylamide hydrogels, Colloids Surf A, 2023,  659, 130753.


78.      S Li, C Huang#, H Liu, X Han, Z Wang, J Huang, Y Yan, Z Wang, A silk fibroin methacryloyl-modified hydrogel promoting cell adhesion for customized 3D cell-laden structures, ACS Appl Polymer Mater2022, 4, 7014−7024.

77.      M Cao, Y Zhao , Y Hu, C Qiao, C Liu, C Dai, Y Wu#, Q Liu, H Zeng#, J Huang,#  Probing the interaction forces between bitumen-coated mineral surfaces with implications for the removal of fine solids from oil product: effect of solvent, SPE Journal, 2022, DOI: 10.2118/212280-PA.

76.      Y Zhao, J Cui, X Qiu, Y Yan, Z Zhang, K Fang, Y Yang, X Zhang, J Huang,# Manufacturing and post-engineering strategies of hydrogel actuators and sensors: from materials to interfaces, Adv Colloid Interfac, 2022, 308, 102749.

75.      L Wei, J Huang,# Y Yan, J Cui, Y Zhao, F Bai, J Liu, X Wu, X Zhang, M Du, Substrate-independent, mechanically tunable, and scalable gelatin methacryloyl hydrogel coating with drag-reducing and anti-freezing properties, ACS Appl Polymer Mater, 2022, 4, 4876.

74.      L Wang, H Liu,# C Huang,# R Su, J Huang, P Yang, Y Liu, A new WC-based tool material with high comprehensive mechanical properties, Adv Eng Mater, 2022, 2200378.

73.      Z Wang, C Huang,# X Han, S Li, Z Wang, J Huang, H Liu, Z Chen, Fabrication of aerogel scaffolds with adjustable macro/micro-pore structure through 3D printing and sacrificial template method for tissue engineering. Materials & Design, 2022, 217, 110662.

72.      X Han, C Huang,# Z Wang, S Li, Z Chen, J Huang, H Liu, Y Yan, Fabrication of hydrogels with adjustable mechanical properties through 3D cell-laden printing technology,  Colloids Surf A, 2022, 646, 128980.

71.      J Cui, J Huang,# Y Yan, W Chen, J Wen, X Wu, J Liu, H Liu,# C Huang, Ferroferric oxide loaded near-infrared triggered photothermal microneedle patch for controlled drug release,  J Colloid Interf Sci2022, 617, 718–729.

70.      X Qiu, J Huang, N Wang, K Zhao, J Cui, J Hao, Facile synthesis of water-soluble rhodamine-based polymeric chemosensors via Schiff base reaction for Fe3+ detection and living cell imaging, Front Chem, 2022, 10, 845627.

69.      X Cui, Y Yan, J Huang, X Qiu, P Zhang, Y Chen, Z Hu,# X Liang, A substrate-independent isocyanate-modified polydimethylsiloxane coating harvesting mechanical durability, self-healing ability and low surface energy with anti-corrosion/biofouling potential, Appl Surf Sci, 2022, 579,152186.

68.      Y Yan, J Huang,# X Qiu, D Zhuang, H Liu, C Huang, X Wu, X Cui. A strong underwater adhesive that totally cured in water. Chem Eng J, 2022, 133460.


67.      R Xu, W Zou,# T Wang, J Huang, Z Zhang, C Xu, Adsorption and interaction mechanisms of Chi-g-P(AM-DMDAAC) assisted settling of kaolinite in a two-step flocculation process, Sci Total Environ, 2021, 151576.

66.      Kang D, Jing Y, F Xia, J Huang, H Zeng,# M Tirrell, J Israelachvili, K Plaxco#. The nanometer-scale force profiles of short single- and double-stranded DNA molecules on a gold surface measured using a surface forces apparatus. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 13346–13352.

65.      X Qiu, J Huang, H Wang, Y Qi, J Cui, J Hao# Multi-functional rhodamine-based chitosan hydrogels as colorimetric Hg2+ adsorbents and pH-triggered biosensors. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2021, 604, 469–479.

64.      S Wang, H Qian, L Zhang, P Liu, D Zhuang, Q Zhang, F Bai, Z Wang, Y Yan, J Guo,  J Huang,#  X Wu#, Inhibition of Calcineurin/NFAT signaling blocks oncogenic H-Ras induced autophagy in primary human keratinocytes. Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021,9, 720111. 

63.      J Wen, W Chen, B Zhao, Q Xu, C Liu, Q Zhang, Z Xie, Y Yan, J Guo, J Huang,# J Miao,# X Wu,# A carbazole compound, 9-ethyl-9H-carbazole-3-carbaldehyde, plays an antitumor function through reactivation of the p53 pathway in human melanoma cells, Cell Death Dis, 2021, 12, 591.

62.      Y Yan, J Cui, X Qiu,# H Liu, X Liu, P Yao, J Huang,# X Cui,# X Liang, C Huang, Towards large-scale fabrication of self-healable functional hydrogel coatings for anti-fog/frost surfaces and flexible sensors, Adv Mater Technol, 2021, 6, 2001267.

61.      S Xu, Y Yan, Y Zhao, X Qiu, D Zhuang, H Liu, X Cui, J Huang,# X Wu,# C Huang,  Spinnable adhesive functional-hydrogel fibers for sensing and perception applications, J Mater Chem C, 2021, 9, 5554-5564.

60.      Y Yan, L Wei, X Qiu,# J Shao, H Liu, X Cui, J Huang,# L Xie, Z Hu, C Huang, A dual-responsive, freezing-tolerant hydrogel sensor and related thermal- and strain-sensitive mechanisms, ACS Appl Polymer Mater, 2021, 3, 1479–1487.

59.      B Wu, X Cui,# H Jian, N Wu,# C Peng, Z Hu, X Liang, Y Yan, J Huang, D Li, A superhydrophobic coating harvesting mechanical robustness, passive anti-icing and active de-icing performances, J Colloid Interf Sci2021, 590, 301-310.

58.      L Xie, X Cui, J Liu, Q Lu, J Huang, X Mao, D Yang, J Tan, H Zhang, and H Zeng,# Nanomechanical insights on versatile polydopamine wet adhesive interacting with liquid-infused and solid slippery surfaces, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021, 13, 6941–6950.

57.      L Gong, J Wang, L Xiang, J Huang, V Fattahpour, M Roostaei, M Mamoudi, B Fermaniuk, J Luo, H Zeng,# Characterizing foulants on slotted liner and probing the surface interaction mechanisms in organic media with implication for an antifouling strategy in oil production,Fuel, 2021,290,120008.

56.      Y Yan,  J Huang, #  X Qiu, X Cui, S Xu, X Wu, P Yao, C Huang, An ultra-stretchable glycerol-ionic hybrid hydrogel with reversible gelid adhesion, J Colloid Interf Sci, 2021, 582,187-200.


55.      Q Han#, Y Gu, J Huang, L Wang, KWQ Low, Q Feng, Y Yin, R Setchi, Selective laser melting of Hastelloy X nanocomposite: Effects of TiC reinforcement on crack elimination and strength improvement, Compos B Eng, 2020, 202, 108442.

54.      Y Zhao,* Y Yan,* X Cui, X Wu, H Wang, J Huang,# X Qiu,# A conductive, self-healing hybrid hydrogel with excellent water-retention and thermal stability by introducing ethylene glycol as a crystallization inhibitor, Colloids Surf A, 2020, 607, 125443.

53.      X Cui, J Liu,  L Xie,   J Huang,   H Zeng,# Interfacial ion specificity modulates hydrophobic interaction, J Colloid Interf Sci, 2020,578,135.

52.      Y Yan, S Xu, H Liu, X Cui, J Shao, P Yao, J Huang,# X Qiu,# C Huang, A multi-functional reversible hydrogel adhesive, Colloids Surf A, 2020, 593, 124622.

51.      W  Zou, Z Fang, J Huang,# Zhijun Zhang,# Effect of salinity on adsorption of sodium hexametaphosphate and hydrophobically-modified polyacrylamide flocculant on kaolinite Al-OH surface, Colloids Surf A, 2020, 585, 124055. 



50.      J Liu, X Cui,  L Xie,   J Huang,   L Zhang, J Liu,  X Wang,  J Wang, H Zeng#, Probing effects of molecular-level heterogeneity of surface hydrophobicity on hydrophobic interactions in air/water/solid systems, J Colloid Interf Sci, 2019,  557, 438–449.

49.      J Huang,Y Yan, Lei X, H Liu, C Huang, Q Lu, X Qiu,# H Zeng,# Probing the self-assembly and nonlinear friction behavior of confined gold nano-particles, Langmuir, 2019, 35, 15701-15709.

48.      W Zou, L Gong, J Huang, Z Zhang, C Sun, H Zeng,# Adsorption of hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide P(AM-NaAA-C16DMAAC) on model coal and clay surfaces and the effect on selective flocculation of fine coal, Miner Eng, 2019, 142, 105887.

47.      W Zou, L Gong, J Huang, M Pan, Z Lu, C Sun, H Zeng#, Probing the adsorption and interaction mechanisms of hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide P (AM-NaAA-C16DMAAC) on model coal surface: Impact of salinity. Miner Eng, 2019, 105841.

46.      J Huang, S Stoyanov#, H Zeng#, A comparison study on adsorption and interaction behaviors of diluted bitumen and conventional crude oil on model mineral surface, Fuel, 2019, 253, 383-391.

45.      J Huang,* X Qiu,* L Xie, G Jay, T Schmidt, H Zeng#, Probing the molecular interactions and lubrication mechanisms of purified full-length recombinant human Proteoglycan 4 (rhPRG4) and hyaluronic acid (HA) on mica surfaces, Biomacromolecules, 2019, 20, 1056-1067.

44.      J Liu, X Cui, J Huang, L Xie, X Tan, Q Liu, H Zeng#, Understanding the stabilization mechanism of bitumen-coated fine solids in organic media from non-aqueous extraction of oil sands, Fuel, 2019, 242, 254-264.

43.     B Yan, L Han, H Xiao, J Zhang,J Huang, W Hu, Y Gu, Q Liu, H Zeng# Rapid dewatering and consolidation of concentrated colloidal suspensions-mature fine tailings via self-healing composite hydrogel, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2019, 11, 21610−21618.



42.      J Huang,*X Qiu,* B Yan, L Xie, J Yang, H Xu, Y Deng, L Chen, X Wang, H Zeng#, Robust polymer nanofilms with bioengineering and environmental applications via facile and highly efficient covalent layer-by-layer assembly, J Mater Chem B, 2018, 6, 22, 3742-3750

41.      OMaan, * J Huang, * H Zeng#, Q Lu#, Probing molecular interactions between humic acid and surface-grafted polyacrylamide using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation and atomic force microscopy: implications for environmental remediation, Environ Chem, 2018, 15, 336.

40.      X Sun, J Huang, H Zeng, J Wu#. Protein-resistant property of egg white ovomucin under different pHs and ionic strengths, J Agric Food Chem, 2018, 66, 11034.

39.      X Cui, J Liu, L Xie, J Huang, Q Liu, JN Israelachvili, H Zeng#, Modulation of hydrophobic interaction by mediating surface nanoscale structure and Chemistry, not monotonically by hydrophobicity, Angew Chem Int Ed 2018, 57, 11903.

38.      L Han, B Yan, L Zhang, M Wu, J Wang, J Huang, Y Deng, H Zeng#. Tuning protein adsorption on charged polyelectrolyte brushes via salinity adjustment, Colloids Surf A, 2018, 539, 37-45

37.     W Hu, P Zhang, X Liu, B Yan, L Xiang, J Zhang, L Gong, J Huang, K Cui, L Zhu, H Zeng#.An amphiphobic graphene-based hydrogel as oil-water separator and oil fence material, Chem Eng J, 2018, 353, 708.

36.     G Zhang, Y Yang, Y Chen, J Huang, T Zhang, H Zeng, C Wang, G Liu,Y Deng#, A quadruple‐hydrogen‐bonded supramolecular binder for high‐performance silicon anodes in Lithium‐ion batteries, Small, 2018, 1801189.

35.     L Gong, X Qiu, L Zhang, J Huang, W Hu, L Xiang, D Zhu, R Sabbagh, M Mahmoudi, V Fattahpour, J Luo, H Zeng# Probing the interaction mechanism between oil-in-water emulsions and electroless Nickel–Phosphorus coating with implications for antifouling in oil production, Energy&Fuels, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b03132.

34.     H Fan, T Zheng, H Chen, J Huang, Z Wei, W Kang, C Dai, H Zeng#. Viscoelastic surfactants with high salt tolerance, fast‐dissolving property, and ultralow interfacial tension for chemical flooding in offshore oilfields, J Surfactants Deterg, 2018, 4, 475.

33.     X Qiu, M Pan, L Gong, J Huang, M Mahmoudi, R Sabbagh, V Fattahpour, C Sutton, J Luo, H Zeng#, Material selection for thermal inflow control device manufacturing to minimize the silica and calcium carbonate scaling potential, SPE Thermal Well Integrity and Design Symposium, 2018, DOI: 10.2118/193370-MS

32.     L Xie, J Wang, J Huang, X Cui, X Wang, QI Liu, H Zhang, Q Liu, H Zeng# Anisotropic polymer adsorption on molybdenite basal and edge surfaces and interaction mechanism with air bubbles, Front Chem, 2018 6, 361



31.     J Huang, X Liu, X Qiu, L Xie, B Yan, X Wang, Q Huang, H Zeng#, Octadecyltrichlorosilane deposition on mica surfaces: insights into the interface interaction mechanism, J Phys Chem B, 2017, 121, 3151.

30.     B Yan,* J Huang,* L Han, L Gong, L Li, JN Israelachvili, H Zeng#, Duplicating dynamic strain-stiffening behavior and nanomechanics of biological tissues in a synthetic self-healing flexible network hydrogel, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 11074.

29.     S Kim,* HY Yoo,* J Huang,* Y Lee, S Park, Y. Park, S Jin, Y Jung, H. Zeng#, D. Hwang#, Y. Jho#, Salt Triggers the Simple Coacervation of an Underwater Adhesive When Cations Meet Aromatic π Electrons in Seawater, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 6764.

28.     Q Lu, J Huang, O Maan, Y Liu, H Zeng#. Probing molecular interaction mechanisms of organic fouling on polyamide membrane using a surface forces apparatus: Implication for Wastewater Treatment, ‎Sci Total Environ, 2017, 622, 644.

27.     J Liu, J Wang, J Huang, X Cui, X Tan, Q Liu, H Zeng#, Heterogeneous distribution of adsorbed bitumen on fine solids from solvent-based extraction of oil sands probed by AFM, Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 8833.

26.     L Xie, C Shi, X Cui, J Huang, J Wang, Q Liu, H Zeng#, Probing the interaction mechanism between air bubbles and bitumen surfaces in aqueous media using bubble probe AFM, Langmuir, 2017, 34, 729.

25.     L Xie, J Wang, C Shi, X Cui, J Huang, H Zhang, Q Liu, Q Liu, H Zeng#, Mapping the nanoscale heterogeneity of surface hydrophobicity on the Sphalerite mineral, J Phys Chem C, 2017, 121, 5620.



24.     S Kim,* J Huang, Y Lee, S Dutta, HY Yoo, YM Jung, YS Jho#, H Zeng#DS Hwang# Complexation and coacervation of like-charged polyelectrolytes inspired by mussels, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2016, 113, E847.

23.     C Lim,* J Huang, S Kim, H Lee, H Zeng#, DS Hwang#, Nanomechanics of poly (catecholamine) coatings in aqueous solutions, Angew Chem Int Ed , 2016, 55, 3342.

22.     HY Yoo,* J Huang,*  L Li, M Foo, H Zeng#, DS Hwang#, Nanomechanical contribution of collagen and von Willebrand factor A in marine underwater adhesion and its implication for collagen manipulation, Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17, 946.

21.     H Zeng#J Huang, Y Tian, L Li, M Tirrell, J Israelachvili, Adhesion and detachment mechanisms between polymer and solid substrate surfaces: using polystyrene–mica as a model system, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 5223.

20.     HY Yoo, M Iordachescu, J Huang, E Hennebert, S Kim, S Rho, M Foo, P Flammang, H Zeng, D Hwang, JH Waite, DS Hwang#, Sugary interfaces mitigate contact damage where stiff meets soft, Nat Commun, 2016, 7, 11923.

19.     H Zeng#, C Shi, J Huang, L Li, G Liu, H Zhong, Recent experimental advances on hydrophobic interactions at solid/water and fluid/water interfaces Biointerphases, 2016, 11, 018903.

18.     Q Lu, B Yan, L Xie, J Huang, Y Liu, H Zeng#, A two-step flocculation process on oil sands tailings treatment using oppositely charged polymer flocculants, Sci Total Environ, 2016, 565, 369.

17.     L Xie, J Wang, C Shi, J Huang, H Zhang, Q Liu, Q Liu, H Zeng#, Probing surface interactions of electrochemically active Galena mineral surface using atomic force microscopy, J Phys Chem C  2016, 120, 22433.

16.     L Zhang, L Xie, C Shi, J Huang, Q Liu, H Zeng#,  Mechanistic understanding of asphaltene surface interactions in aqueous media, Energy & Fuels,2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b02092



15.     AMA Moustafa,* J Huang,* KN McPhedran, H Zeng#, M Gamal El-Din#, Probing the Adsorption of Weak Acids on Graphite Using Amplitude Modulation–Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy,  Langmuir 201531, 3069.

14.     W Zheng, S Hussein, JW Yang, J Huang, F Zhang, S Hernandez-Anzaldo, A Novel PKD2L1 C-terminal Domain Critical for Trimerization and Channel Function, Sci Rep, 2015, 5, 9460.

13.     L Xie, C Shi, J Wang, J Huang, Q Lu, Q Liu, H Zeng, Probing the Interaction between Air Bubble and Sphalerite Mineral Surface Using Atomic Force Microscope, Langmuir, 2015 31, 2438.

12.     J Zhang, MS Azam, C Shi, J Huang, B Yan, Q Liu, Poly (acrylic acid) Functionalized Magnetic Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Removal of Methylene Blue, RSC Adv, 2015 5, 32272. 35.      

11.     J Yang, J Huang, H Zeng, L Chen, Surface Pressure Affects B-hordein Network Formation at the Air–Water Interface in Relation to Gastric Digestibility, Colloids Surf B, 2015. 135, 784.



10.    J Huang, B Yan, A Faghihnejad, H Xu, H Zeng#, Understanding Nanorheology and Surface Forces of Confined Thin Films, Korea-Aust Rheol J, 2014, 26, 3.

9.      B Yang, N Ayyadurai, H Yun, YS Choi, BH Hwang, J Huang, Q Lu, H Zeng, H Cha#, In Vivo ResidueSpecific DopaIncorporated Engineered Mussel Bioglue with Enhanced Adhesion and Water Resistance, Angew Chem Int Ed , 2014, 53,  3360.

8.      W Wan, J Huang, L Zhu#, L Hu, Z Wen, L Sun, Z Ye, Defects Induced Ferromagnetism in ZnO Nanowire Arrays Doped with Copper, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 7887.

7.      L Hu, J Huang, H He, L Zhu#, S Liu, Y Jin, L Sun, Z Ye, Dual-donor (Zn i and VO) Mediated Ferromagnetism in Copper-doped ZnO Micron-scalePpolycrystalline Films: a Thermally Driven Defect Modulation Process,Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 3918.

6.     J Huang, L Zhu#, L Hu, S Liu, J Zhang, H Zhang, X Yang, L Sun, D Li, Z Ye, “Island Nucleation, Optical and Ferromagnetic Properties of Vertically Aligned Secondary Growth ZnO: Cu Nanorod Arrays, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1627.

5.     J Huang, L Hu, H Zhang, J Zhang, X Yang, D Li, L Zhu#, Z Ye, A Facile Method for the Synthesis of Tapered ZnO: Cu Nanorod Arrays and Its Secondary Growt”, J Cryst Growth. 2012, 351, 93.

4.     WM Mei, J Huang, LP Zhu#, Z Ye, Y Mai, J Tu, Synthesis of Porous Rhombus-shaped Co3O4 Nanorod Arrays Grown Directly on a Nickel Substrate with High Electrochemical Performance, J Mater Chem, 2012, 22, 9315.

3.     HH Zhang, JG. Lu, XP Yang, Z Ye#, J Huang, B Lu, L Hu, Y Li, Y. Z. Zhang,D. H. Li, Inclined and Ordered ZnO Nanowire Arrays Developed on Non-polar ZnO Seed-Layer Films, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 4501.

2.     X Yang, J Lu, H Zhang, Y Chen, B. Kan, J Zhang, J Huang, B Lu, Y Zhang, Z Ye#, Preparation and XRD Analyses of Na-doped ZnO Nanorod Arrays Based on Experiment and Theory, Chem Phys Lett, 2012, 528, 16.

1.     J Zhang, X Li, J Lu, Z Ye#, L Gong, P Wu, J Huang, Y Zhang, L Chen, and B Zhao. Performance and Stability of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with a Designed Device Structure, J Appl Phys, 2011, 110, 084509. 


1.     Ali Faghihnejad, Jun Huang, Hongbo Zeng. 生物结合物的性能与表征John Wiley & Sons, 317-329, 2014. (ISBN: 978-1-118-35914-3)

2.     Hongbo Zeng, Qingye Lu, Bin Yan, Jun Huang, Lin Li, Zhi Liao. 生物模拟与生物粘附:从自然到应用, Pan Stanford Publishing, 45-80, 2014. (ISBN 978-981-4463-98-0)


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[1] 2012.9-2017.4
阿尔伯塔大学 | 材料工程 | 工学博士学位
[2] 2009.9-2012.3
浙江大学 | 材料科学与工程 | 工学硕士学位
[3] 2005.9-2009.6
浙江大学 | 材料科学与工程 | 学士



