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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
办公地点:山东大学(青岛)K3楼 海洋研究院
- [41] 贾超. Updated Bayesian detection of foundation parameter with Jeeves pattern search theory. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, 2018.
- [42] 贾超. 水生态文明建设内涵及发展阶段研究. 中国水利, 2018.
- [43] 贾超. Updated Bayes identification of displacement constants of curve indeterminate box girder with variable scale theory. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018.
- [44] 贾超. Mechanics experiment of the interaction 3D cracks of rock simulation materials under uniaxial load. International jounal of simulation:systems,science and technology, 17, 31.1, 2016.
- [45] 贾超 and 李勇. Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability Analysis on an Underground Cavern in a Hydropower Station Based on the Extended Key Block Theory. Energies, 10, 2017.
- [46] 贾超 and Zhang, Jian. Updating Bayesian detection of mechanical constants of thin-walled box girders based on Powell theory. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9, 2017.
- [47] 贾超. Susceptibility area regionalization of land subsidence based on extenics theory. CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 20, 53, 2017.
- [48] 贾超. 地震荷载作用下的地下洞室渗流场动态响应分析. 《水力发电》, 2015.
- [49] 贾超 and 狄胜同. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Characteristics of Single Fracture Stress-Seepage Coupling considering Microroughness. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 0, 2017.
- [50] 贾超. 泰山抽水蓄能电站上水库渗漏及防治措施分析研究. 《水力发电》, 43, 53, 2017.
- [51] 贾超. IC厌氧反应器新型布水系统. 《环境工程学报》, 11, 1329, 2017.
- [52] 贾超 and 李亚非. 鹁鸽楼水库放水洞结构安全分析. 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》, 35, 92, 2008.
- [53] 刘健 and 贾超. 盐岩地下储库运行期失效概率分析. 重庆大学学报, 2011.
- [54] 张强勇 and 贾超. 盐岩油气储库介质地质力学模型相似材料的研制. 《岩土力学》, 30, 3581, 2009.
- [55] 贾超 and 左文君. 基于DEM 的城市数字河网提取. 水电能源科学, 28, 26, 2010.
- [56] 贾超 and 李勇. Progressive Failure Research on Foundation Surface of Concrete Gravity Dam. Advanced Materials research, 163-167, 1038, 2012.
- [57] 贾超. 数值分析在防渗帷幕时效性分析中的应用. 水科学与工程技术, 2016.
- [58] 贾超. 盐岩储气库运营期时变可靠度计算及风险分析. 《岩土力学》, 32, 1479, 2011.
- [59] 贾超. 节理网络模拟的程序实现及其在地下洞室中的动态响应分析. 《岩土力学》, 32, 2867, 2011.
- [60] 徐帮树 and 贾超. 城市防汛预警决策支持系统研究及应用. 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 41, 167, 2011.