Mingyan Jiang
The Last Update Time:2018.7.3
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Paper Publications
- [97] Mingyan Jiang. Comprehensive depth estimation algorithm for efficient stereoscopic content creation in three-dimensional Video systems. Optical Engineering, 2015.
- [98] Mingyan Jiang. Archimedean copula estimation of distribution algorithm based artificial bee colony algorithm. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, 2015.
- [99] Mingyan Jiang. Automatic Inference of Gene Regulatory Network Using Dynamic Model based on Law of Mass Action. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2015.
- [100] Mingyan Jiang. Ensemble of flexible neural tree and ordinary differential equations for small-time scale network traffic prediction. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, 8, 3039, 2013.
- [101] Mingyan Jiang. Complex-valued function approximation using an improved BP learning algorithm for wavelet neural networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems,, 10, 7985, 2014.
- [102] Mingyan Jiang. A modified complex-valued BP neural network. Journal of Computational Information Systems,, 10, 6471, 2014.
- [103] Mingyan Jiang. The new complex-valued wavelet neural network. TELKOMNIKA, 2014.
- [104] Mingyan Jiang. Predicting protein-protein interactions from protein sequences using probabilistic neural network and feature combination. 《Journal of Information and Computational Science》, 11, 2397, 2014.
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